A special singular limit $omega_1/omega_2to 1$ is considered for the Faddeev modular quantum dilogarithm (hyperbolic gamma function) and corresponding hyperbolic integrals. It brings a new class of hypergeometric identities associated with bilateral
sums of Mellin-Barnes type integrals of particular Pochhammer symbol products.
General theory of elliptic hypergeometric series and integrals is outlined. Main attention is paid to the examples obeying properties of the classical special functions. In particular, an elliptic analogue of the Gauss hypergeometric function and som
e of its properties are described. Present review is based on authors habilitation thesis [Spi7] containing a more detailed account of the subject.
We formulate general principles of building hypergeometric type series from the Jacobi theta functions that generalize the plain and basic hypergeometric series. Single and multivariable elliptic hypergeometric series are considered in detail. A char
acterization theorem for a single variable totally elliptic hypergeometric series is proved.
A novel application of the Pade approximation is proposed in which the Pade approximant is used as an interpolation for the small and large coupling behaviors of a physical system, resulting in a prediction of the behavior of the system at intermedia
te couplings. This method is applied to quarkonium systems and reasonable values for the c and b quark masses are obtained.
The Cholesky factorization of the moment matrix is applied to discrete orthogonal polynomials on the homogeneous lattice. In particular, semiclassical discrete orthogonal polynomials, which are built in terms of a discrete Pearson equation, are studi
ed. The Laguerre-Freud structure semi-infinite matrix that models the shifts by $pm 1$ in the independent variable of the set of orthogonal polynomials is introduced. In the semiclassical case it is proven that this Laguerre-Freud matrix is banded. From the well known fact that moments of the semiclassical weights are logarithmic derivatives of generalized hypergeometric functions, it is shown how the contiguous relations for these hypergeometric functions translate as symmetries for the corresponding moment matrix. It is found that the 3D Nijhoff-Capel discrete Toda lattice describes the corresponding contiguous shifts for the squared norms of the orthogonal polynomials. The continuous Toda for these semiclassical discrete orthogonal polynomials is discussed and the compatibility equations are derived. It also shown that the Kadomtesev-Petvishvilii equation is connected to an adequate deformed semiclassical discrete weight, but in this case the deformation do not satisfy a Pearson equation.