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Improving efficiency in radio surveys for gravitational lenses

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 نشر من قبل Neal Jackson
 تاريخ النشر 2006
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Many lens surveys have hitherto used observations of large samples of background sources to select the small minority which are multiply imaged by lensing galaxies along the line of sight. Recently surveys such as SLACS and OLS have improved the efficiency of surveys by pre-selecting double-redshift systems from SDSS. We explore other ways to improve survey efficiency by optimum use of astrometric and morphological information in existing large-scale optical and radio surveys. The method exploits the small position differences between FIRST radio positions of lensed images and the SDSS lens galaxy positions, together with the marginal resolution of some larger gravitational lens systems by the FIRST beam. We present results of a small pilot study with the VLA and MERLIN, and discuss the desirable criteria for future surveys.

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190 - X. Huang , C. Storfer , A. Gu 2020
We have conducted a search for new strong gravitational lensing systems in the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument Legacy Imaging Surveys Data Release 8. We use deep residual neural networks, building on previous work presented in Huang et al. (2020 ). These surveys together cover approximately one third of the sky visible from the northern hemisphere, reaching a z band AB magnitude of ~22.5. We compile a training sample that consists of known lensing systems as well as non-lenses in the Legacy Surveys and the Dark Energy Survey. After applying our trained neural networks to the survey data, we visually inspect and rank images with probabilities above a threshold. Here we present 1210 new strong lens candidates.
78 - L.V.E. Koopmans 2003
We present flux-ratio curves of the fold and cusp (i.e. close multiple) images of six JVAS/CLASS gravitational lens systems. The data were obtained over a period of 8.5 months in 2001 with the Multi-Element Radio-Linked Interferometer Network (MERLIN ) at 5-GHz with 50 mas resolution, as part of a MERLIN Key-Project. Even though the time delays between the fold and cusp images are small (<~1 day) compared to the time-scale of intrinsic source variability, all six lens systems show evidence that suggests the presence of extrinsic variability. In particular, the cusp images of B2045+265 -- regarded as the strongest case of the violation of the cusp relation (i.e. the sum of the magnifications of the three cusp images add to zero) -- show extrinsic variations in their flux-ratios up to ~40 percent peak-to-peak on time scales of several months. Its low Galactic latitude of b=-10 degree and a line-of-sight toward the Cygnus superbubble region suggest that Galactic scintillation is the most likely cause. The cusp images of B1422+231 at b=+69 degree do not show strong extrinsic variability. Galactic scintillation can therefore cause significant scatter in the cusp and fold relations of some radio lens systems (up to 10 percent rms), even though these relations remain violated when averaged over a <~1 year time baseline.
Aims. Radio observing efficiency can be improved by calibrating and reducing the observations in total power mode rather than in frequency, beam, or position-switching modes. Methods. We selected a sample of spectra obtained from the Institut de Radi o-Astronomie Millimetrique (IRAM) 30-m telescope and the Green Bank Telescope (GBT) to test the feasibility of the method. Given that modern front-end amplifiers for the GBT and direct Local Oscillator injection for the 30 m telescope provide smooth pass bands that are a few tens of megahertz in width, the spectra from standard observations can be cleaned (baseline removal) separately and then co-added directly when the lines are narrow enough (a few km/s), instead of performing the traditional ON minus OFF data reduction. This technique works for frequency-switched observations as well as for position- and beam-switched observations when the ON and OFF data are saved separately. Results. The method works best when the lines are narrow enough and not too numerous so that a secure baseline removal can be achieved. A signal-to-noise ratio improvement of a factor of sqrt(2) is found in most cases, consistent with theoretical expectations. Conclusions. By keeping the traditional observing mode, the fallback solution of the standard reduction technique is still available in cases of suboptimal baseline behavior, sky instability, or wide lines, and to confirm the line intensities. These techniques of total-power-mode reduction can be applied to any radio telescope with stable baselines as long as they record and deliver the ONs and OFFs separately, as is the case for the GBT.
114 - C.S. Kochanek 2003
The flux anomalies in four-image gravitational lenses can be interpreted as evidence for the dark matter substructure predicted by cold dark matter (CDM) halo models. In principle, these flux anomalies could arise from alternate sources such as absor ption, scattering or scintillation by the interstellar medium (ISM) of the lens galaxy, problems in the ellipsoidal macro models used to fit lens systems, or stellar microlensing. We apply several tests to the data that appear to rule out these alternate explanations. First, the radio flux anomalies show no significant dependence on wavelength, as would be expected for almost any propagation effect in the ISM or microlensing by the stars. Second, the flux anomaly distributions show the characteristic demagnifications of the brightest saddle point relative to the other images expected for low optical depth substructure, which cannot be mimicked by either the ISM or problems in the macro models. Microlensing by stars also cannot reproduce the suppression of the bright saddle points if the radio source sizes are consistent with the Compton limit for their angular sizes. Third, while it is possible to change the smooth lens models to fit the flux anomalies in some systems, we can rule out the necessary changes in all systems where we have additional lens constraints to check the models. Moreover, the parameters of these models are inconsistent with our present observations and expectations for the structure of galaxies. We conclude that low-mass halos remain the best explanation of the phenomenon.
152 - S.E. Bryan , S. Mao , S.T. Kay 2008
Substructures, expected in cold dark matter haloes, have been proposed to explain the anomalous flux ratios in gravitational lenses. About 25% of lenses in the Cosmic Lens All-Sky Survey (CLASS) appear to have luminous satellites within ~ 5 kpc/h of the main lensing galaxies, which are usually at redshift z ~ 0.2-1. In this work we use the Millennium Simulation combined with galaxy catalogues from semi-analytical techniques to study the predicted frequency of such satellites in simulated haloes. The fraction of haloes that host bright satellites within the (projected) central regions is similar for red and blue hosts and is found to increase as a function of host halo mass and redshift. Specifically, at z = 1, about 11% of galaxy-sized haloes (with masses between 10^{12} M_sun/h and 10^{13} M_sun/h) host bright satellite galaxies within a projected radius of 5 kpc/h. This fraction increases to about 17% (25%) if we consider bright (all) satellites of only group-sized haloes (with masses between 10^{13} M_sun/h and 10^{14} M_sun/h). These results are roughly consistent with the fraction (~ 25%) of CLASS lensing galaxies observed to host luminous satellites. At z = 0, only ~ 3% of galaxy-sized haloes host bright satellite galaxies. The fraction rises to ~ 6%, (10%) if we consider bright (all) satellites of only group-sized haloes at z = 0. However, most of the satellites found in the inner regions are `orphan galaxies where the dark matter haloes have been completely stripped. Thus the agreement crucially depends on the true survival rate of these `orphan galaxies. We also discuss the effects of numerical resolution and cosmologies on our results.
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