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Benchmarking PDR models against the Horsehead edge

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 نشر من قبل Jerome Pety
 تاريخ النشر 2006
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Jer^ome Pety

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To prepare for the unprecedented spatial and spectral resolution provided by ALMA and Herschel/HIFI, chemical models are being benchmarked against each other. It is obvious that chemical models also need well-constrained observations that can serve as references. Photo-dissociation regions (PDRs) are particularly well suited to serve as references because they make the link between diffuse and molecular clouds, thus enabling astronomers to probe a large variety of physical and chemical processes. At a distance of 400 pc (1 corresponding to 0.002 pc), the Horsehead PDR is very close to the prototypical kind of source (i.e. 1D, edge-on) needed to serve as a reference to models.

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156 - Jer^ome Pety 2007
Deuterium fractionation is known to enhance the [DCO+]/[HCO+] abundance ratio over the D/H elemental ratio of about 1e-5 in the cold and dense gas typically found in pre-stellar cores. We report the first detection and mapping of very bright DCO+ J=3 -2 and J=2-1 lines (3 and 4 K respectively) towards the Horsehead photodissociation region (PDR) observed with the IRAM-30m telescope. The DCO+ emission peaks close to the illuminated warm edge of the nebula (< 50 or about 0.1 pc away). Detailed nonlocal, non-LTE excitation and radiative transfer analyses have been used to determine the prevailing physical conditions and to estimate the DCO+ and H13CO+ abundances from their line intensities. A large [DCO+]/[HCO+] abundance ratio (>= 0.02) is inferred at the DCO+ emission peak, a condensation shielded from the illuminating far-UV radiation field where the gas must be cold (10-20 K) and dense (>= 2x10^5 cm-3). DCO+ is not detected in the warmer photodissociation front, implying a lower [DCO+]/[HCO+] ratio (< 1e-3). According to our gas phase chemical predictions, such a high deuterium fractionation of HCO+ can only be explained if the gas temperature is below 20 K, in good agreement with DCO+ excitation calculations.
Recent Herschel and ALMA observations of Photodissociation Regions (PDRs) have revealed the presence of a high thermal pressure (P ~ 10^7-10^8 K cm-3) thin compressed layer at the PDR surface where warm molecular tracer emission (e.g. CH+, SH+, high- J CO, H2,...) originate. These high pressures (unbalanced by the surrounding environment) and a correlation between pressure and incident FUV field (G0) seem to indicate a dynamical origin with the radiation field playing an important role in driving the dynamics. We investigate whether photoevaporation of the illuminated edge of a molecular cloud could explain these high pressures and pressure-UV field correlation. We developed a 1D hydrodynamical PDR code coupling hydrodynamics, EUV and FUV radiative transfer and time-dependent thermo-chemical evolution. We applied it to a 1D plane-parallel photoevaporation scenario where a UV-illuminated molecular cloud can freely evaporate in a surrounding low-pressure medium. We find that photoevaporation can produce high thermal pressures and the observed P-G0 correlation, almost independently from the initial gas density. In addition, we find that constant-pressure PDR models are a better approximation to the structure of photoevaporating PDRs than constant-density PDR models, although moderate pressure gradients are present. Strong density gradients from the molecular to the neutral atomic region are found, which naturally explain the large density contrasts (1-2 orders of magnitude) derived from observations of different tracers. The photoevaporating PDR is preceded by a low velocity shock (a few km/s) propagating into the molecular cloud. Photoevaporating PDR models offer a promising explanation to the recent observational evidence of dynamical effects in PDRs.
121 - Jer^ome Pety 2012
We present the first detection of the l-C3H+ hydrocarbon in the interstellar medium. The Horsehead WHISPER project, a millimeter unbiased line survey at two positions, namely the photo-dissociation region (PDR) and the nearby shielded core, revealed a consistent set of eight unidentified lines toward the PDR position. Six of them are detected with a signal-to-noise ratio from 6 to 19, while the two last ones are tentatively detected. Mostly noise appears at the same frequency toward the dense core, located less than 40 away. We simultaneously fit 1) the rotational and centrifugal distortion constants of a linear rotor, and 2) the Gaussian line shapes located at the eight predicted frequencies. The observed lines can be accurately fitted with a linear rotor model, implying a 1Sigma ground electronic state. The deduced rotational constant value is Be= 11244.9512 +/- 0.0015 MHz, close to that of l-C3H. We thus associate the lines to the l-C3H+ hydrocarbon cation, which enables us to constrain the chemistry of small hydrocarbons. A rotational diagram is then used to infer the excitation temperature and the column density. We finally compare the abundance to the results of the Meudon PDR photochemical model.
196 - J.R. Goicoechea 2009
The ionization fraction plays a key role in the chemistry and dynamics of molecular clouds. We study the H13CO+, DCO+ and HOC+ line emission towards the Horsehead, from the shielded core to the UV irradiated cloud edge, i.e., the Photodissociation Re gion (PDR), as a template to investigate the ionization fraction gradient in molecular clouds. We analyze a PdBI map of the H13CO+ J=1-0 line, complemented with IRAM-30m H13CO+ and DCO+ higher-J line maps and new HOC+ and CO+ observations. We compare self-consistently the observed spatial distribution and line intensities with detailed depth-dependent predictions of a PDR model coupled with a nonlocal radiative transfer calculation. The chemical network includes deuterated species, 13C fractionation reactions and HCO+/HOC+ isomerization reactions. The role of neutral and charged PAHs in the cloud chemistry and ionization balance is investigated. The detection of HOC+ reactive ion towards the Horsehead PDR proves the high ionization fraction of the outer UV irradiated regions, where we derive a low [HCO+]/[HOC+]~75-200 abundance ratio. In the absence of PAHs, we reproduce the observations with gas-phase metal abundances, [Fe+Mg+...], lower than 4x10(-9) (with respect to H) and a cosmic-rays ionization rate of zeta=(5+/-3)x10(-17) s(-1). The inclusion of PAHs modifies the ionization fraction gradient and increases the required metal abundance. The ionization fraction in the Horsehead edge follows a steep gradient, with a scale length of ~0.05 pc (or ~25), from [e-]~10(-4) (or n_e ~ 1-5 cm(-3)) in the PDR to a few times ~10(-9) in the core. PAH^- anions play a role in the charge balance of the cold and neutral gas if substantial amounts of free PAHs are present ([PAH] >10(-8)).
136 - Jer^ome Pety 2007
After a discussion about the need for observational benchmark for chemical models, we explain 1) why the Horsehead western edge is well suited to serve as reference for models and 2) the steps we are taking toward this goal. We summarize abundances obtained to date and we show recent results.
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