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Self-supervised Representation Learning for Trip Recommendation

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 نشر من قبل Qiang Gao
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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Trip recommendation is a significant and engaging location-based service that can help new tourists make more customized travel plans. It often attempts to suggest a sequence of point of interests (POIs) for a user who requests a personalized travel demand. Conventional methods either leverage the heuristic algorithms (e.g., dynamic programming) or statistical analysis (e.g., Markov models) to search or rank a POI sequence. These procedures may fail to capture the diversity of human needs and transitional regularities. They even provide recommendations that deviate from tourists real travel intention when the trip data is sparse. Although recent deep recursive models (e.g., RNN) are capable of alleviating these concerns, existing solutions hardly recognize the practical reality, such as the diversity of tourist demands, uncertainties in the trip generation, and the complex visiting preference. Inspired by the advance in deep learning, we introduce a novel self-supervised representation learning framework for trip recommendation -- SelfTrip, aiming at tackling the aforementioned challenges. Specifically, we propose a two-step contrastive learning mechanism concerning the POI representation, as well as trip representation. Furthermore, we present four trip augmentation methods to capture the visiting uncertainties in trip planning. We evaluate our SelfTrip on four real-world datasets, and extensive results demonstrate the promising gain compared with several cutting-edge benchmarks, e.g., up to 4% and 12% on F1 and pair-F1, respectively.

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Recently, using different channels to model social semantic information, and using self-supervised learning tasks to maintain the characteristics of each channel when fusing the information, which has been proven to be a very promising work. However, how to deeply dig out the relationship between different channels and make full use of it while maintaining the uniqueness of each channel is a problem that has not been well studied and resolved in this field. Under such circumstances, this paper explores and verifies the deficiency of directly constructing contrastive learning tasks on different channels with practical experiments and proposes the scheme of interactive modeling and matching representation across different channels. This is the first attempt in the field of recommender systems, we believe the insight of this paper is inspirational to future self-supervised learning research based on multi-channel information. To solve this problem, we propose a cross-channel matching representation model based on attentive interaction, which realizes efficient modeling of the relationship between cross-channel information. Based on this, we also proposed a hierarchical self-supervised learning model, which realized two levels of self-supervised learning within and between channels and improved the ability of self-supervised tasks to autonomously mine different levels of potential information. We have conducted abundant experiments, and many experimental metrics on multiple public data sets show that the method proposed in this paper has a significant improvement compared with the state-of-the-art methods, no matter in the general or cold-start scenario. And in the experiment of model variant analysis, the benefits of the cross-channel matching representation model and the hierarchical self-supervised model proposed in this paper are also fully verified.
With the prevalence of social media, there has recently been a proliferation of recommenders that shift their focus from individual modeling to group recommendation. Since the group preference is a mixture of various predilections from group members, the fundamental challenge of group recommendation is to model the correlations among members. Existing methods mostly adopt heuristic or attention-based preference aggregation strategies to synthesize group preferences. However, these models mainly focus on the pairwise connections of users and ignore the complex high-order interactions within and beyond groups. Besides, group recommendation suffers seriously from the problem of data sparsity due to severely sparse group-item interactions. In this paper, we propose a self-supervised hypergraph learning framework for group recommendation to achieve two goals: (1) capturing the intra- and inter-group interactions among users; (2) alleviating the data sparsity issue with the raw data itself. Technically, for (1), a hierarchical hypergraph convolutional network based on the user- and group-level hypergraphs is developed to model the complex tuplewise correlations among users within and beyond groups. For (2), we design a double-scale node dropout strategy to create self-supervision signals that can regularize user representations with different granularities against the sparsity issue. The experimental analysis on multiple benchmark datasets demonstrates the superiority of the proposed model and also elucidates the rationality of the hypergraph modeling and the double-scale self-supervision.
Self-supervised learning (SSL), which can automatically generate ground-truth samples from raw data, holds vast potential to improve recommender systems. Most existing SSL-based methods perturb the raw data graph with uniform node/edge dropout to gen erate new data views and then conduct the self-discrimination based contrastive learning over different views to learn generalizable representations. Under this scheme, only a bijective mapping is built between nodes in two different views, which means that the self-supervision signals from other nodes are being neglected. Due to the widely observed homophily in recommender systems, we argue that the supervisory signals from other nodes are also highly likely to benefit the representation learning for recommendation. To capture these signals, a general socially-aware SSL framework that integrates tri-training is proposed in this paper. Technically, our framework first augments the user data views with the user social information. And then under the regime of tri-training for multi-view encoding, the framework builds three graph encoders (one for recommendation) upon the augmented views and iteratively improves each encoder with self-supervision signals from other users, generated by the other two encoders. Since the tri-training operates on the augmented views of the same data sources for self-supervision signals, we name it self-supervised tri-training. Extensive experiments on multiple real-world datasets consistently validate the effectiveness of the self-supervised tri-training framework for improving recommendation. The code is released at https://github.com/Coder-Yu/QRec.
158 - Suyu Ge , Chuhan Wu , Fangzhao Wu 2020
With the explosion of online news, personalized news recommendation becomes increasingly important for online news platforms to help their users find interesting information. Existing news recommendation methods achieve personalization by building ac curate news representations from news content and user representations from their direct interactions with news (e.g., click), while ignoring the high-order relatedness between users and news. Here we propose a news recommendation method which can enhance the representation learning of users and news by modeling their relatedness in a graph setting. In our method, users and news are both viewed as nodes in a bipartite graph constructed from historical user click behaviors. For news representations, a transformer architecture is first exploited to build news semantic representations. Then we combine it with the information from neighbor news in the graph via a graph attention network. For user representations, we not only represent users from their historically clicked news, but also attentively incorporate the representations of their neighbor users in the graph. Improved performances on a large-scale real-world dataset validate the effectiveness of our proposed method.
Session-based recommendation (SBR) focuses on next-item prediction at a certain time point. As user profiles are generally not available in this scenario, capturing the user intent lying in the item transitions plays a pivotal role. Recent graph neur al networks (GNNs) based SBR methods regard the item transitions as pairwise relations, which neglect the complex high-order information among items. Hypergraph provides a natural way to capture beyond-pairwise relations, while its potential for SBR has remained unexplored. In this paper, we fill this gap by modeling session-based data as a hypergraph and then propose a hypergraph convolutional network to improve SBR. Moreover, to enhance hypergraph modeling, we devise another graph convolutional network which is based on the line graph of the hypergraph and then integrate self-supervised learning into the training of the networks by maximizing mutual information between the session representations learned via the two networks, serving as an auxiliary task to improve the recommendation task. Since the two types of networks both are based on hypergraph, which can be seen as two channels for hypergraph modeling, we name our model textbf{DHCN} (Dual Channel Hypergraph Convolutional Networks). Extensive experiments on three benchmark datasets demonstrate the superiority of our model over the SOTA methods, and the results validate the effectiveness of hypergraph modeling and self-supervised task. The implementation of our model is available at https://github.com/xiaxin1998/DHCN
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