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Constrained Toda hierarchy and turning points of the Ruijsenaars-Schneider model

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 نشر من قبل Anton Zabrodin
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We introduce a new integrable hierarchy of nonlinear differential-difference equations which we call constrained Toda hierarchy (C-Toda). It can be regarded as a certain subhierarchy of the 2D Toda lattice obtained by imposing the constraint $bar {cal L}={cal L}^{dag}$ on the two Lax operators (in the symmetric gauge). We prove the existence of the tau-function of the C-Toda hierarchy and show that it is the square root of the 2D Toda lattice tau-function. In this and some other respects the C-Toda is a Toda analogue of the CKP hierarchy. It is also shown that zeros of the tau-function of elliptic solutions satisfy the dynamical equations of the Ruijsenaars-Schneider model restricted to turning points in the phase space. The spectral curve has holomorphic involution which interchange the marked points in which the Baker-Akhiezer function has essential singularities.

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اقرأ أيضاً

339 - V. Prokofev , A. Zabrodin 2021
We consider solutions of the 2D Toda lattice hierarchy which are elliptic functions of the zeroth time t_0=x. It is known that their poles as functions of t_1 move as particles of the elliptic Ruijsenaars-Schneider model. The goal of this paper is to extend this correspondence to the level of hierarchies. We show that the Hamiltonians which govern the dynamics of poles with respect to the m-th hierarchical times t_m and bar t_m of the 2D Toda lattice hierarchy are obtained from expansion of the spectral curve for the Lax matrix of the Ruijsenaars-Schneider model at the marked points.
126 - I. Krichever , A. Zabrodin 2020
A characterization of the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili hierarchy of type C (CKP) in terms of the KP tau-function is given. Namely, we prove that the CKP hierarchy can be identified with the restriction of odd times flows of the KP hierarchy on the locus of turning points of the second flow. The notion of CKP tau-function is clarified and connected with the KP tau function. Algebraic-geometrical solutions and in particular elliptic solutions are discussed in detail. The new identity for theta-functions of curves with holomorphic involution having fixed points is obtained.
We derive a Hamiltonian structure for the $N$-particle hyperbolic spin Ruijsenaars-Schneider model by means of Poisson reduction of a suitable initial phase space. This phase space is realised as the direct product of the Heisenberg double of a facto risable Lie group with another symplectic manifold that is a certain deformation of the standard canonical relations for $Nell$ conjugate pairs of dynamical variables. We show that the model enjoys the Poisson-Lie symmetry of the spin group ${rm GL}_{ell}({mathbb C})$ which explains its superintegrability. Our results are obtained in the formalism of the classical $r$-matrix and they are compatible with the recent findings on the different Hamiltonian structure of the model established in the framework of the quasi-Hamiltonian reduction applied to a quasi-Poisson manifold.
Using the determinant representation of gauge transformation operator, we have shown that the general form of $tau$ function of the $q$-KP hierarchy is a q-deformed generalized Wronskian, which includes the q-deformed Wronskian as a special case. On the basis of these, we study the q-deformed constrained KP ($q$-cKP) hierarchy, i.e. $l$-constraints of $q$-KP hierarchy. Similar to the ordinary constrained KP (cKP) hierarchy, a large class of solutions of $q$-cKP hierarchy can be represented by q-deformed Wronskian determinant of functions satisfying a set of linear $q$-partial differential equations with constant coefficients. We obtained additional conditions for these functions imposed by the constraints. In particular, the effects of $q$-deformation ($q$-effects) in single $q$-soliton from the simplest $tau$ function of the $q$-KP hierarchy and in multi-$q$-soliton from one-component $q$-cKP hierarchy, and their dependence of $x$ and $q$, were also presented. Finally, we observe that $q$-soliton tends to the usual soliton of the KP equation when $xto 0$ and $qto 1$, simultaneously.
We conjecture the quantum analogue of the classical trace formulae for the integrals of motion of the quantum hyperbolic Ruijsenaars-Schneider model. This is done by departing from the classical construction where the corresponding model is obtained from the Heisenberg double by the Poisson reduction procedure. We also discuss some algebraic structures associated to the Lax matrix in the classical and quantum theory which arise upon introduction of the spectral parameter.
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