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On the discretization of physical momenta in lattice QCD

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 نشر من قبل Nazario Tantalo
 تاريخ النشر 2004
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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The adoption of two distinct boundary conditions for two fermions species on a finite lattice allows to deal with arbitrary relative momentum between the two particle species, in spite of the momentum quantization rule due to a limited physical box size. We test the physical significance of this topological momentum by checking in the continuum limit the validity of the expected energy-momentum dispersion relations.

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اقرأ أيضاً

Accessing hadronic form factors at large momentum transfers has traditionally presented a challenge for lattice QCD simulations. Here we demonstrate how a novel implementation of the Feynman-Hellmann method can be employed to calculate hadronic form factors in lattice QCD at momenta much higher than previously accessible. Our simulations are performed on a single set of gauge configurations with three flavours of degenerate mass quarks corresponding to $m_pi approx 470 text{ MeV}$. We are able to determine the electromagnetic form factors of the pion and nucleon up to approximately $6 text{ GeV}^2$, with results for $G_E/G_M$ in the proton agreeing well with experimental results.
128 - Y. Namekawa 2012
We investigate the charmed baryon mass spectrum using the relativistic heavy quark action on 2+1 flavor PACS-CS configurations previously generated on $32^3 times 64$ lattice. The dynamical up-down and strange quark masses are set to the physical val ues by using the technique of reweighting to shift the quark hopping parameters from the values employed in the configuration generation. At the physical point, the lattice spacing equals $a^{-1}=2.194(10)$ GeV and the spatial extent $L=2.88(1)$ fm. Our results for the charmed baryon masses are consistent with experiments except for $Xi_{cc}$, which has only weak experimental evidence yet. We also predict mass values for other doubly and triply charmed baryons.
354 - Y. Namekawa 2011
We investigate the charm quark system on 2+1 flavor PACS-CS configurations. Calculations are performed at the lattice spacing $a^{-1}=2.194(10)$ GeV and the spatial extent $L=2.9$ fm with O(a)-improved Wilson fermions for the light quarks and the rel ativistic heavy fermion for the charm quark. Our dynamical $ud$ and strange quark masses and valence charm quark mass are set to their physical values. A comparison of the mass spectrum and decay constants with experiments is presented. Our results for the charm quark mass and CKM matrix elements are also reported.
At nonzero lattice spacing the QCD partition function with Wilson quarks undergoes either a second order phase transition to the Aoki phase for decreasing quark mass or shows a first order jump when the quark mass changes sign. We discuss these phase transitions in terms of Wilson Dirac spectra and show that the first order scenario can only occur in the presence of dynamical quarks while in the quenched case we can only have a transition to the Aoki phase. The exact microscopic spectral density of the non-Hermitian Wilson Dirac operator with dynamical quarks is discussed as well. We conclude with some remarks on discretization effects for the overlap Dirac operator.
406 - R.A. Soltz , C. DeTar , F. Karsch 2015
Over the past few years new physics methods and algorithms as well as the latest supercomputers have enabled the study of the QCD thermodynamic phase transition using lattice gauge theory numerical simulations with unprecedented control over systemat ic errors. This is largely a consequence of the ability to perform continuum extrapolations with physical quark masses. Here we review recent progress in lattice QCD thermodynamics, focussing mainly on results that benefit from the use of physical quark masses: the crossover temperature, the equation of state, and fluctuations of the quark number susceptibilities. In addition, we place a special emphasis on calculations that are directly relevant to the study of relativistic heavy ion collisions at RHIC and the LHC.
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