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The violation of Bell-CHSH inequalities leads to different conclusions depending on the description used

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 نشر من قبل Jorge G. Hirsch
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Since the experimental observation of the violation of the Bell-CHSH inequalities, much has been said about the non-local and contextual character of the underlying system. But the hypothesis from which Bells inequalities are derived differ according to the probability space used to write them. The violation of Bells inequalities can, alternatively, be explained assuming that the hidden variables do not exist at all, or that they exist but their values cannot be simultaneously assigned, or that the values can be assigned but joint probabilities cannot be properly defined, or that averages taken in different contexts cannot be combined. All of the above are valid options, selected by different communities to provide support to their particular research program.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

178 - Yanmin Yang , Zhu-Jun Zheng 2017
In recent papers, the theory of representations of finite groups has been proposed to analyzing the violation of Bell inequalities. In this paper, we apply this method to more complicated cases. For two partite system, Alice and Bob each make one of $d$ possible measurements, each measurement has $n$ outcomes. The Bell inequalities based on the choice of two orbits are derived. The classical bound is only dependent on the number of measurements $d$, but the quantum bound is dependent both on $n$ and $d$. Even so, when $d$ is large enough, the quantum bound is only dependent on $d$. The subset of probabilities for four parties based on the choice of six orbits under group action is derived and its violation is described. Restricting the six orbits to three parties by forgetting the last party, and guaranteeing the classical bound invariant, the Bell inequality based on the choice of four orbits is derived. Moreover, all the corresponding nonlocal games are analyzed.
The violation of a Bell inequality is the paradigmatic example of device-independent quantum information: the nonclassicality of the data is certified without the knowledge of the functioning of devices. In practice, however, all Bell experiments rel y on the precise understanding of the underlying physical mechanisms. Given that, it is natural to ask: Can one witness nonclassical behaviour in a truly black-box scenario? Here we propose and implement, computationally and experimentally, a solution to this ab-initio task. It exploits a robust automated optimization approach based on the Stochastic Nelder-Mead algorithm. Treating preparation and measurement devices as black-boxes, and relying on the observed statistics only, our adaptive protocol approaches the optimal Bell inequality violation after a limited number of iterations for a variety photonic states, measurement responses and Bell scenarios. In particular, we exploit it for randomness certification from unknown states and measurements. Our results demonstrate the power of automated algorithms, opening a new venue for the experimental implementation of device-independent quantum technologies.
In this article, we analyse the relationship between the Bell violation and the secure key rate of entanglement assisted quantum key distribution (QKD) protocols. Specifically, we address the question whether Bell violation is necessary or sufficient for secure communication. We construct a class of states which do not show Bell violation, however, which can be used for secure communication after local filtering. Similarly, we identify another class of states which show Bell violation but can not be used for generating secure key even after local filtering. The existence of these two classes of states demonstrates that Bell violation as an initial resource is neither necessary nor sufficient for QKD. Our work therefore forces a departure from traditional thinking that the degree of Bell violation is a key resource for quantum communication and brings out the role of local filtering.
229 - J. Kiukas , R. F. Werner 2009
We show that it is possible to find maximal violations of the CHSH-Bell inequality using only position measurements on a pair of entangled non-relativistic free particles. The device settings required in the CHSH inequality are done by choosing one o f two times at which position is measured. For different assignments of the + outcome to positions, namely to an interval, to a half line, or to a periodic set, we determine violations of the inequalities, and states where they are attained. These results have consequences for the hidden variable theories of Bohm and Nelson, in which the two-time correlations between distant particle trajectories have a joint distribution, and hence cannot violate any Bell inequality.
We report on the experimental violation of multipartite Bell inequalities by entangled states of trapped ions. First we consider resource states for measurement-based quantum computation of between 3 and 7 ions and show that all strongly violate a Be ll-type inequality for graph states, where the criterion for violation is a sufficiently high fidelity. Second we analyze GHZ states of up to 14 ions generated in a previous experiment using stronger Mermin-Klyshko inequalities, and show that in this case the violation of local realism increases exponentially with system size. These experiments represent a violation of multipartite Bell-type inequalities of deterministically prepared entangled states. In addition, the detection loophole is closed.
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