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The bistable states and separation hysteresis in curved compression ramp (CCR) flows, and the corresponding aerothermal characteristics (including wall friction, pressure and heat flux), are studied numerically and theoretically. Direct numerical simulations of separation hysteresis induced by variation of turning angle, as well as the influence of inflow Mach number and wall temperature on hysteresis loops, are carried out. Distributions of wall friction, pressure and heat flux are analyzed. Further, emergence of wall frictions first and second minima in the separation bubble is interpreted, revealing it is dominated by the adverse pressure gradient induced by separation and reattachment shocks. The present results and analysis indicate that the reversed-flow singularity of Smith (Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences, 1988, 420: 21-52) is less likely to occur in CCR flows. The prediction of peak pressure of separation states confirms the model based on the minimum viscous dissipation theorem (Physics of Fluids, 2020, 32(10):101702). While the pressure overshoot can be analyzed by shock-polars with pressure match of compression and expansion process. The correlation between peak heat flux and peak pressure rise of both separation and attachment states is also discussed in terms of the classical power relations.
A new spatial-related mechanism is proposed to understand separation hysteresis processes in curved compression ramp (CCR) flows discovered recently (Hu et al. Phy. Fluid, 32(11): 113601, 2020). Two separation hystereses, induced by variations of Mac
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