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Reconstructing Sunyaev-Zeldovich clusters in future CMB experiments

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 نشر من قبل Kevin M. Huffenberger
 تاريخ النشر 2004
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف E. Pierpaoli

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We present a new method for component separation aimed to extract Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) galaxy clusters from multifrequency maps of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) experiments. This method is designed to recover non-Gaussian, spatially localized and sparse signals. We first characterize the cluster non-Gaussianity by studying it on simulated SZ maps. We the apply our estimator on simulated observations of the Planck and Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT) experiments. The method presented here outperforms multi-frequency Wiener filtering both in the reconstructed average intensity for given input and in the associated error. In the absence of point source contamination, this technique reconstructs the ACT (Planck) bright (big) clusters central y parameter with an intensity which is about 84 (43) per cent of the original input value. The associated error in the reconstruction is about 12 and 27 per cent for the 50 (12) ACT (Planck) clusters considered. For ACT, the error is dominated by beam smearing. In the Planck case the error in the reconstruction is largely determined by the noise level: a noise reduction by a factor 7 would imply almost perfect reconstruction and 10 per cent error for a large sample of clusters. We conclude that the selection function of Planck clusters will strongly depend on the noise properties in different sky regions, as well as from the specific cluster extraction method assumed.

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اقرأ أيضاً

157 - Scott T. Kay 2011
We have exploited the large-volume Millennium Gas cosmological N-body hydrodynamics simulations to study the SZ cluster population at low and high redshift, for three models with varying gas physics. We confirm previous results using smaller samples that the intrinsic (spherical) Y_{500}-M_{500} relation has very little scatter (sigma_{log_{10}Y}~0.04), is insensitive to cluster gas physics and evolves to redshift one in accord with self-similar expectations. Our pre-heating and feedback models predict scaling relations that are in excellent agreement with the recent analysis from combined Planck and XMM-Newton data by the Planck Collaboration. This agreement is largely preserved when r_{500} and M_{500} are derived using the hydrostatic mass proxy, Y_{X,500}, albeit with significantly reduced scatter (sigma_{log_{10}Y}~0.02), a result that is due to the tight correlation between Y_{500} and Y_{X,500}. Interestingly, this assumption also hides any bias in the relation due to dynamical activity. We also assess the importance of projection effects from large-scale structure along the line-of-sight, by extracting cluster Y_{500} values from fifty simulated 5x5 square degree sky maps. Once the (model-dependent) mean signal is subtracted from the maps we find that the integrated SZ signal is unbiased with respect to the underlying clusters, although the scatter in the (cylindrical) Y_{500}-M_{500} relation increases in the pre-heating case, where a significant amount of energy was injected into the intergalactic medium at high redshift. Finally, we study the hot gas pressure profiles to investigate the origin of the SZ signal and find that the largest contribution comes from radii close to r_{500} in all cases. The profiles themselves are well described by generalised Navarro, Frenk & White profiles but there is significant cluster-to-cluster scatter.
The Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect (SZE) provides a powerful tool for cosmological studies. Through recent advances in instrumentation and observational techniques it is now possible to obtain high quality measurements of the effect toward galaxy clusters. The analysis of the SZE toward a few tens of clusters has already led to interesting constraints on the Hubble constant and the mass density of the universe. In the near future, instruments exploiting the redshift independence of the SZE will be used to conduct deep surveys for galaxy clusters providing detailed information on the growth of large scale structure, tests of cosmological models and tight constraints on the cosmological parameters that describe our universe. In this review we provide an overview of the SZE and its use for cosmological studies. We summarize the current state of observations and the constraints on cosmological parameters already obtained and we discuss the power of using the SZE for future deep cluster surveys.
The Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) effect introduces a specific distortion of the blackbody spectrum of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation when it scatters off hot gas in clusters of galaxies. The frequency dependence of the distortion is only i ndependent of the cluster redshift when the evolution of the CMB radiation is adiabatic. Using 370 clusters within the redshift range $0.07lesssim zlesssim1.4$ from the largest SZ-selected cluster sample to date from the Atacama Cosmology Telescope, we provide new constraints on the deviation of CMB temperature evolution from the standard model $alpha=0.017^{+0.029}_{-0.032}$, where $T(z)=T_0(1+z)^{1-alpha}$. This result is consistent with no deviation from the standard adiabatic model. Combining it with previous, independent datasets we obtain a joint constraint of $alpha=-0.001pm0.012$.
115 - G. Hurier , R. E. Angulo 2017
The cosmological parameters prefered by the cosmic microwave background (CMB) primary anisotropies predict many more galaxy clusters than those that have been detected via the thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich (tSZ) effect. This tension has attracted conside rable attention since it could be evidence of physics beyond the simplest $Lambda$CDM model. However, an accurate and robust calibration of the mass-observable relation for clusters is necessary for the comparison, which has been proven difficult to obtain so far. Here, we present new contraints on the mass-pressure relation by combining tSZ and CMB lensing measurements about optically-selected clusters. Consequently, our galaxy cluster sample is independent from the data employed to derive cosmological constrains. We estimate an average hydrostatic mass bias of $b = 0.26 pm 0.07$, with no significant mass nor redshift evolution. This value greatly reduces the tension between the predictions of $Lambda$CDM and the observed abundance of tSZ clusters while being in agreement with recent estimations from tSZ clustering. On the other hand, our value for $b$ is higher than the predictions from hydro-dynamical simulations. This suggests the existence of mechanisms driving large departures from hydrostatic equilibrium and that are not included in state-of-the-art simulations, and/or unaccounted systematic errors such as biases in the cluster catalogue due to the optical selection.
848 - Maxim Markevitch 2011
It has long been suggested that helium nuclei in the intracluster plasma can sediment in the cluster gravitational potential well. Some theoretical estimates for the cores of relaxed clusters predict an excess of helium abundance by up to a factor of a few over its primordial value. The intracluster helium abundance cannot be measured directly. This presents a significant source of uncertainty for cosmological tests based on the X-ray derived cluster quantities, such as the gas mass, total mass, and gas mass fraction, all of which depend on the assumed helium abundance. We point out that cluster distances derived by combining the Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) and X-ray data also depend on the helium abundance. This dependence can be used to measure the abundance, provided the distance is known independently. For example, if one adopts the WMAP H_0 value, then the recent H_0 measurement by Bonamente and collaborators, derived from SZ data on 38 clusters assuming a primordial helium abundance, corresponds to an abundance excess by a factor of 1.9+-0.8 within r~1 Mpc (using only their statistical errors). This shows that interesting accuracy is within reach. We also briefly discuss how the SZ and X-ray cluster data can be combined to resolve the helium abundance dependence for the d_a(z) cosmological test.
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