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Interacting Boson Model plus broken-pairs description of high-spin dipole bands

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 نشر من قبل Dario Vretenar
 تاريخ النشر 1997
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والبحث باللغة English

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The Interacting Boson Model with broken-pairs has been extended to include mixed proton-neutron configurations in the fermion model space. The extended version of the model has been used to describe high-spin bands in the transitional nucleus $^{136}$Nd. Model calculations reproduce ten bands of positive and negative parity states, including the two dipole high-spin structures based on the $(pi h_{11/2})^2$ $( u h_{11/2})^2$ configuration.

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اقرأ أيضاً

161 - S. Abu-Musleh , H.M. Abu-Zeid , 2013
Recent interest in spectroscopic factors for single-neutron transfer in low-spin states of the even-odd Xenon $^{125,127,129.131}$Xe and even-odd Tellurium, $^{123,125,127,129,131}$Te isotopes stimulated us to study these isotopes within the frame wo rk of the Interacting Boson-Fermion Model. The fermion that is coupled to the system of bosons is taken to be in the positive parity $3s_{1/2}$, $2d_{3/2}$, $2d_{5/2}$, $1g_{7/2}$ and in the negative $1h_{11/2}$ single-particle orbits, the complete 50-82 major shell. The calculated energies of low-spin energy levels of the odd isotopes are found to agree well with the experimental data. Also B(E2), B(M1) values and spectroscopic factors for single-neutron transfer are calculated and compared with experimental data.
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109 - S.Frauendorf 2000
The selfconsistent cranking approach is extended to the case of rotation about an axis which is tilted with respect to the principal axes of the deformed potential (Tilted Axis Cranking). Expressions for the energies and the intra bands electromagnet ic transition probabilities are given. The mean field solutions are interpreted in terms of quantal rotational states. The construction of the quasiparticle configurations and the elimination of spurious states is discussed. The application of the theory to high spin data is demonstrated by analyzing the multi quasiparticle bands in the nuclide-s with $N=102,103$ and $Z=71,72,73$.
Rotational $SU(3)$ algebraic symmetry continues to generate new results in the shell model (SM). Interestingly, it is possible to have multiple $SU(3)$ algebras for nucleons occupying an oscillator shell $eta$. Several different aspects of the multip le $SU(3)$ algebras are investigated using shell model and also deformed shell model based on Hartree-Fock single particle states with nucleons in $sdg$ orbits giving four $SU(3)$ algebras. Results show that one of the $SU(3)$ algebra generates prolate shapes, one oblate shape and the other two also generate prolate shape but one of them gives quiet small quadrupole moments for low-lying levels. These are inferred by using the standard form for the electric quadrupole transition operator and using quadrupole moments and $B(E2)$ values in the ground $K=0^+$ band in three different examples. Multiple $SU(3)$ algebras extend to interacting boson model and using $sdg$IBM, the structure of the four $SU(3)$ algebras in this model are studied by coherent state analysis and asymptotic formulas for $E2$ matrix elements. The results from $sdg$IBM further support the conclusions from the $sdg$ shell model examples.
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