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Correlation energies in the random phase approximation using realistic interactions

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 نشر من قبل Carlo Barbieri
 تاريخ النشر 2006
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 تأليف C.Barbieri

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The self-consistent random phase approximation (RPA) based on a correlated realistic nucleon-nucleon interaction is used to evaluate correlation energies in closed-shell nuclei beyond the Hartree-Fock level. The relevance of contributions associated with charge exchange excitations as well as the necessity to correct for the double counting of the second order contribution to the RPA ring summation are emphasized. Once these effects are properly accounted for, the RPA ring summation provides an efficient tool to assess the impact of long-range correlations on binding energies throughout the whole nuclear chart, which is of particular importance when starting from realistic interactions.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We have developed a fully consistent framework for calculations in the Quasiparticle Random Phase Approximation (QRPA) with $NN$ interactions from the Similarity Renormalization Group (SRG) and other unitary transformations of realistic interactions. The consistency of our calculations, which use the same Hamiltonian to determine the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (HFB) ground states and the residual interaction for QRPA, guarantees an excellent decoupling of spurious strength, without the need for empirical corrections. While work is under way to include SRG-evolved 3N interactions, we presently account for some 3N effects by means of a linearly density-dependent interaction, whose strength is adjusted to reproduce the charge radii of closed-shell nuclei across the whole nuclear chart. As a first application, we perform a survey of the monopole, dipole, and quadrupole response of the calcium isotopic chain and of the underlying single-particle spectra, focusing on how their properties depend on the SRG parameter $lambda$. Unrealistic spin-orbit splittings suggest that spin-orbit terms from the 3N interaction are called for. Nevertheless, our general findings are comparable to results from phenomenological QRPA calculations using Skyrme or Gogny energy density functionals. Potentially interesting phenomena related to low-lying strength warrant more systematic investigations in the future.
We develop a scheme to exactly evaluate the correlation energy in the random-phase approximation, based on linear response theory. It is demonstrated that our formula is completely equivalent to a contour integral representation recently proposed by Donau et al. being numerically more efficient for realistic calculations. Numerical examples are presented for pairing correlations in rapidly rotating nuclei.
119 - A. De Pace 2014
By coupling a doorway state to a see of random background states, we develop the theory of doorway states in the framework of the random-phase approximation (RPA). Because of the symmetry of the RPA equations, that theory is radically different from the standard description of doorway states in the shell model. We derive the Pastur equation in the limit of large matrix dimension and show that the results agree with those of matrix diagonalization in large spaces. The complexity of the Pastur equation does not allow for an analytical approach that would approximately describe the doorway state. Our numerical results display unexpected features: The coupling of the doorway state with states of opposite energy leads to strong mutual attraction.
Lately we have been tackling the problem of describing nuclear collective excitations starting from correlated realistic nucleon-nucleon (NN) interactions. The latter are constructed within the Unitary Correlation Operator Method (UCOM), starting fro m realistic NN potentials. It has been concluded that first-order RPA with a two-body UCOM interaction is not capable, in general, of reproducing quantitatively the properties of giant resonances (GRs), due to missing higher-order configurations and long-range correlations as well as neglected three-body terms in the Hamiltonian. Here we report results on GRs obtained by employing a UCOM interaction based on the Argonne V18 potential in Second RPA (SRPA) calculations. The same interaction is used to describe the Hartree-Fock (HF) ground state and the residual interactions. We find that the inclusion of second-order configurations -- which effectively dress the underlying HF single-particle states with self-energy insertions -- produces sizable corrections. The effect appears essential for a realistic description of GRs when using the UCOM. We argue that effects of higher than second order should be negligible. Therefore, the UCOM-SRPA emerges as a promising tool for consistent calculations of collective states in closed-shell nuclei. This is an interesting development, given that SRPA can accommodate more physics than RPA (e.g., fragmentation). Remaining discrepancies due to the missing three-body terms and self-consistency issues of the present SRPA model are pointed out.
66 - Giampaolo Co 2006
The Random Phase Approximation theory is used to calculate the total cross sections of electron neutrinos on $^{12}$C nucleus. The role of the excitation of the discrete spectrum is discussed. A comparison with electron scattering and muon capture da ta is presented. The cross section of electron neutrinos coming from muon decay at rest is calculated.
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