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Carbon Monoxide bands in M dwarfs

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 نشر من قبل Pavlenko Ya. V.
 تاريخ النشر 2002
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We compare the observational and theoretical spectra of the $Delta v$ = 2 CO bands in a range of M dwarfs. We investigate the dependence of theoretical spectra on effective temperatures as well as carbon abundance. In general we find that the synthetic CO bands fit the observed data extremely well and are excellent diagnostics. In particular the synthetic spectra reasonably match observations and the best fit temperatures are similar to those found by empirical methods. We also examine the CDC isotopic ratio. We find that fundamental $^{13}$CO bands around 2.345 and 2.375 $mu$m are good discriminators for the CDC ratio in M dwarfs. The 2.375 $mu$m is more useful because it doesnt suffer such serious contamination by water vapour transitions. Our current dataset does not quite have the wavelength coverage to perform a reliable determination of the CDC ratio in M dwarfs. For this we recommend observing the region 2.31--2.40 $mu$m at a resolution of better than 1000. Alternatively the observational problems of contamination by water vapour at 2.345 $mu$m maybe solved by observing at resolutions of around 50000. We also investigated the possibility of using the $Delta v$ = 1 CO bands around 4.5 $mu$m. We find that the contamination due to water vapour is even more of a problem at these wavelengths.

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238 - T. R. Geballe 2009
M band spectra of two late-type T dwarfs, 2MASS J09373487+2931409, and Gliese 570D, confirm evidence from photometry that photospheric CO is present at abundance levels far in excess of those predicted from chemical equilibrium. These new and unambig uous detections of CO, together with an earlier spectroscopic detection of CO in Gliese 229B and existing M band photometry of a large selection of T dwarfs, suggest that vertical mixing in the photosphere drives the CO abundance out of chemical equilibrium and is a common, and likely universal feature of mid-to-late type T dwarfs. The M band spectra allow determinations of the time scale of vertical mixing in the atmosphere of each object, the first such measurements of this important parameter in late T dwarfs. A detailed analysis of the spectral energy distribution of 2MASS J09373487+2931409 results in the following values for metallicity, temperature, surface gravity, and luminosity: [M/H]~-0.3, T_eff=925-975K, log g=5.20-5.47, log L/L_sun=-5.308 +/- 0.027. The age is 3-10 Gyr and the mass is in the range 45-69 M_Jup.
64 - Yaron Sheffer 2002
In an echelle spectrum of X Per acquired with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph we have identified individual rotational lines of 11 triplet-singlet (intersystem) absorption bands of ^12CO. Four bands provide first detections for interstellar clouds. From a comparison with the zeta Oph sight line we find that X Per is obscured by a higher 12CO column density of 1.4 x 10^16 cm-2. Together with the high spectral resolution of 1.3 km s-1, this allows (i) an improved measurement of previously published f-values for seven bands, and (ii) an extraction of the first astrophysical oscillator strengths for d-X (8-0), (9-0), and (10-0), as well as for e-X (12-0). The ^13CO d-X (12-0) band, previously suspected to exist toward zeta Oph, is now readily resolved and modeled. Our derived intersystem f-values for ^12CO include a few mild (leq 34%) disagreements with recent predictions from a perturbation analysis calculated for the interstellar excitation temperature. Overall, the comparison confirms the superiority of employing multiple singlet levels in the calculations of mixing coefficients over previous single-level predictions.
The goal is to determine the composition of Plutos atmosphere and to constrain the nature of surface-atmosphere interactions. We perform high--resolution spectroscopic observations in the 2.33--2.36 $mu$m range, using CRIRES at the VLT. We obtain (i) the first detection of gaseous methane in this spectral range, through lines of the $ u_3$ + $ u_4$ and $ u_1$ + $ u_4$ bands (ii) strong evidence (6-$sigma$ confidence) for gaseous CO in Pluto. For an isothermal atmosphere at 90 K, the CH$_4$ and CO column densities are 0.75 and 0.07 cm-am, within factors of 2 and 3, respectively. Using a physically--based thermal structure model of Plutos atmosphere also satisfying constraints from stellar occultations, we infer CH$_4$ and CO mixing ratios q$_{CH_4}$= 0.6$^{+0.6}_{-0.3}$% (consistent with results from the 1.66 $mu$m range) and q$_{CO}$ = 0.5$^{+1}_{-0.25}$$times10^{-3}$. The CO atmospheric abundance is consistent with its surface abundance. As for Triton, it is probably controlled by a thin, CO-rich, detailed balancing layer resulting from seasonal transport and/or atmospheric escape.
We compare high resolution infrared observations of the CO 3-1 bands in the 2.297-2.310 micron region of M dwarfs and one L dwarf with theoretical expectations. We find a good match between the observational and synthetic spectra throughout the 2000- 3500K temperature regime investigated. Nonetheless, for the 2500-3500 K temperature range the temperatures that we derive from synthetic spectral fits are higher than expected from more empirical methods by several hundred K. In order to reconcile our findings with the empirical temperature scale it is necessary to invoke warming of the model atmosphere used to construct the synthetic spectra. We consider that the most likely reason for the back-warming is missing high temperature opacity due to water vapour. We compare the water vapour opacity of the Partridge & Schwenke (1997) line list used for the model atmosphere with the output from a preliminary calculation by Barber & Tennyson (2004). While the Partridge & Schwenke line list is a reasonable spectroscopic match for the new line list at 2000 K, by 4000 K it is missing around 25% of the water vapour opacity. We thus consider that the offset between empirical and synthetic temperature scales is explained by the lack of hot water vapour used for computation of the synthetic spectra. For our coolest objects with temperatures below 2500 K we find best fits when using synthetic spectra which include dust emission. Our spectra also allow us to constrain the rotational velocities of our sources, and these velocities are consistent with the broad trend of rotational velocities increasing from M to L.
Laser pulses with stable electric field waveforms establish the opportunity to achieve coherent control on attosecond timescales. We present experimental and theoretical results on the steering of electronic motion in a multi-electron system. A very high degree of light-waveform control over the directional emission of C+ and O+ fragments from the dissociative ionization of CO was observed. Ab initio based model calculations reveal contributions to the control related to the ionization and laser-induced population transfer between excited electronic states of CO+ during dissociation.
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