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Exact results at the 2-D percolation point

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 نشر من قبل Christian D. Lorenz
 تاريخ النشر 1997
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We derive exact expressions for the excess number of clusters b and the excess cumulants b_n of a related quantity at the 2-D percolation point. High-accuracy computer simulations are in accord with our predictions. b is a finite-size correction to the Temperley-Lieb or Baxter-Temperley-Ashley formula for the number of clusters per site n_c in the infinite system limit; the bn correct bulk cumulants. b and b_n are universal, and thus depend only on the systems shape. Higher-order corrections show no apparent dependence on fractional powers of the system size.

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161 - T. S. Jackson , N. Read 2009
Continuing the program begun by the authors in a previous paper, we develop an exact low-density expansion for the random minimum spanning tree (MST) on a finite graph, and use it to develop a continuum perturbation expansion for the MST on critical percolation clusters in space dimension d. The perturbation expansion is proved to be renormalizable in d=6 dimensions. We consider the fractal dimension D_p of paths on the latter MST; our previous results lead us to predict that D_p=2 for d>d_c=6. Using a renormalization-group approach, we confirm the result for d>6, and calculate D_p to first order in epsilon=6-d for dleq 6 using the connection with critical percolation, with the result D_p = 2 - epsilon/7 + O(epsilon^2).
The highly diluted antiferromagnet Mn(0.35)Zn(0.65)F2 has been investigated by neutron scattering for H>0. A low-temperature (T<11K), low-field (H<1T) pseudophase transition boundary separates a partially antiferromagnetically ordered phase from the paramagnetic one. For 1<H<7T at low temperatures, a region of antiferromagnetic order is field induced but is not enclosed within a transition boundary.
We consider the negative weight percolation (NWP) problem on hypercubic lattice graphs with fully periodic boundary conditions in all relevant dimensions from d=2 to the upper critical dimension d=6. The problem exhibits edge weights drawn from disor der distributions that allow for weights of either sign. We are interested in in the full ensemble of loops with negative weight, i.e. non-trivial (system spanning) loops as well as topologically trivial (small) loops. The NWP phenomenon refers to the disorder driven proliferation of system spanning loops of total negative weight. While previous studies where focused on the latter loops, we here put under scrutiny the ensemble of small loops. Our aim is to characterize -using this extensive and exhaustive numerical study- the loop length distribution of the small loops right at and below the critical point of the hypercubic setups by means of two independent critical exponents. These can further be related to the results of previous finite-size scaling analyses carried out for the system spanning loops. For the numerical simulations we employed a mapping of the NWP model to a combinatorial optimization problem that can be solved exactly by using sophisticated matching algorithms. This allowed us to study here numerically exact very large systems with high statistics.
We construct and solve a classical percolation model with a phase transition that we argue acts as a proxy for the quantum many-body localisation transition. The classical model is defined on a graph in the Fock space of a disordered, interacting qua ntum spin chain, using a convenient choice of basis. Edges of the graph represent matrix elements of the spin Hamiltonian between pairs of basis states that are expected to hybridise strongly. At weak disorder, all nodes are connected, forming a single cluster. Many separate clusters appear above a critical disorder strength, each typically having a size that is exponentially large in the number of spins but a vanishing fraction of the Fock-space dimension. We formulate a transfer matrix approach that yields an exact value $ u=2$ for the localisation length exponent, and also use complete enumeration of clusters to study the transition numerically in finite-sized systems.
We present some exact results on bond percolation. We derive a relation that specifies the consequences for bond percolation quantities of replacing each bond of a lattice $Lambda$ by $ell$ bonds connecting the same adjacent vertices, thereby yieldin g the lattice $Lambda_ell$. This relation is used to calculate the bond percolation threshold on $Lambda_ell$. We show that this bond inflation leaves the universality class of the percolation transition invariant on a lattice of dimensionality $d ge 2$ but changes it on a one-dimensional lattice and quasi-one-dimensional infinite-length strips. We also present analytic expressions for the average cluster number per vertex and correlation length for the bond percolation problem on the $N to infty$ limits of several families of $N$-vertex graphs. Finally, we explore the effect of bond vacancies on families of graphs with the property of bounded diameter as $N to infty$.
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