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Bayesian Estimation of the Hydroxyl Radical Diffusion Coefficient at Low Temperature and High Pressure from Atomistic Molecular Dynamics

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 نشر من قبل Carter Butts
 تاريخ النشر 2021
والبحث باللغة English

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The hydroxyl radical is the primary reactive oxygen species produced by the radiolysis of water, and is a significant source of radiation damage to living organisms. Mobility of the hydroxyl radical at low temperatures and/or high pressures is hence a potentially important factor in determining the challenges facing psychrophilic and/or barophilic organisms in high-radiation environments (e.g., ice-interface or undersea environments in which radiative heating is a potential heat and energy source). Here, we estimate the diffusion coefficient for the hydroxyl radical in aqueous solution, using a hierarchical Bayesian model based on atomistic molecular dynamics trajectories in TIP4P/2005 water over a range of temperatures and pressures.

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اقرأ أيضاً

106 - Yuri Kornyushin 2007
Usually microscopic electrostatic field around ions is neglected when the ionization energy is concerned. The ionization energy is considered to be equal to that of a separate atom (molecule). Here the energy of the electrostatic field around ions is taken into account. It is shown that the energy of this field contributes to decrease in the effective ionization energy. The effective ionization energy may turn to zero at some critical concentration of delocalized electrons. This leads to a complete ionization of the atoms (molecules). Concrete calculations were performed for oxygen molecular gas.
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318 - Gordon J Ross 2021
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125 - Sam Azadi , , Thomas D. Kuhne 2016
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