We consider the Wheeler-De Witt equation for canonical quantum gravity coupled to massless scalar field. After regularizing and renormalizing this equation, we find a one-parameter class of its solutions.
A spin-foam model is derived from the canonical model of Loop Quantum Gravity coupled to a massless scalar field. We generalized to the full theory the scheme first proposed in the context of Loop Quantum Cosmology by Ashtekar, Campiglia and Henderso
n, later developed by Henderson, Rovelli, Vidotto and Wilson-Ewing.
We show that the combined minimal and non minimal interaction with the gravitational field may produce the generation of a cosmological constant without self-interaction of the scalar field. In the same vein we analyze the existence of states of a sc
alar field that by a combined interaction of minimal and non minimal coupling with the gravitational field can exhibit an unexpected property, to wit, they are acted on by the gravitational field but do not generate gravitational field. In other words, states that seems to violate the action-reaction principle. We present explicit examples of this situation in the framework of a spatially isotropic and homogeneous universe.
We show that the Plebanski-Demianski spacetime persists as a solution of General Relativity when the theory is supplemented with both, a conformally coupled scalar theory and with quadratic curvature corrections. The quadratic terms are of two types
and are given by quadratic combinations of the Riemann tensor as well as a higher curvature interaction constructed with a scalar field which is conformally coupled to quadratic terms in the curvature. The later is built in terms of a four-rank tensor $S_{mu u}^{ lambdarho}$ that depends on the Riemann tensor and the scalar field, and that transforms covariantly under local Weyl rescallings. Due to the generality of the Plebanski-Demianski family, several new hairy black hole solutions are obtained in this higher curvature model. We pay particular attention to the C-metric spacetime and the stationary Taub-NUT metric, which in the hyperbolic case can be analytically extended leading to healthy, asymptotically AdS, wormhole configurations. Finally, we present a new general model for higher derivative, conformally coupled scalars, depending on an arbitrary function and that we have dubbed Conformal K-essence. We also construct spherically symmetric hairy black holes for these general models.
In this paper we discuss local averages of the energy density for the non-minimally coupled scalar quantum field, extending a previous investigation of the classical field. By an explicit example, we show that such averages are unbounded from below o
n the class of Hadamard states. This contrasts with the minimally coupled field, which obeys a state-independent lower bound known as a Quantum Energy Inequality (QEI). Nonetheless, we derive a generalised QEI for the non-minimally coupled scalar field, in which the lower bound is permitted to be state-dependent. This result applies to general globally hyperbolic curved spacetimes for coupling constants in the range $0<xileq 1/4$. We analyse the state-dependence of our QEI in four-dimensional Minkowski space and show that it is a nontrivial restriction on the averaged energy density in the sense that the lower bound is of lower order, in energetic terms, than the averaged energy density itself.
We exactly solve the Wheeler-DeWitt equation for the closed homogeneous and isotropic quantum cosmology in the presence of a conformally coupled scalar field and in the context of the generalized uncertainty principle. This form of generalized uncert
ainty principle is motivated by the black hole physics and it predicts a minimal length uncertainty proportional to the Planck length. We construct wave packets in momentum minisuperspace which closely follow classical trajectories and strongly peak on them upon choosing appropriate initial conditions. Moreover, based on the DeWitt criterion, we obtain wave packets that exhibit singularity-free behavior.