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Asteroids can be eclipsed by other bodies in the Solar System, but no direct observation of an asteroid eclipse has been reported to date. We describe a statistical method to predict an eclipse for an asteroid based on the analysis of the orbital elements covariance matrix. By propagating a set of Virtual Asteroids to an epoch correspondent to a close approach with a Solar System planet or natural satellite, it is possible to estimate the probability of a partial or total eclipse. The direct observation of an eclipse can provide data useful to improve the asteroid orbit, especially for dim asteroids typically observed only for a few days. We propose two different methods: the first, based on the inclusion of the apparent magnitude residuals into the orbits least squares minimization process, capable of improving the asteroids nominal orbit and the related covariance matrix; the second, based on weighting different Virtual Asteroids in relation to their apparent magnitude during the eclipse, useful for recovery purposes. As an application, we have numerically investigated the possibility of a Near Earth Asteroid eclipsed by the Moon or the Earth in the 1990-2050 period. A total of 74 distinct eclipses have been found, involving 59 asteroids. In particular, the asteroid (99942) Apophis has a probability of about 74% to enter the Moons penumbra cone and a probability of about 6% to enter the umbra cone on April 14, 2029, less than six hours after a very close approach to Earth.
Gaia is an astrometric mission that will be launched in 2013 and set on L2 point of Lagrange. It will observe a large number of Solar System Objets (SSO) down to magnitude 20. The Solar System Science goal is to map thousand of Main Belt asteroids (M
The Yarkovsky effect is a thermal process acting upon the orbits of small celestial bodies, which can cause these orbits to slowly expand or contract with time. The effect is subtle (da/dt ~ 10^-4 au/My for a 1 km diameter object) and is thus general
We seek evidence of the Yarkovsky effect among Near Earth Asteroids (NEAs) by measuring the Yarkovsky-related orbital drift from the orbital fit. To prevent the occurrence of unreliable detections we employ a high precision dynamical model, including
The cryogenic WISE mission in 2010 was extremely sensitive to asteroids and not biased against detecting dark objects. The albedos of 428 Near Earth Asteroids (NEAs) observed by WISE during its fully cryogenic mission can be fit quite well by a 3 par
In this article, theory-based analytical methodologies of astrophysics employed in the modern era are suitably operated alongside a test research-grade telescope to image and determine the orbit of a near-earth asteroid from original observations, me