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Global QCD Analysis, the Gluon Distribution, and High $E_t$ Inclusive Jet Data

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 نشر من قبل Wu-Ki Tung
 تاريخ النشر 1996
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Wu-Ki Tung

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We report on an extensive global QCD analysis of new DIS and hadronic inclusive jet production data emphasizing the impact of these recent data on the determination of the gluon distribution, and on the interpretation of the high $E_t$ jets highlighted by the CDF collaboration. This analysis results in (i) a better handle on the range of uncertainty of the gluon distribution, (ii) a new generation of CTEQ parton distributions which incorporates this uncertainty, (iii) a viable scenario for accommodating the high $E_t$ jets in the conventional pQCD framework, and (iv) a systematic study of the sensitivity of the various hard processes to $alpha_s$ and the consistency of $alpha_s$ determination in global analysis.

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اقرأ أيضاً

122 - Jon Pumplin , J. Huston , H.L. Lai 2009
Inclusive jet production data are important for constraining the gluon distribution in the global QCD analysis of parton distribution functions. With the addition of recent CDF and D0 Run II jet data, we study a number of issues that play a role in d etermining the up-to-date gluon distribution and its uncertainty, and produce a new set of parton distributions that make use of that data. We present in detail the general procedures used to study the compatibility between new data sets and the previous body of data used in a global fit. We introduce a new method in which the Hessian matrix for uncertainties is ``rediagonalized to obtain eigenvector sets that conveniently characterize the uncertainty of a particular observable.
We discuss implementation of the LHC experimental data sets in the new CT18 global analysis of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) at the next-to-next-leading order of the QCD coupling strength. New methodological developments in the fitting methodology are discussed. Behavior of the CT18 NNLO PDFs for the conventional and saturation-inspired factorization scales in deep-inelastic scattering is reviewed. Four new families of (N)NLO CTEQ-TEA PDFs are presented: CT18, A, X, and Z.
The nuclear parton distribution functions (nPDFs) of gluons are known to be difficult to determine with fits of deep inelastic scattering (DIS) and Drell-Yan (DY) data alone. Therefore, the nCTEQ15 analysis of nuclear PDFs added inclusive neutral pio n production data from RHIC to help in constraining the gluon. In this analysis, we present a new global analysis of nuclear PDFs based on a much larger set of single inclusive light hadron data from RHIC and the LHC. Using our new nCTEQ code (nCTEQ++) with an optimized version of INCNLO we study systematically the limitations of the theory and the impact of the fragmentation function uncertainty.
128 - C. Cocuzza , C. E. Keppel , H. Liu 2021
We report the results of a Monte Carlo global QCD analysis of unpolarized parton distribution functions (PDFs), including for the first time constraints from ratios of $^3$He to $^3$H structure functions recently obtained by the MARATHON experiment a t Jefferson Lab. Our simultaneous analysis of nucleon PDFs and nuclear effects in $A=2$ and $A=3$ nuclei reveals the first indication for an isovector nuclear EMC effect in light nuclei. We find that while the MARATHON data yield relatively weak constraints on the $F_2^n/F_2^p$ neutron to proton structure function ratio and the $d/u$ PDF ratio, they suggest a strongly enhanced nuclear effect on the $d$-quark PDF in the bound proton.
152 - H.L. Lai , J. Botts , J. Huston 1994
The CTEQ program for the determination of parton distributions through a global QCD analysis of data for various hard scattering processes is fully described. A new set of distributions, CTEQ3, incorporating several new types of data is reported and compared to the two previous sets of CTEQ distributions. Comparison with current data is discussed in some detail. The remaining uncertainties in the parton distributions and methods to further reduce them are assessed. Comparisons with the results of other global analyses are also presented.
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