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New rotation periods in the Pleiades: Interpreting activity indicators

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 نشر من قبل Anita Krishnamurthi
 تاريخ النشر 1997
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present results of photometric monitoring campaigns of G, K and M dwarfs in the Pleiades carried out in 1994, 1995 and 1996. We have determined rotation periods for 18 stars in this cluster. In this paper, we examine the validity of using observables such as X-ray activity and amplitude of photometric variations as indicators of angular momentum loss. We report the discovery of cool, slow rotators with high amplitudes of variation. This contradicts previous conclusions about the use of amplitudes as an alternate diagnostic of the saturation of angular momentum loss. We show that the X-ray data can be used as observational indicators of mass-dependent saturation in the angular momentum loss proposed on theoretical grounds.

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We have photometrically monitored (Cousins Ic) eight low mass stars and brown dwarfs which are probable members of the Pleiades. We derived rotation periods for two of the stars - HHJ409 and CFHT-PL8 - to be 0.258 d and 0.401 d, respectively. The mas ses of these stars are near 0.4 and 0.08 Msun, respectively; the latter is the second such object near the hydrogen-burning boundary for which a rotation period has been measured. We also observed HHJ409 in V; the relative amplitude in the two bands shows that the spots in that star are about 200 K cooler than the stellar effective temperature of 3560 K and have a filling factor on the order of 13%. With one possible exception, the remaining stars in the sample do not show photometric variations larger than the mean error of measurement. We also examined the M9.5V disk star 2MASSJ0149, which had previously exhibited a strong flare event, but did not detect any photometric variation.
We present a study of flare rates, rotation periods, and spectroscopic activity indicators of 125 single stars within 15 parsecs and with masses between 0.1$-$0.3 $M_odot$ observed during the first year of the TESS mission, with the goal of elucidati ng the relationship between these various magnetically connected phenomena. We gathered multi-epoch high resolution spectra of each target and we measured equivalent widths of the activity indicators Helium I D$_3$, $Halpha$, and the Calcium infrared triplet line at 8542.09 angstroms. We present 18 new rotation periods from MEarth photometry and 19 new rotation periods from TESS photometry. We present a catalog of 1392 flares. After correcting for sensitivity, we find the slope of the flare frequency distribution for all stars to have a standard value of $alpha$ = 1.98 $pm$ 0.02. We determine R$_{31.5}$, the rate of flares per day with energies above E = 3.16$times$10$^{31}$ ergs in the TESS bandpass. We find that below a critical value of $Halpha$ EW = -0.71 angstroms, log R$_{31.5}$ increases linearly with increasing $Halpha$ emission; above this value, log R$_{31.5}$ declines rapidly. The stars divide into two groups: 26% have $Halpha$ in emission, high flare rates with typical values of log R$_{31.5}$ = -1.30 $pm$ 0.08, and have Rossby numbers $<$ 0.50. The remaining 74% show little to no $Halpha$ in emission and exhibit log R$_{31.5}$ $<$ -3.86, with the majority of these stars not showing a single flare during the TESS observations.
128 - Alexander Scholz 2007
The cluster Praesepe (age 650 Myr) is an ideal laboratory to study stellar evolution. Specifically, it allows us to trace the long-term decline of rotation and activity on the main-sequence. Here we present rotation periods measured for five stars in Praesepe with masses of 0.1-0.5Ms -- the first rotation periods for members of this cluster. Photometric periodicities were found from two extensive monitoring campaigns, and are confirmed by multiple independent test procedures. We attribute these variations to magnetic spots co-rotating with the objects, thus indicating the rotation period. The five periods, ranging from 5 to 84h, show a clear positive correlation with object mass, a trend which has been reported previously in younger clusters. When comparing with data for F-K stars in the coeval Hyades, we find a dramatic drop in the periods at spectral type K8-M2 (corresponding to 0.4-0.6Ms). A comparison with periods of VLM stars in younger clusters provides a constraint on the spin-down timescale: We find that the exponential rotational braking timescale is clearly longer than 200 Myr, most likely 400-800 Myr. These results are not affected by the small sample size in the rotation periods. Both findings, the steep drop in the period-mass relation and the long spin-down timescale, indicate a substantial change in the angular momentum loss mechanism for very low mass objects, possibly the breakdown of the solar-type (Skumanich) rotational braking. While the physical origin for this behaviour is unclear, we argue that parts of it might be explained by the disappearance of the radiative core and the resulting breakdown of an interface-type dynamo in the VLM regime. Rotational studies in this mass range hold great potential to probe magnetic properties and interior structure of main-sequence stars.
The dispersion in lithium abundance at fixed effective temperature in young cool stars like the Pleiades has proved a difficult challenge for stellar evolution theory. We propose that Li abundances relative to a mean temperature trend, rather than th e absolute abundances, should be used to analyze the spread in abundance. We present evidence that the dispersion in Li equivalent widths at fixed color in cool single Pleiades stars is at least partially caused by stellar atmosphere effects (most likely departures from ionization predictions of model photospheres) rather than being completely explained by genuine abundance differences. We find that effective temperature estimates from different colors yield systematically different values for active stars. There is also a strong correlation between stellar activity and Li excess, but not a one-to-one mapping between unprojected stellar rotation (from photometric periods) and Li excess. Thus, it is unlikely that rotation is the main cause for the dispersion in the Li abundances. Finally, there is a strong correlation between detrended Li excess and potassium excess but not calcium-- perhaps supporting incomplete radiative transfer calculations (and overionization effects in particular) as an important source of the Li scatter. Other mechanisms, such as very small metallicity variations and magnetic fields, which influence PMS Li burning may also play a role. Finally, we find no statistical evidence for a decrease in dispersion in the coolest Pleiades stars, contrary to some previous work.
A new asteroid rotation period survey have been carried out by using the Palomar Transient Factory (PTF). Twelve consecutive PTF fields, which covered an area of 87 deg$^2$ in the ecliptic plane, were observed in $R$ band with a cadence of $sim$20 mi n during February 15--18, 2013. We detected 2500 known asteroids with a diameter range of 0.5 km $leq D leq$ 200 km. Of these, 313 objects had highly reliable rotation periods and exhibited the spin barrier at $sim2$ hours. In contrast to the flat spin rate distribution of the asteroids with 3 km $leq D leq$ 15 km shown by Pravec et al. (2008), our results deviated somewhat from a Maxwellian distribution and showed a decrease at the spin rate greater than 5 rev/day. One super-fast-rotator candidate and two possible binary asteroids were also found in this work.
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