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Following recent works on corner charges we investigate the boundary structure in the case of the theory of gravity formulated as a constrained BF theory. This allows us not only to introduce the cosmological constant, but also explore the influence of the topological terms present in the action of this theory. Established formulas for charges resemble previously obtained ones, but we show that they are affected by the presence of the cosmological constant and topological terms. As an example we discuss the charges in the case of the AdS--Schwarzschild solution and we find that the charges give correct values.
This article presents an extended model of gravity obtained by gauging the AdS-Mawell algebra. It involves additional fields that shift the spin connection, leading effectively to theory of two independent connections. Extension of algebraic structur
We propose a novel BF-type formulation of real four-dimensional gravity, which generalizes previous models. In particular, it allows for an arbitrary Immirzi parameter. We also construct the analogue of the Urbantke metric for this model.
We study a deSitter/Anti-deSitter/Poincare Yang-Mills theory of gravity in d-space-time dimensions in an attempt to retain the best features of both general relativity and Yang-Mills theory: quadratic curvature, dimensionless coupling and background
It is argued that the so-called holographic principle will obstruct attempts to produce physically realistic models for the unification of general relativity with quantum mechanics, unless determinism in the latter is restored. The notion of time in
False vacuum decay in field theory may be formulated as a boundary value problem in Euclidean space. In a previous work, we studied its solution in single scalar field theories with quadratic gravity and used it to find obstructions to vacuum decay.