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Gamma-Ray Bursts, Collisionless Shocks and Synthetic Spectra

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 نشر من قبل Christian B. Hededal
 تاريخ النشر 2005
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Christian Hededal

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The radiation from afterglows of gamma-ray bursts (GRB) is generated in collisionless plasma shocks. The two main ingredients behind the radiation are high-energy, non-thermal electrons and a strong magnetic field. I argue that in order to make the right conclusions about gamma-ray burst and afterglow parameters from observations, it is crucial to have a firm understanding of the microphysics of collisionless shock. I present the results of self-consistent, three-dimensional particle-in-cell computational simulations of the collision of weakly magnetized plasma shells: The experiments show how a plasma instability generates a magnetic field in the shock. The field has strength up to percents of the equipartition value. The experiments also reveal a new, non-thermal electron acceleration mechanism that differs substantially from Fermi acceleration. Finally, I present the results from a new numerical tool that enables us to extract synthetic radiation spectra directly from the experiments. The preliminary results differ from synchrotron radiation but are consistent with GRB afterglow observations. I conclude that strong magnetic field generation, non-thermal particle acceleration and the emission of radiation that is consistent with GRB afterglow observations, are all unavoidable consequences of the collision between two relativistic plasma shells.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

The radiation from afterglows of gamma-ray bursts is generated in the collisionless plasma shock interface between a relativistic outflow and a quiescent circum-burst medium. The two main ingredients responsible for the radiation are high-energy, non -thermal electrons and a strong magnetic field. In this Letter we present, for the first time, synthetic spectra extracted directly from first principles particle-in-cell simulations of relativist collisionless plasma shocks. The spectra are generated by a numerical Fourier transformation of the electrical far-field from each of a large number of particles, sampled directly from the particle-in-cell simulations. Both the electromagnetic field and the non-thermal particle acceleration are self-consistent products of the Weibel two-stream instability. We find that the radiation spectrum from a $Gamma=15$ shock simulation show great resemblance with observed GRB spectra -- we compare specifically with that of GRB000301C.
We consider a model in which the ultra-relativistic jet in a gamma-ray burst (GRB) is cold and magnetically accelerated. We assume that the energy flux in the outflowing material is partially thermalized via internal shocks or a reverse shock, and we estimate the maximum amount of radiation that could be produced in such magnetized shocks. We compare this estimate with the available observational data on prompt gamma-ray emission in GRBs. We find that, even with highly optimistic assumptions, the magnetized jet model is radiatively too inefficient to be consistent with observations. One way out is to assume that much of the magnetic energy in the post-shock, or even pre-shock, jet material is converted to particle thermal energy by some unspecified process, and then radiated. This can increase the radiative efficiency sufficiently to fit observations. Alternatively, jet acceleration may be driven by thermal pressure rather than magnetic fields. In this case, which corresponds to the traditional fireball model, sufficient prompt GRB emission could be produced either from shocks at a large radius or from the jet photosphere closer to the center.
Gamma-ray bursts are short-lived, luminous explosions at cosmological distances, thought to originate from relativistic jets launched at the deaths of massive stars. They are among the prime candidates to produce the observed cosmic rays at the highe st energies. Recent neutrino data have, however, started to constrain this possibility in the simplest models with only one emission zone. In the classical theory of gamma-ray bursts, it is expected that particles are accelerated at mildly relativistic shocks generated by the collisions of material ejected from a central engine. We consider neutrino and cosmic-ray emission from multiple emission regions since these internal collisions must occur at very different radii, from below the photosphere all the way out to the circumburst medium, as a consequence of the efficient dissipation of kinetic energy. We demonstrate that the different messengers originate from different collision radii, which means that multi-messenger observations open windows for revealing the evolving GRB outflows.
110 - G. Ghirlanda 2007
We study 7 Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs), detected both by the BATSE instrument, on-board the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory, and by the Wide Field Camera (WFC), on-board BeppoSAX. These bursts have measured spectroscopic redshifts and are a sizeable fracti on of the bursts defining the correlation between the peak energy E_peak (i.e. the peak of the vFv spectrum) and the total prompt isotropic energy E_iso (the so called Amati relation). Recent theoretical interpretations of this correlation assume that black-body emission dominates the time resolved spectra of GRBs, even if, in the time integrated spectrum, its presence may be hidden by the change of its temperature and by the dilution of a possible non-thermal power law component. We perform a time resolved spectral analysis, and show that the sum of a power-law and a black-body gives acceptable fits to the time dependent spectra within the BATSE energy range, but overpredicts the flux in the WFC X-ray range. Moreover, a fit with a cutoff power-law plus a black-body is consistent with the WFC data, but the black-body component contributes a negligible fraction of the total flux. On the contrary, we find that fitting the spectra with a Band model or a simple cutoff power-law model yields an X-ray flux and spectral slope which well matches the WFC spectra.
Principal component analysis is a statistical method, which lowers the number of important variables in a data set. The use of this method for the bursts spectra and afterglows is discussed in this paper. The analysis indicates that three principal c omponents are enough among the eight ones to describe the variablity of the data. The correlation between spectral index alpha and the redshift suggests that the thermal emission component becomes more dominant at larger redshifts.
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