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Experimental Fock-State Superradiance

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 نشر من قبل Pablo Saldanha
 تاريخ النشر 2017
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Superradiance in an ensemble of atoms leads to the collective enhancement of radiation in a particular mode shared by the atoms in their spontaneous decay from an excited state. The quantum aspects of this phenomenon are highlighted when such collective enhancement is observed in the emission of a single quantum of light. Here we report a further step in exploring experimentally the nonclassical features of superradiance by implementing the process not only with single excitations, but also in a two-excitations state. Particularly we measure and theoretically model the wave-packets corresponding to superradiance in both the single-photon and two-photons regimes. Such progress opens the way to the study and future control of the interaction of nonclassical light modes with collective quantum memories at higher photon numbers.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

A simplified theory for the wavepackets of the photons emitted during the read process of a quantum memory formed by cold atoms is provided. We arrive at analytical expressions for the single- and double-photon emissions, evidencing superradiant feat ures in both cases. In the two-photon case, both photons are emitted in the same spatiotemporal mode, characterizing a superradiant emission of a Fock state of light with two excitations. Experiments confirm the theoretical predictions with a satisfactory agreement.
Advanced quantum technologies, as well as fundamental tests of quantum physics, crucially require the interference of multiple single photons in linear-optics circuits. This interference can result in the bunching of photons into higher Fock states, leading to a complex bosonic behaviour. These challenging tasks timely require to develop collective criteria to benchmark many independent initial resources. Here we determine whether n independent imperfect single photons can ultimately bunch into the Fock state $|n rangle$. We thereby introduce an experimental Fock-state bunching capability for single-photon sources, which uses phase-space interference for extreme bunching events as a quantifier. In contrast to autocorrelation functions, this operational approach takes into account not only residual multi-photon components but also vacuum admixture and the dispersion of the individual photon statistics. We apply this approach to high-purity single photons generated from an optical parametric oscillator and show that they can lead to a Fock-state capability of at least 14. Our work demonstrates a novel collective benchmark for single-photon sources and their use in subsequent stringent applications.
211 - D. Meiser , M. J. Holland 2010
Alkaline-earth like atoms with ultra-narrow optical transitions enable superradiance in steady state. The emitted light promises to have an unprecedented stability with a linewidth as narrow as a few millihertz. In order to evaluate the potential use fulness of this light source as an ultrastable oscillator in clock and precision metrology applications it is crucial to understand the noise properties of this device. In this paper we present a detailed analysis of the intensity fluctuations by means of Monte-Carlo simulations and semi-classical approximations. We find that the light exhibits bunching below threshold, is to a good approximation coherent in the superradiant regime, and is chaotic above the second threshold.
A steady-state superradiant laser can be used to generate ultranarrow-linewidth light, and thus has important applications in the fields of quantum information and precision metrology. However, the light produced by such a laser is still essentially classical. Here, we show that the introduction of a Rydberg medium into a cavity containing atoms with a narrow optical transition can lead to the steady-state superradiant emission of ultranarrow-linewidth $nonclassical$ light. The cavity nonlinearity induced by the Rydberg medium strongly modifies the superradiance threshold, and leads to a Mollow triplet in the cavity output spectrum$-$this behavior can be understood as an unusual analogue of resonance fluorescence. The cavity output spectrum has an extremely sharp central peak, with a linewidth that can be far narrower than that of a classical superradiant laser. This unprecedented spectral sharpness, together with the nonclassical nature of the light, could lead to new applications in which spectrally pure $quantum$ light is desired.
163 - D. Meiser , M. J. Holland 2009
Earth-alkaline-like atoms with ultra-narrow transitions open the door to a new regime of cavity quantum electrodynamics. That regime is characterized by a critical photon number that is many orders of magnitude smaller than what can be achieved in co nventional systems. We show that it is possible to achieve superradiance in steady state with such systems. We discuss the basic underlying mechanisms as well as the key experimental requirements
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