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Strong-coupling theory of superconductivity in a degenerate Hubbard model

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 نشر من قبل Tetsuya Takimoto
 تاريخ النشر 2003
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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In order to discuss superconductivity in orbital degenerate systems, a microscopic Hamiltonian is introduced. Based on the degenerate model, a strong-coupling theory of superconductivity is developed within the fluctuation exchange (FLEX) approximation where spin and orbital fluctuations, spectra of electron, and superconducting gap function are self-consistently determined. Applying the FLEX approximation to the orbital degenerate model, it is shown that the $d_{x^2-y^2}$-wave superconducting phase is induced by increasing the orbital splitting energy which leads to the development and suppression of the spin and orbital fluctuations, respectively. It is proposed that the orbital splitting energy is a controlling parameter changing from the paramagnetic to the antiferromagnetic phase with the $d_{x^2-y^2}$-wave superconducting phase in between.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We employ the weak-coupling renormalization group approach to study unconventional superconducting phases emerging in the extended, repulsive Hubbard model on paradigmatic two-dimensional lattices. Repulsive interactions usually lead to higher-angula r momentum Cooper pairing. By considering not only longer-ranged hoppings, but also non-local electron-electron interactions, we are able to find superconducting solutions for all irreducible representations on the square and hexagonal lattices, including extended regions of chiral topological superconductivity. For the square, triangular and honeycomb lattices, we provide detailed superconducting phase diagrams as well as the coupling strengths which quantify the corresponding critical temperatures depending on the bandstructure parameters, band filling, and interaction parameters. We discuss the sensitivity of the method with respect to the numerical resolution of the integration grid and the patching scheme. Eventually we show how to efficiently reach a high numerical accuracy.
Interplay between antiferromagnetism and superconductivity is studied by using the 3-dimensional nearly half-filled Hubbard model with anisotropic transfer matrices $t_{rm z}$ and $t_{perp}$. The phase diagrams are calculated for varying values of th e ratio $r_{rm z}=t_{rm z}/t_{perp}$ using the spin fluctuation theory within the fluctuation-exchange approximation. The antiferromagnetic phase around the half-filled electron density expands while the neighboring phase of the anisotropic $d_{x^{2}-y^{2}}$-wave superconductivity shrinks with increasing $r_{rm z}$. For small $r_{rm z}$ $T_{rm c}$ decreases slowly with increasing $r_{rm z}$. For moderate values of $r_{rm z}$ we find the second order transition, with lowering temperature, from the $d_{x^{2}-y^{2}}$-wave superconducting phase to a phase where incommensurate SDW coexists with $d_{x^{2}-y^{2}}$-wave superconductivity. Resonance peaks as were discussed previously for 2D superconductors are shown to survive in the $d_{x^{2}-y^{2}}$-wave superconducting phase of 3D systems. Soft components of the incommensurate SDW spin fluctuation mode grow as the coexistent phase is approached.
154 - J. Bauer , A.C. Hewson , N. Dupuis 2009
We present a study of the attractive Hubbard model based on the dynamical mean field theory (DMFT) combined with the numerical renormalization group (NRG). For this study the NRG method is extended to deal with self-consistent solutions of effective impurity models with superconducting symmetry breaking. We give details of this extension and validate our calculations with DMFT results with antiferromagnetic ordering. We also present results for static and integrated quantities for different filling factors in the crossover from weak (BCS) to strong coupling (BEC) superfluidity. We study the evolution of the single-particle spectra throughout the crossover regime. Although the DMFT does not include the interaction of the fermions with the Goldstone mode, we find strong deviations from the mean-field theory in the intermediate and strong coupling (BEC) regimes. In particular, we show that low-energy charge fluctuations induce a transfer of spectral weight from the Bogoliubov quasiparticles to a higher-energy incoherent hump.
Using a dynamical cluster quantum Monte Carlo approximation we investigate the d-wave superconducting transition temperature $T_c$ in the doped 2D repulsive Hubbard model with a weak inhomogeneity. The inhomogeneity is introduced in the hoppings $tp$ and $t$ in the form of a checkerboard pattern where $t$ is the hopping within a $2times2$ plaquette and $tp$ is the hopping between the plaquettes. We find inhomogeneity suppresses $T_c$. The characteristic spin excitation energy and the strength of d-wave pairing interaction decrease with decreasing $T_c$ suggesting a strong correlation between these quantities.
Magnetism and superconductivity of new heavy fermion compounds CeTIn$_5$ (T=Co, Rh and Ir) are investigated by applying fluctuation exchange approximation to an orbital degenerate Hubbard model. The superconducting phase with $d_{x^2-y^2}$-symmetry i s found to appear next to the antiferromagnetic phase with increasing the orbital splitting energy. The present theory suggests that the orbital splitting energy plays a key role of controlling parameter for the quantum phase transitions in the heavy fermion system.
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