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Search for DCC in Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collision Through Event Shape Analysis

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 نشر من قبل Bedangadas Mohanty
 تاريخ النشر 1998
  مجال البحث
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Event shape analysis has been used to look for DCC signals in simulated ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collision data at SPS energy. A simple redistribution of particles, with two detectors to detect charged particles and photons, is seen to result in the same flow direction with the flow angle difference peaking at zero. However, events where the neutral pion fraction has been modified according to the DCC probability distribution, show the flow angles in two detectors to be almost $90^o$ apart. The results presented here show that the technique is complementary to the one based on the discrete wavelet transformation. Together the techniques are seen to provide a very powerful tool for DCC search in ultra relativistic heavy ion collision.

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The experimental observation of disoriented chiral condensate is affected due to various physical and detector related effects. We study and quantify the strength of the experimental signal, ``neutral pion fraction within the framework of a simple DC C model, using the analysis methods based on the multi-resolution discrete wavelet technique and by evaluating the signal to background ratio. The scope and limitations of DCC search in heavy-ion collision experiments using various combination of detector systems are investigated.
Reconstructed jets in heavy ion collisions are a crucial tool for understanding the quark-gluon plasma. The separation of jets from the underlying event is necessary particularly in central heavy ion reactions in order to quantify medium modification s of the parton shower and the response of the surrounding medium itself. There have been many methods proposed and implemented for studying the underlying event substructure in proton-proton and heavy ion collisions. In this paper, we detail a method for understanding underlying event contributions in Au+Au collisions at $sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 200 GeV utilizing the HIJING event generator. This method, extended from previous work by the ATLAS collaboration, provides a well-defined association of truth jets from the fragmentation of hard partons with reconstructed jets using the anti-$k_T$ algorithm. Results presented here are based on an analysis of 750M minimum bias HIJING events. We find that there is a substantial range of jet energies and radius parameters where jets are well separated from the background fluctuations (often termed fake jets) that make jet measurements at RHIC a compelling physics program.
We consider a possible mechanism of thermalization of nucleons in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. Our model belongs, to a certain degree, to the transport ones; we investigate the evolution of the system created in nucleus-nucleus collision, but w e parametrize this development by the number of collisions of every particle during evolution rather than by the time variable. We based on the assumption that the nucleon momentum transfer after several nucleon-nucleon (-hadron) elastic and inelastic collisions becomes a random quantity driven by a proper distribution. This randomization results in a smearing of the nucleon momenta about their initial values and, as a consequence, in their partial isotropization and thermalization. The trial evaluation is made in the framework of a toy model. We show that the proposed scheme can be used for extraction of the physical information from experimental data on nucleon rapidity distribution.
391 - A.Adare , S.Afanasiev , C.Aidala 2010
Fast parton probes produced by hard scattering and embedded within collisions of large nuclei have shown that partons suffer large energy loss and that the produced medium may respond collectively to the lost energy. We present measurements of neutra l pion trigger particles at transverse momenta p^t_T = 4-12 GeV/c and associated charged hadrons (p^a_T = 0.5-7 GeV/c) as a function of relative azimuthal angle Delta Phi at midrapidity in Au+Au and p+p collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 200 GeV. These data lead to two major observations. First, the relative angular distribution of low momentum hadrons, whose shape modification has been interpreted as a medium response to parton energy loss, is found to be modified only for p^t_T < 7 GeV/c. At higher p^t_T, the data are consistent with unmodified or very weakly modified shapes, even for the lowest measured p^a_T. This observation presents a quantitative challenge to medium response scenarios. Second, the associated yield of hadrons opposite to the trigger particle in Au+Au relative to that in p+p (I_AA) is found to be suppressed at large momentum (IAA ~ 0.35-0.5), but less than the single particle nuclear modification factor (R_AA ~0.2).
The evolution of the system created in a high energy nuclear collision is very sensitive to the fluctuations in the initial geometry of the system. In this letter we show how one can utilize these large fluctuations to select events corresponding to a specific initial shape. Such an event shape engineering opens many new possibilities in quantitative test of the theory of high energy nuclear collisions and understanding the properties of high density hot QCD matter.
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