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Interaction of K^- mesons with light nuclei

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 نشر من قبل Markus Buescher
 تاريخ النشر 2005
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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We calculate the scattering lenths A(K-,3He) and A(K-,4He) using the multiple scattering approach and different parameters sets for the elementary a(Kbar,N). Within the zero-range approximation, we find for both systems loosely bound states with binding energies in the range 2-7 MeV and widths 11-18 MeV. It is demonstrated that the existence of deeply bound K-,4He states, which have been predicted in literature, can be tested by measuring the reaction dd -> 4He K-K+ at COSY.

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اقرأ أيضاً

182 - E. Oset , A. Ramos , E. J. Garzon 2012
After some short introductory remarks on particular issues on the vector mesons in nuclei, in this paper we present a short review of recent developments concerning the interaction of vector mesons with baryons and with nuclei from a modern perspecti ve using the local hidden gauge formalism for the interaction of vector mesons. We present results for the vector baryon interaction and in particular for the resonances which appear as composite states, dynamically generated from the interaction of vector mesons with baryons, taking also the mixing of these states with pseudoscalars and baryons into account. We then venture into the charm sector, reporting on hidden charm baryon states around 4400 MeV, generated from the interaction of vector mesons and baryons with charm, which have a strong repercussion on the properties of the $J/Psi N$ interaction. We also address the interaction of $K^*$ with nuclei and make suggestions to measure the predicted huge width in the medium by means of the transparency ratio. The formalism is extended to study the phenomenon of $J/psi$ suppression in nuclei via $J/psi$ photoproduction reactions.
555 - Adam Freese , Ian C. Cloet 2019
We calculate the gravitational form factors of the pion, sigma meson, and rho meson in the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model of quantum chromodynamics. The canonical energy-momentum tensor (EMT) is used in their derivation, allowing the possibility of a n antisymmetric contribution when the hadron has intrinsic spin. We show that the asymmetric graviton vertex arising from the canonical EMT satisfies a simpler Ward-Takahashi identity (WTI) than the symmetric graviton vertex of the Belinfante EMT. The necessity of fully dressing the graviton vertex through the relevant Bethe-Salpeter equation is demonstrated for observing both the WTI and a low-energy pion theorem. Lastly, we calculate static moments of the meson EMT decompositions, obtaining predictions for the meson mass radii. We find light cone mass radii of 0.27 fm for the pion, 0.32 fm for the sigma, and 0.39 fm for the rho. For the pion and rho, these are smaller than the light cone charge radii, respectively 0.51 fm and 0.45 fm, while we have a sigma charge radius of zero. Our light cone pion mass radius agrees with a phenomenological extraction from KEKB data.
202 - S. Quaglioni 2015
An {em ab initio} (i.e., from first principles) theoretical framework capable of providing a unified description of the structure and low-energy reaction properties of light nuclei is desirable to further our understanding of the fundamental interact ions among nucleons, and provide accurate predictions of crucial reaction rates for nuclear astrophysics, fusion-energy research, and other applications. In this contribution we review {em ab initio} calculations for nucleon and deuterium scattering on light nuclei starting from chiral two- and three-body Hamiltonians, obtained within the framework of the {em ab initio} no-core shell model with continuum. This is a unified approach to nuclear bound and scattering states, in which square-integrable energy eigenstates of the $A$-nucleon system are coupled to $(A-a)+a$ target-plus-projectile wave functions in the spirit of the resonating group method to obtain an efficient description of the many-body nuclear dynamics both at short and medium distances and at long ranges.
Heavy mesons in nuclear matter and nuclei are analyzed within different frameworks, paying a special attention to unitarized coupled-channel approaches. Possible experimental signatures of the properties of these mesons in matter are addressed, in pa rticular in connection with the future FAIR facility at GSI.
155 - E. Oset , A. Ramos , E. J. Garzon 2012
In this talk we present a short review of recent developments concerning the interaction of vector mesons with baryons and with nuclei. We begin with the hidden gauge formalism for the interaction of vector mesons, then review results for vector bary on interaction and in particular the resonances which appear as composite states, dynamically generated from the interaction of vector mesons with baryons. New developments concerning the mixing of these states with pseudoscalars and baryons are also reported. We include some discussion on the $5/2^+$ $Delta$ resonances around 2000 MeV, where we suggest that the $Delta(2000)5/2^+$ resonance, which comes in the PDG from averaging a set of resonances appearing around 1700 MeV and another one around 2200 MeV, corresponds indeed to two distinct resonances. We also report on a hidden charm baryon state around 4400 MeV coming from the interaction of vector mesons and baryons with charm, and how this state has some repercussion in the $J/psi$ suppression in nuclei. The interaction of $K^*$ in nuclei is also reported and suggestions are made to measure by means of the transparency ratio the huge width in the medium that the theoretical calculations predict. The formalism is extended to $J/psi$ interaction with nuclei and the transparency ratio for $J/psi$ photoproduction in nuclei is studied and shown to be a good tool to find possible baryon states which couple to $J/psi N$.
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