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Analytical Kerr black hole lensing in the weak deflection limit

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 نشر من قبل Mauro Sereno
 تاريخ النشر 2006
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present an analytical treatment of gravitational lensing by a Kerr black hole in the weak deflection limit. Lightlike geodesics are expanded as a Taylor series up to and including third-order terms in m/b and a/b, where m is the black hole mass, a the angular momentum and b the impact parameter of the light ray. Positions and magnifications of individual images are computed with a perturbative analysis. At this order, the degeneracy with the translated Schwarzschild lens is broken. The critical curve is still a circle displaced from the black hole position in the equatorial direction and the corresponding caustic is point-like. The degeneracy between the black hole spin and its inclination relative to the observer is broken through the angular coordinates of the perturbed images.

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We present a new upper limit on the energy that may be extracted from a Kerr black hole by means of particle collisions in the ergosphere (i.e., the collisional Penrose process). Earlier work on this subject has focused largely on particles with crit ical values of angular momentum falling into an extremal Kerr black hole from infinity and colliding just outside the horizon. While these collisions are able to reach arbitrarily high center-of-mass energies, it is very difficult for the reaction products to escape back to infinity, effectively limiting the peak efficiency of such a process to roughly $130%$. When we allow one of the initial particles to have impact parameter $b > 2M$, and thus not get captured by the horizon, it is able to collide along outgoing trajectories, greatly increasing the chance that the products can escape. For equal-mass particles annihilating to photons, we find a greatly increased peak energy of $E_{rm out} approx 6times E_{rm in}$. For Compton scattering, the efficiency can go even higher, with $E_{rm out} approx 14times E_{rm in}$, and for repeated scattering events, photons can both be produced {it and} escape to infinity with Planck-scale energies.
584 - V. Bozza , G. Scarpetta 2007
The gravitational field of supermassive black holes is able to strongly bend light rays emitted by nearby sources. When the deflection angle exceeds $pi$, gravitational lensing can be analytically approximated by the so-called strong deflection limit . In this paper we remove the conventional assumption of sources very far from the black hole, considering the distance of the source as an additional parameter in the lensing problem to be treated exactly. We find expressions for critical curves, caustics and all lensing observables valid for any position of the source up to the horizon. After analyzing the spherically symmetric case we focus on the Kerr black hole, for which we present an analytical 3-dimensional description of the higher order caustic tubes.
117 - Junji Jia , Ke Huang 2020
A perturbative method to compute the deflection angle of both timelike and null rays in arbitrary static and spherically symmetric spacetimes in the strong field limit is proposed. The result takes a quasi-series form of $(1-b_c/b)$ where $b$ is the impact parameter and $b_c$ is its critical value, with coefficients of the series explicitly given. This result also naturally takes into account the finite distance effect of both the source and detector, and allows to solve the apparent angles of the relativistic images in a more precise way. From this, the BH angular shadow size is expressed as a simple formula containing metric functions and particle/photon sphere radius. The magnification of the relativistic images were shown to diverge at different values of the source-detector angular coordinate difference, depending on the relation between the source and detector distance from the lens. To verify all these results, we then applied them to the Hayward BH spacetime, concentrating on the effects of its charge parameter $l$ and the asymptotic velocity $v$ of the signal. The BH shadow size were found to decrease slightly as $l$ increase to its critical value, and increase as $v$ decreases from light speed. For the deflection angle and the magnification of the images however, both the increase of $l$ and decrease of $v$ will increase their values.
We propose a set of diffeomorphism that act non-trivially near the horizon of the Kerr black hole. We follow the recent developments of Haco-Hawking-Perry-Strominger to quantify this phase space, with the most substantial difference being our choice of vectors fields. Our gravitational charges are organized into a Virasoro-Kac-Moody algebra with non-trivial central extensions. We interpret this algebra as arising from a warped conformal field theory. Using the data we can infer from this warped CFT description, we capture the thermodynamic properties of the Kerr black hole.
In this paper, we present the weak deflection angle in a Schwarzschild black hole of mass $m$ surrounded by the dark matter of mass $M$ and thickness $Delta r_{s}$. The Gauss-Bonnet theorem, formulated for asymptotic spacetimes, is found to be ill-be haved in the third-order of $1/Delta r_{s}$ for very large $Delta r_{s}$. Using the finite-distance for the radial locations of the source and the receiver, we derived the expression for the weak deflection angle up to the third-order of $1/Delta r_{s}$ using Ishihara (textit{et al.}) method. The result showed that the required dark matter thickness is $sim2sqrt{3mM}$ for the deviations in the weak deflection angle to occur. Such thickness requirement is better by a factor of 2 as compared to the deviations in the shadow radius ($simsqrt{3mM}$). It implies that the use of the weak deflection angle in detecting dark matter effects in ones galaxy is better than using any deviations in the shadow radius.
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