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Improving Inference Lifetime of Neuromorphic Systems via Intelligent Synapse Mapping

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 نشر من قبل Anup Das
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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Non-Volatile Memories (NVMs) such as Resistive RAM (RRAM) are used in neuromorphic systems to implement high-density and low-power analog synaptic weights. Unfortunately, an RRAM cell can switch its state after reading its content a certain number of times. Such behavior challenges the integrity and program-once-read-many-times philosophy of implementing machine learning inference on neuromorphic systems, impacting the Quality-of-Service (QoS). Elevated temperatures and frequent usage can significantly shorten the number of times an RRAM cell can be reliably read before it becomes absolutely necessary to reprogram. We propose an architectural solution to extend the read endurance of RRAM-based neuromorphic systems. We make two key contributions. First, we formulate the read endurance of an RRAM cell as a function of the programmed synaptic weight and its activation within a machine learning workload. Second, we propose an intelligent workload mapping strategy incorporating the endurance formulation to place the synapses of a machine learning model onto the RRAM cells of the hardware. The objective is to extend the inference lifetime, defined as the number of times the model can be used to generate output (inference) before the trained weights need to be reprogrammed on the RRAM cells of the system. We evaluate our architectural solution with machine learning workloads on a cycle-accurate simulator of an RRAM-based neuromorphic system. Our results demonstrate a significant increase in inference lifetime with only a minimal performance impact.

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اقرأ أيضاً

Neuromorphic computing systems are embracing memristors to implement high density and low power synaptic storage as crossbar arrays in hardware. These systems are energy efficient in executing Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs). We observe that long bitl ines and wordlines in a memristive crossbar are a major source of parasitic voltage drops, which create current asymmetry. Through circuit simulations, we show the significant endurance variation that results from this asymmetry. Therefore, if the critical memristors (ones with lower endurance) are overutilized, they may lead to a reduction of the crossbars lifetime. We propose eSpine, a novel technique to improve lifetime by incorporating the endurance variation within each crossbar in mapping machine learning workloads, ensuring that synapses with higher activation are always implemented on memristors with higher endurance, and vice versa. eSpine works in two steps. First, it uses the Kernighan-Lin Graph Partitioning algorithm to partition a workload into clusters of neurons and synapses, where each cluster can fit in a crossbar. Second, it uses an instance of Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) to map clusters to tiles, where the placement of synapses of a cluster to memristors of a crossbar is performed by analyzing their activation within the workload. We evaluate eSpine for a state-of-the-art neuromorphic hardware model with phase-change memory (PCM)-based memristors. Using 10 SNN workloads, we demonstrate a significant improvement in the effective lifetime.
The design of many-core neuromorphic hardware is getting more and more complex as these systems are expected to execute large machine learning models. To deal with the design complexity, a predictable design flow is needed to guarantee real-time perf ormance such as latency and throughput without significantly increasing the buffer requirement of computing cores. Synchronous Data Flow Graphs (SDFGs) are used for predictable mapping of streaming applications to multiprocessor systems. We propose an SDFG-based design flow for mapping spiking neural networks (SNNs) to many-core neuromorphic hardware with the objective of exploring the tradeoff between throughput and buffer size. The proposed design flow integrates an iterative partitioning approach, based on Kernighan-Lin graph partitioning heuristic, creating SNN clusters such that each cluster can be mapped to a core of the hardware. The partitioning approach minimizes the inter-cluster spike communication, which improves latency on the shared interconnect of the hardware. Next, the design flow maps clusters to cores using an instance of the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), an evolutionary algorithm, exploring the design space of throughput and buffer size. Pareto optimal mappings are retained from the design flow, allowing system designers to select a Pareto mapping that satisfies throughput and buffer size requirements of the design. We evaluated the design flow using five large-scale convolutional neural network (CNN) models. Results demonstrate 63% higher maximum throughput and 10% lower buffer size requirement compared to state-of-the-art dataflow-based mapping solutions.
This work reports a compact behavioral model for gated-synaptic memory. The model is developed in Verilog-A for easy integration into computer-aided design of neuromorphic circuits using emerging memory. The model encompasses various forms of gated s ynapses within a single framework and is not restricted to only a single type. The behavioral theory of the model is described in detail along with a full list of the default parameter settings. The model includes parameters such as a devices ideal set time, threshold voltage, general evolution of the conductance with respect to time, decay of the devices state, etc. Finally, the models validity is shown via extensive simulation and fitting to experimentally reported data on published gated-synapses.
Neuromorphic computing systems uses non-volatile memory (NVM) to implement high-density and low-energy synaptic storage. Elevated voltages and currents needed to operate NVMs cause aging of CMOS-based transistors in each neuron and synapse circuit in the hardware, drifting the transistors parameters from their nominal values. Aggressive device scaling increases power density and temperature, which accelerates the aging, challenging the reliable operation of neuromorphic systems. Existing reliability-oriented techniques periodically de-stress all neuron and synapse circuits in the hardware at fixed intervals, assuming worst-case operating conditions, without actually tracking their aging at run time. To de-stress these circuits, normal operation must be interrupted, which introduces latency in spike generation and propagation, impacting the inter-spike interval and hence, performance, e.g., accuracy. We propose a new architectural technique to mitigate the aging-related reliability problems in neuromorphic systems, by designing an intelligent run-time manager (NCRTM), which dynamically destresses neuron and synapse circuits in response to the short-term aging in their CMOS transistors during the execution of machine learning workloads, with the objective of meeting a reliability target. NCRTM de-stresses these circuits only when it is absolutely necessary to do so, otherwise reducing the performance impact by scheduling de-stress operations off the critical path. We evaluate NCRTM with state-of-the-art machine learning workloads on a neuromorphic hardware. Our results demonstrate that NCRTM significantly improves the reliability of neuromorphic hardware, with marginal impact on performance.
Deep artificial neural networks (ANNs) can represent a wide range of complex functions. Implementing ANNs in Von Neumann computing systems, though, incurs a high energy cost due to the bottleneck created between CPU and memory. Implementation on neur omorphic systems may help to reduce energy demand. Conventional ANNs must be converted into equivalent Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) in order to be deployed on neuromorphic chips. This paper presents a way to perform this translation. We map the ANN weights to SNN synapses layer-by-layer by forming a least-square-error approximation problem at each layer. An optimal set of synapse weights may then be found for a given choice of ANN activation function and SNN neuron. Using an appropriate constrained solver, we can generate SNNs compatible with digital, analog, or hybrid chip architectures. We present an optimal node pruning method to allow SNN layer sizes to be set by the designer. To illustrate this process, we convert three ANNs, including one convolutional network, to SNNs. In all three cases, a simple linear program solver was used. The experiments show that the resulting networks maintain agreement with the original ANN and excellent performance on the evaluation tasks. The networks were also reduced in size with little loss in task performance.
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