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In this work, we investigate the evolution and settling of magnon condensation in the spin-1/2 dimer system Sr$_{3}$Cr$_{2}$O$_{8}$ using a combination of magnetostriction in pulsed fields and inelastic neutron scattering in a continuous magnetic field. The magnetic structure in the Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) phase was probed by neutron diffraction in pulsed magnetic fields up to 39~T. The magnetic structure in this phase was confirmed to be an XY-antiferromagnetic structure validated by irreducible representational analysis. The magnetic phase diagram as a function of an applied magnetic field for this system is presented. Furthermore, zero-field neutron diffraction results indicate that dimerization plays an important role in stabilizing the low-temperature crystal structure.
Sr$_{3}$Cr$_{2}$O$_{8}$ consist of a lattice of spin-1/2 Cr$^{5+}$ ions, which form hexagonal bilayers and which are paired into dimers by the dominant antiferromagnetic intrabilayer coupling. The dimers are coupled three-dimensionally by frustrated
Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) of triplet excitations triggered by a magnetic field, sometimes called magnon BEC, in dimerized antiferromagnets gives rise to a long-range antiferromagnetic order in the plane perpendicular to the applied magnetic fi
In $A_{3}$Cr$_{2}$O$_{8}$, where $A$ = Sr or Ba, the Cr$^{5+}$ ions surrounded by oxygen ions in a tetrahedral coordination are Jahn-Teller active. The Jahn-Teller distortion leads to a structural transition and a related emergence of three twinned m
Using single crystal inelastic neutron scattering with and without application of an external magnetic field and powder neutron diffraction, we have characterized magnetic interactions in Ba$_3$Cr$_2$O$_8$. Even without field, we found that there exi
We explore the spin states in the quantum spin chain compound SrCo$_{2}$V$_{2}$O$_{8}$ up to 14.9 T and down to 50 mK, using single-crystal neutron diffraction. Upon cooling in zero-field, antiferromagnetic (AFM) order of Neel type develops at $T_mat