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Multi-photon corrections to W boson mass determination at hadron colliders

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 نشر من قبل Carlo Michel Carloni Calame
 تاريخ النشر 2003
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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The impact of higher-order final-state photonic corrections on the precise determination of the W-boson mass at the Tevatron and LHC colliders is evaluated. The W-mass shift from a fit to the transverse mass distribution is found to be about 10 MeV in the W --> mu nu channel and a few MeV in the W --> e nu channel. The calculation, which is implemented in the Monte Carlo event generator HORACE for data analysis, can contribute to reduce the uncertainty associated to the W mass measurement at present and future hadron collider experiments.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

At present and future hadron colliders, the precision physics program started in the past will be continued. In particular, a precise determination of the W boson mass will be carried out. This requires the calculation of the radiative corrections an d their implementation in Monte Carlo event generators for data analysis. In this talk, the status of the calculation of the order alpha electroweak radiative corrections is reviewed and a study of the impact of higher order QED corrections on the W boson mass is presented.
212 - U. Baur 2003
We discuss the prospects for measuring the W mass in Run II of the Tevatron and at the LHC. The basic techniques used to measure M_W are described and the statistical, theoretical and detector-related uncertainties are discussed in detail.
279 - S. Actis , G. Passarino , C. Sturm 2008
Results for the complete NLO electroweak corrections to Standard Model Higgs production via gluon fusion are included in the total cross section for hadronic collisions. Artificially large threshold effects are avoided working in the complex-mass sch eme. The numerical impact at LHC (Tevatron) energies is explored for Higgs mass values up to 500 GeV (200 GeV). Assuming a complete factorization of the electroweak corrections, one finds a +5 % shift with respect to the NNLO QCD cross section for a Higgs mass of 120 GeV both at the LHC and the Tevatron. Adopting two different factorization schemes for the electroweak effects, an estimate of the corresponding total theoretical uncertainty is computed.
323 - C. Bernaciak , D. Wackeroth 2012
The precision measurement of the mass of the $W$ boson is an important goal of the Fermilab Tevatron and the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC). It requires accurate theoretical calculations which incorporate both higher-order QCD and electroweak corre ctions, and also provide an interface to parton-shower Monte Carlo programs which make it possible to realistically simulate experimental data. In this paper, we present a combination of the full ${cal O}(alpha)$ electroweak corrections of {tt WGRAD2}, and the next-to-leading order QCD radiative corrections to $Wtoell u$ production in hadronic collisions in a single event generator based on the {tt POWHEG} framework, which is able to interface with the parton-shower Monte Carlo programs {tt Pythia} and {tt Herwig}. Using this new combined QCD+EW Monte Carlo program for $W$ production we provide numerical results for total cross sections and kinematic distributions of relevance to the $W$ mass measurement at the Tevatron and the LHC for the processes $pp,pbar p to W^pm to mu^pm u_mu$. In particular, we discuss the impact of EW corrections in the presence of QCD effects when including detector resolution effects.
We propose an improved method for hadron-collider mass determination of new states that decay to a massive, long-lived state like the LSP in the MSSM. We focus on pair produced new states which undergo three-body decay to a pair of visible particles and the new invisible long-lived state. Our approach is to construct a kinematic quantity which enforces all known physical constraints on the system. The distribution of this quantity calculated for the observed events has an endpoint that determines the mass of the new states. However we find it much more efficient to determine the masses by fitting to the entire distribution and not just the end point. We consider the application of the method at the LHC for various models and demonstrate that the method can determine the masses within about 6 GeV using only 250 events. This implies the method is viable even for relatively rare processes at the LHC such as neutralino pair production.
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