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Theta hypergeometric series

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 نشر من قبل Vyacheslav P. Spiridonov
 تاريخ النشر 2003
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We formulate general principles of building hypergeometric type series from the Jacobi theta functions that generalize the plain and basic hypergeometric series. Single and multivariable elliptic hypergeometric series are considered in detail. A characterization theorem for a single variable totally elliptic hypergeometric series is proved.

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88 - V.P. Spiridonov 2003
We define a general class of (multiple) integrals of hypergeometric type associated with the Jacobi theta functions. These integrals are related to theta hypergeometric series through the residue calculus. In the one variable case, we get theta funct ion extensions of the Meijer function. A number of multiple generalizations of the elliptic beta integral [S2] associated with the root systems $A_n$ and $C_n$ is described. Some of the $C_n$-examples were proposed earlier by van Diejen and the author, but other integrals are new. An example of the biorthogonality relations associated with the elliptic beta integrals is considered in detail.
179 - Masatoshi Noumi 2015
We propose a class of Pade interpolation problems whose solutions are expressible in terms of determinants of hypergeometric series.
We investigate a certain linear combination $K(vec{x})=K(a;b,c,d;e,f,g)$ of two Saalschutzian hypergeometric series of type ${_4}F_3(1)$. We first show that $K(a;b,c,d;e,f,g)$ is invariant under the action of a certain matrix group $G_K$, isomorphic to the symmetric group $S_6$, acting on the affine hyperplane $V={(a,b,c,d,e,f,g)inBbb C^7colon e+f+g-a-b-c-d=1}$. We further develop an algebra of three-term relations for $K(a;b,c,d;e,f,g)$. We show that, for any three elements $mu_1,mu_2,mu_3$ of a certain matrix group $M_K$, isomorphic to the Coxeter group $W(D_6)$ (of order 23040), and containing the above group $G_K$, there is a relation among $K(mu_1vec{x})$, $K(mu_2vec{x})$, and $K(mu_3vec{x})$, provided no two of the $mu_j$s are in the same right coset of $G_K$ in $M_K$. The coefficients in these three-term relations are seen to be rational combinations of gamma and sine functions in $a,b,c,d,e,f,g$. The set of $({|M_K|/|G_K|atop 3})=({32atop 3})=4960$ resulting three-term relations may further be partitioned into five subsets, according to the Hamming type of the triple $(mu_1,mu_2,mu_3) $ in question. This Hamming type is defined in terms of Hamming distance between the $mu_j$s, which in turn is defined in terms of the expression of the $mu_j$s as words in the Coxeter group generators. Each three-term relation of a given Hamming type may be transformed into any other of the same type by a change of variable. An explicit example of each of the five types of three-term relations is provided.
Ramanujan studied the analytic properties of many $q$-hypergeometric series. Of those, mock theta functions have been particularly intriguing, and by work of Zwegers, we now know how these curious $q$-series fit into the theory of automorphic forms. The analytic theory of partial theta functions however, which have $q$-expansions resembling modular theta functions, is not well understood. Here we consider families of $q$-hypergeometric series which converge in two disjoint domains. In one domain, we show that these series are often equal to one another, and define mock theta functions, including the classical mock theta functions of Ramanujan, as well as certain combinatorial generating functions, as special cases. In the other domain, we prove that these series are typically not equal to one another, but instead are related by partial theta functions.
Using generalized hypergeometric functions to perform symbolic manipulation of equations is of great importance to pure and applied scientists. There are in the literature a great number of identities for the Meijer-G function. On the other hand, whe n more complex expressions arise, the latter function is not capable of representing them. The H-function is an alternative to overcome this issue, as it is a generalization of the Meijer-G function. In the present paper, a new identity for the H-function is derived. In short, this result enables one to split a particular H-function into the sum of two other H-functions. The new relation in addition to an old result are applied to the summation of hypergeometric series. Finally, some relations between H-functions and elementary functions are built
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