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Training visuomotor robot controllers from scratch on a new robot typically requires generating large amounts of robot-specific data. Could we leverage data previously collected on another robot to reduce or even completely remove this need for robot-specific data? We propose a robot-aware solution paradigm that exploits readily available robot self-knowledge such as proprioception, kinematics, and camera calibration to achieve this. First, we learn modular dynamics models that pair a transferable, robot-agnostic world dynamics module with a robot-specific, analytical robot dynamics module. Next, we set up visual planning costs that draw a distinction between the robot self and the world. Our experiments on tabletop manipulation tasks in simulation and on real robots demonstrate that these plug-in improvements dramatically boost the transferability of visuomotor controllers, even permitting zero-shot transfer onto new robots for the very first time. Project website: https://hueds.github.io/rac/
While reinforcement learning (RL) has the potential to enable robots to autonomously acquire a wide range of skills, in practice, RL usually requires manual, per-task engineering of reward functions, especially in real world settings where aspects of
Reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms have shown impressive success in exploring high-dimensional environments to learn complex, long-horizon tasks, but can often exhibit unsafe behaviors and require extensive environment interaction when exploratio
Though deep neural networks perform challenging tasks excellently, they are susceptible to adversarial examples, which mislead classifiers by applying human-imperceptible perturbations on clean inputs. Under the query-free black-box scenario, adversa
Learning sensorimotor control policies from high-dimensional images crucially relies on the quality of the underlying visual representations. Prior works show that structured latent space such as visual keypoints often outperforms unstructured repres
Combining model-based and model-free learning systems has been shown to improve the sample efficiency of learning to perform complex robotic tasks. However, dual-system approaches fail to consider the reliability of the learned model when it is appli