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Spectral energy distributions and luminosities of galaxies and AGN in the SPITZER SWIRE Legacy Survey

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 نشر من قبل M. Rowan-Robinson
 تاريخ النشر 2004
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We discuss optical associations, spectral energy distributions and photometric redshifts for SWIRE sources in the ELAIS-N1 area and the Lockman Validation Field. The band-merged IRAC (3.6, 4.5, 5.8 and 8.0 mu) and MIPS (24, 70, 160 mu) data have been associated with optical UgriZ data from the INT Wide Field Survey in ELAIS-N1, and with our own optical Ugri data in Lockman-VF. The spectral energy distributions of selected ELAIS sources in N1 detected by SWIRE, most with spectroscopic redshifts, are modelled in terms of a simple set of galaxy and quasar templates in the optical and near infrared, and with a set of dust emission templates (cirrus, M82 starburst, Arp 220 starburst, and AGN dust torus) in the mid infrared. The optical data, together with the IRAC 3.6 and 4.5 mu data, have been used to determine photometric redshifts. For galaxies with known spectroscopic redshifts there is a notable improvement in the photometric redshift when the IRAC data are used, with a reduction in the rms scatter from 10% in (1+z) to 7%. The photometric redshifts are used to derive the 3.6 and 24 mu redshift distribution and to compare this with the predictions of models. For those sources with a clear mid infrared excess, relative to the galaxy starlight model used for the optical and near infrared, the mid and far infrared data are modelled in terms of the same dust emission templates. The proportions found of each template type are: cirrus 31%, M82 29%, Arp 220 10%, AGN dust tori 29%. The distribution of the different infrared sed types in the L_{ir}/L_{opt} versus L_{ir} plane, where L_{ir} and L_{opt} are the infrared and optical bolometric luminosities, is discussed.

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129 - J. Melbourne 2012
Dust-obscured galaxies (DOGs) are a subset of high-redshift (z approx 2) optically-faint ultra-luminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs, e.g. L_{IR} > 10^{12} Lsun). We present new far-infrared photometry, at 250, 350, and 500 um (observed-frame), from the Herschel Space Telescope for a large sample of 113 DOGs with spectroscopically measured redshifts. Approximately 60% of the sample are detected in the far-IR, confirming their high IR luminosities, which range from 10^{11.6} Lsun < L_{IR} (8-1000 um) <10^{13.6} Lsun. 90% of the Herschel detected DOGs in this sample are ULIRGs and 30% have L_{IR} > 10^{13} Lsun. The rest-frame near-IR (1 - 3 um) SEDs of the Herschel detected DOGs are predictors of their SEDs at longer wavelengths. DOGs with power-law SEDs in the rest-frame near-IR show observed-frame 250/24 um flux density ratios similar to the QSO-like local ULIRG, Mrk 231. DOGs with a stellar bump in their rest-frame near-IR show observed-frame 250/24 um flux density ratios similar to local star-bursting ULIRGs like NGC 6240. For the Herschel detected DOGs, accurate estimates (within approx 25%) of total IR luminosity can be predicted from their rest-frame mid-IR data alone (e.g. from Spitzer observed-frame 24 um luminosities). Herschel detected DOGs tend to have a high ratio of infrared luminosity to rest-frame 8 um luminosity (the IR8= L_{IR}(8-1000 um)/v L_{v}(8 um) parameter of Elbaz et al. 2011). Instead of lying on the z=1-2 infrared main-sequence of star forming galaxies (like typical LIRGs and ULIRGs at those epochs) the DOGs, especially large fractions of the bump sources, tend to lie in the starburst sequence. While, Herschel detected DOGs are similar to scaled
Motivated by the long-standing luminosity problem in low-mass star formation whereby protostars are underluminous compared to theoretical expectations, we identify 230 protostars in 18 molecular clouds observed by two Spitzer Space Telescope Legacy s urveys of nearby star-forming regions. We compile complete spectral energy distributions, calculate Lbol for each source, and study the protostellar luminosity distribution. This distribution extends over three orders of magnitude, from 0.01 Lsun - 69 Lsun, and has a mean and median of 4.3 Lsun and 1.3 Lsun, respectively. The distributions are very similar for Class 0 and Class I sources except for an excess of low luminosity (Lbol < 0.5 Lsun) Class I sources compared to Class 0. 100 out of the 230 protostars (43%) lack any available data in the far-infrared and submillimeter (70 um < wavelength < 850 um) and have Lbol underestimated by factors of 2.5 on average, and up to factors of 8-10 in extreme cases. Correcting these underestimates for each source individually once additional data becomes available will likely increase both the mean and median of the sample by 35% - 40%. We discuss and compare our results to several recent theoretical studies of protostellar luminosities and show that our new results do not invalidate the conclusions of any of these studies. As these studies demonstrate that there is more than one plausible accretion scenario that can match observations, future attention is clearly needed. The better statistics provided by our increased dataset should aid such future work.
156 - Haining Li , Hong Wu (1 2007
We explore the correlation between morphological types and mid-infrared (MIR) properties of an optically flux-limited sample of 154 galaxies from the Forth Data Release (DR4) of Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), cross-correlated with Spitzer SWIRE (Sp itzer Wide-Area InfraRed Extragalactic Survey) fields of ELAIS-N1, ELAIS-N2 and Lockman Hole. Aperture photometry is performed on the SDSS and Spitzer images to obtain optical and MIR properties. The morphological classifications are given based on both visual inspection and bulge-disk decomposition on SDSS g- and r-band images. The average bulge-to-total ratio (B/T) is a smooth function over different morphological types. Both the 8um(dust) and 24um(dust) luminosities and their relative luminosity ratios to 3.6um (MIR dust-to-star ratios) present obvious correlations with both the Hubble T-type and B/T. The early-type galaxies notably differ from the late-types in the MIR properties, especially in the MIR dust-to-star ratios. It is suggested that the MIR dust-to-star ratio is an effective way to separate the early-type galaxies from the late-type ones. Based on the tight correlation between the stellar mass and the 3.6um luminosity, we have derived a formula to calculate the stellar mass from the latter. We have also investigated the MIR properties of both edge-on galaxies and barred galaxies in our sample. Since they present similar MIR properties to the other sample galaxies, they do not influence the MIR properties obtained for the entire sample.
We discuss spectral energy distributions, photometric redshifts, redshift distributions, luminosity functions, source-counts and the far infrared to optical luminosity ratio for sources in the SWIRE Legacy Survey. The spectral energy distributions of selected SWIRE sources are modelled in terms of a simple set of galaxy and quasar templates in the optical and near infrared, and with a set of dust emission templates (cirrus, M82 starburst, Arp 220 starburst, and AGN dust torus) in the mid infrared. The optical data, together with the IRAC 3.6 and 4.5 mu data, have been used to determine photometric redshifts. For galaxies with known spectroscopic redshifts there is a notable improvement in the photometric redshift when the IRAC data are used, with a reduction in the rms scatter from 10% in (1+z) to 5%. While further spectroscopic data are needed to confirm this result, the prospect of determining good photometric redshifts for the 2 million extragalactic objects in SWIRE is excellent. The distribution of the different infrared sed types in the L{ir}/L{opt} versus L{ir} plane, where L{ir} and L{opt} are the infrared and optical bolometric luminosities, is discussed. Source-counts at 24, 70 and 160 mu are discussed, and luminosity functions at 3.6 and 24 mu are presented.
The relevance of M dwarfs in the search for potentially habitable Earth-sized planets has grown significantly in the last years. In our on-going effort to comprehensively and accurately characterise confirmed and potential planet-hosting M dwarfs, in particular for the CARMENES survey, we have carried out a comprehensive multi-band photometric analysis involving spectral energy distributions, luminosities, absolute magnitudes, colours, and spectral types, from which we have derived basic astrophysical parameters. We have carefully compiled photometry in 20 passbands from the ultraviolet to the mid-infrared, and combined it with the latest parallactic distances and close-multiplicity information, mostly from Gaia DR2, of a sample of 2479 K5V to L8 stars and ultracool dwarfs, including 2210 nearby, bright M dwarfs. For this, we made extensive use of Virtual Observatory tools. We have homogeneously computed accurate bolometric luminosities and effective temperatures of 1843 single stars, derived their radii and masses, studied the impact of metallicity, and compared our results with the literature. The over 40000 individually inspected magnitudes, together with the basic data and derived parameters of the stars, individual and averaged by spectral type, have been made public to the astronomical community. In addition, we have reported 40 new close multiple systems and candidates rho < 3.3 arcsec and 36 overluminous stars that are assigned to young Galactic populations. In the new era of exoplanet searches around M dwarfs via transit (e.g. TESS, PLATO) and radial velocity (e.g. CARMENES, NIRPS+HARPS), this work is of fundamental importance for stellar and therefore planetary parameter determination.
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