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We discuss and illustrate the properties of several parton-shower models available in Pythia and Vincia, in the context of Higgs production via vector boson fusion (VBF). In particular, the distinctive colour topology of VBF processes allows to define observables sensitive to the coherent radiation pattern of additional jets. We study a set of such observables, using the Vincia sector-antenna shower as our main reference, and contrast it to Pythias transverse-momentum-ordered DGLAP shower as well as Pythias dipole-improved shower. We then investigate the robustness of these predictions as successive levels of higher-order perturbative matrix elements are incorporated, including next-to-leading-order matched and tree-level merged calculations, using Powheg Box and Sherpa respectively to generate the hard events.
We present a Monte Carlo implementation, within PYTHIA, of medium-induced gluon radiation in the final state branching process. Medium effects are introduced through an additive term in the splitting functions computed in the multiple-soft scattering
We study QCD radiation for the WH and WZ production processes at the LHC. We identify the regions sensitive to anomalous couplings, by considering jet observables, computed at NLO QCD with the use of the Monte Carlo program VBFNLO. Based on these obs
For certain classes of Beyond the Standard Model theories, including composite Higgs models, the coupling of the Higgs to gauge bosons can be different from the Standard Model one. In this case, the multi-boson production via vector boson fusion (VBF
We consider top quark pair production in association with a hard jet through next-to-leading order in perturbative QCD. Top quark decays are treated in the narrow width approximation and spin correlations are retained throughout the computation. We i
We present results of the simulation of electroweak Higgs boson production at the Large Hadron Collider using the NLO multi-jet merging framework provided by the general purpose event generator Herwig 7. For the hard processes, we use the HJets libra