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GIM Violation and New Dynamics of the Third Generation

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 تاريخ النشر 1995
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In strong dynamical schemes for electroweak symmetry breaking the third generation must be treated in a special manner, owing to the heavy top quark. This potentially leads to new flavor physics involving the members of the third generation in concert with the adjoining generations, with potential novel effects in beauty and charm physics. We give a general discussion and formulation of this kind of physics, abstracted largely from Topcolor models which we elaborate in detail. We identify sensitive channels for such new physics accessible to current and future experiments.

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اقرأ أيضاً

225 - Clifford Cheung 2007
We propose a model of spontaneous CP violation to address the strong CP problem in warped extra dimensions that relies on sequestering flavor and CP violation. We assume that brane-localized Higgs Yukawa interactions respect a U(3) flavor symmetry th at is broken only by bulk fermion mass and Yukawa terms. All CP violation arises from the vev of a CP-odd scalar field localized in the bulk. To suppress radiative corrections to theta-bar, the doublet quarks in this model are localized on the IR brane. We calculate constraints from flavor-changing neutral currents (FCNCs), precision electroweak measurements, CKM unitarity, and the electric dipole moments in this model and predict theta-bar to be at least about 10^-12.
132 - G. Eilam , B. Melic , J. Trampetic 2009
Within the Standard model with the 4th generation quarks b and t we have analyzed CP-violating flavor changing neutral current processes t -> cX; b-> sX, b-> bX,t-> cX, and t-> tX, with X=Z,H,gamma,g, by constructing and employing global, unique fit for the 4th generation mass mixing matrix CKM4 at 300 < m_t < 700 GeV. All quantities appearing in the CKM4 were subject to our fitting procedure. We have found that our fit produces the following CP partial rate asymmetry dominance: a_CP(b-> s(Z,H,gamma,g))= (90,73,52,30)%, at m_t ~ 300,300,380,400 GeV, respectively. From the experimental point of view the best decay mode, out of the above four, is certainly b-> s gamma, because of the presence of a clean high energy single final state photon. We have also obtained relatively large a_CP(t -> c g) ~ 15 (10)% for t running in the loops with the mass m_t= 650(500) GeV. There are fair chances that the 4th generation quarks will be discovered at Tevatron or LHC and that some of their decay rates shall be measured. If b and t exist at energies we assumed, with well executed tagging, large a_CP could be found too.
149 - Luciano Maiani 2013
The GIM Mechanism was introduced by Sheldon L. Glashow, John Iliopoulos and Luciano Maiani in 1970, to explain the suppression of Delta S=1, 2 neutral current processes and is an important element of the unified theories of the weak and electromagnet ic interactions. Origin, predictions and uses of the GIM Mechanism are illustrated. Flavor changing neutral current processes (FCNC) represent today an important benchmark for the Standard Theory and give strong limitations to theories that go beyond ST in the few TeV region. Ideas on the ways constraints on FCNC may be imposed are briefly described.
We explore how to protect extra dimensional models from large flavor changing neutral currents by using bulk and brane flavor symmetries. We show that a GIM mechanism can be built in to warped space models such as Randall-Sundrum or composite Higgs m odels if flavor mixing is introduced via UV brane kinetic mixings for right handed quarks. We give a realistic implementation both for a model with minimal flavor violation and one with next-to-minimal flavor violation. The latter does not suffer from a CP problem. We consider some of the existing experimental constraints on these models implied by precision electroweak tests.
New-physics (NP) constraints on first-generation quark-lepton interactions are particularly interesting given the large number of complementary processes and observables that have been measured. Recently, first hints for such NP effects have been obs erved as an apparent deficit in first-row CKM unitarity, known as the Cabibbo angle anomaly, and the CMS excess in $qbar qto e^+e^-$. Since the same NP would inevitably enter in searches for low-energy parity violation, such as atomic parity violation, parity-violating electron scattering, and coherent neutrino-nucleus scattering, as well as electroweak precision observables, a combined analysis is required to assess the viability of potential NP interpretations. In this article we investigate the interplay between LHC searches, the Cabibbo angle anomaly, electroweak precision observables, and low-energy parity violation by studying all simplified models that give rise to tree-level effects related to interactions between first-generation quarks and leptons. Matching these models onto Standard Model effective field theory, we derive master formulae in terms of the respective Wilson coefficients, perform a complete phenomenological analysis of all available constraints, point out how parity violation can in the future be used to disentangle different NP scenarios, and project the constraints achievable with forthcoming experiments.
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