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Skin-Health Monitoring system using a Wireless Body Area Network

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 نشر من قبل Suman Kumar
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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A new class of sensing paradigm known as lab-onskin where stretchable and flexible smart sensor devices are integrated into the skin, provides direct monitoring and diagnostic interfaces to the body. Distributed lab-on-skin wireless sensors have the ability to provide continuous long term assessment of the skin health. This paper proposes a distributed skin health monitoring system using a wireless body area network. The system is responsive to the dynamic changes in the skin health, and remotely reports on the same. The proposed algorithm detects the abnormal skin and creates an energy efficient data aggregation tree covering the affected area while putting the unnecessary sensors to sleep mode. The algorithm responds to the changing conditions of the skin by dynamically adapting the size and shape of the monitoring trees to that of the abnormal skin areas thus providing a comprehensive monitoring. Simulation results demonstrate the application and utility of the proposed algorithm for changing wound shapes and sizes.

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Under the advocacy of the international community, more and more research topics have been built around the ocean. This paper proposed an implementation scheme of marine wireless sensor network monitoring system based on LoRa and MQTT. Different from the traditional network architecture, the system was constructed by combining with two network forms, and according to their respective characteristics, the overall design followed the transition from LoRa to MQTT. We first used LoRa to interconnect the sensor nodes with the gateway, and on this basis, the collected data was sent to the server visualization platform through MQTT, the backend management server would continuously refresh the monitoring page. At the same time, the client could use a browser-based web application to directly access and call data for global maritime information monitoring. In the future, we will further improve the system and optimize the algorithm, to achieve more dimensions and deeper exploration of the underwater world.
200 - N. Javaid , S. Faisal , Z. A. Khan 2013
Wireless Body Area Sensor Networks (WBASNs) consist of on-body or in-body sensors placed on human body for health monitoring. Energy conservation of these sensors, while guaranteeing a required level of performance, is a challenging task. Energy effi cient routing schemes are designed for the longevity of network lifetime. In this paper, we propose a routing protocol for measuring fatigue of a soldier. Three sensors are attached to soldiers body that monitor specific parameters. Our proposed protocol is an event driven protocol and takes three scenarios for measuring the fatigue of a soldier. We evaluate our proposed work in terms of network lifetime, throughput, remaining energy of sensors and fatigue of a soldier.
Monitoring of civil infrastructures is critically needed to track aging, damages and ultimately to prevent severe failures which can endanger many lives. The ability to monitor in a continuous and fine-grained fashion the integrity of a wide variety of buildings, referred to as structural health monitoring, with low-cost, long-term and continuous measurements is essential from both an economic and a life-safety standpoint. To address these needs, we propose a low-cost wireless sensor node specifically designed to support modal analysis over extended periods of time with long-range connectivity at low power consumption. Our design uses very cost-effective MEMS accelerometers and exploits the Narrowband IoT protocol (NB-IoT) to establish long-distance connection with 4G infrastructure networks. Long-range wireless connectivity, cabling-free installation and multi-year lifetime are a unique combination of features, not available, to the best of our knowledge, in any commercial or research device. We discuss in detail the hardware architecture and power management of the node. Experimental tests demonstrate a lifetime of more than ten years with a 17000 mAh battery or completely energy-neutral operation with a small solar panel (60 mm x 120 mm). Further, we validate measurement accuracy and confirm the feasibility of modal analysis with the MEMS sensors: compared with a high-precision instrument based on a piezoelectric transducer, our sensor node achieves a maximum difference of 0.08% at a small fraction of the cost and power consumption.
Modern medical wireless systems, such as wireless body area networks (WBANs), are applications of wireless networks that can be used as a tool of data transmission between patients and doctors. Accuracy of data transmission is an important requiremen t for such systems. In this paper, we will propose a WBAN which is robust against erasures and describe its properties using graph theoretic techniques.
155 - N. Javaid , O. Rehman , N. Alrajeh 2013
One of the major challenges in Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs) is to prolong the lifetime of network. Traditional research work focuses on minimizing transmit power, however, in the case of short range communication the consumption power in decod ing is significantly larger than transmit power. This paper investigates the minimization of total power consumption by reducing the decoding power consumption. For achieving a desired Bit Error Rate (BER), we introduce some fundamental results on the basis of iterative message-passing algorithms for Low Density Parity Check Code (LDPC). To reduce energy dissipation in decoder, LDPC based coded communications between sensors are considered. Moreover, we evaluate the performance of LDPC at different code rates and introduce Adaptive Iterative Decoding (AID) by exploiting threshold on the number of iterations for a certain BER. In iterative LDPC decoding, the total energy consumption of network is reduced by 20 to 25 percent.
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