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Entanglement generation by Fock-state filtration

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 نشر من قبل Andrew G. White
 تاريخ النشر 2006
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We demonstrate a Fock-state filter which is capable of preferentially blocking single photons over photon pairs. The large conditional nonlinearities are based on higher-order quantum interference, using linear optics, an ancilla photon, and measurement. We demonstrate that the filter acts coherently by using it to convert unentangled photon pairs to a path-entangled state. We quantify the degree of entanglement by transforming the path information to polarisation information, applying quantum state tomography we measure a tangle of T=(20+/-9)%.

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اقرأ أيضاً

A scheme for the enhanced generation of higher photon-number states is realized, using an optical time-multiplexing setting that exploits a parametric down-conversion source for an iterative state generation. We use a quantum feedback mechanism for a lready generated photons to induce self-seeding of the consecutive nonlinear process, enabling us to coherently add photons to the light that propagates in the feedback loop. The addition can be carried out for any chosen number of round trips, resulting in a successive buildup of multiphoton states. Our system is only limited by loop losses. The looped design is rendered possible by a carefully engineered waveguide source that is compatible with and preserves the shape of the propagating mode. We compare the fidelities and success probabilities of our protocol with the common direct heralding of photon-number states. This comparison reveals that, for same the fidelity, our feedback-based setup significantly enhances success probabilities, being vital for an efficient utilization in quantum technologies. Moreover, quantum characteristics of the produced states are analyzed, and the flexibility of producing higher photon-number states with our setup beyond the common direct heralding is demonstrated.
We present a new mechanism that harnesses extremely weak Kerr-type nonlinearities in a single driven cavity to deterministically generate single photon Fock states, and more general photon-blockaded states. Our method is effective even for nonlineari ties that are orders-of-magnitude smaller than photonic loss. It is also completely distinct from so-called unconventional photon blockade mechanisms, as the generated states are non-Gaussian, exhibit a sharp cut-off in their photon number distribution, and can be arbitrary close to a single-photon Fock state. Our ideas require only standard linear and parametric drives, and is hence compatible with a variety of different photonic platforms.
179 - A. del Campo , J. G. Muga 2008
We study the production of low atom number Fock states by reducing suddenly the potential trap in a 1D strongly interacting (Tonks-Girardeau) gas. The fidelity of the Fock state preparation is characterized by the average and variance of the number o f trapped atoms. Two different methods are considered: making the trap shallower (atom culling [A. M. Dudarev {it et al.}, Phys. Rev. Lett. {bf 98}, 063001 (2007)], also termed ``trap weakening here) and making the trap narrower (trap squeezing). When used independently, the efficiency of both procedures is limited as a result of the truncation of the final state in momentum or position space with respect to the ideal atom number state. However, their combination provides a robust and efficient strategy to create ideal Fock states.
The relation between the correlation energy and the entanglement is analytically constructed for the Moshinskys model of two coupled harmonic oscillators. It turns out that the two quantities are far to be proportional, even at very small couplings. A comparison is made also with the 2-point Ising model.
Superradiance in an ensemble of atoms leads to the collective enhancement of radiation in a particular mode shared by the atoms in their spontaneous decay from an excited state. The quantum aspects of this phenomenon are highlighted when such collect ive enhancement is observed in the emission of a single quantum of light. Here we report a further step in exploring experimentally the nonclassical features of superradiance by implementing the process not only with single excitations, but also in a two-excitations state. Particularly we measure and theoretically model the wave-packets corresponding to superradiance in both the single-photon and two-photons regimes. Such progress opens the way to the study and future control of the interaction of nonclassical light modes with collective quantum memories at higher photon numbers.
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