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Synergistic epidemic spreading in correlated networks

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 نشر من قبل Shogo Mizutaka
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث فيزياء علم الأحياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We investigate the effect of degree correlation on a susceptible-infected-susceptible (SIS) model with a nonlinear cooperative effect (synergy) in infectious transmissions. In a mean-field treatment of the synergistic SIS model on a bimodal network with tunable degree correlation, we identify a discontinuous transition that is independent of the degree correlation strength unless the synergy is absent or extremely weak. Regardless of synergy (absent or present), a positive and negative degree correlation in the model reduces and raises the epidemic threshold, respectively. For networks with a strongly positive degree correlation, the mean-field treatment predicts the emergence of two discontinuous jumps in the steady-state infected density. To test the mean-field treatment, we provide approximate master equations of the present model, which accurately describe the synergistic SIS dynamics. We quantitatively confirm all qualitative predictions of the mean-field treatment in numerical evaluations of the approximate master equations.

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اقرأ أيضاً

202 - Han-Xin Yang , Ming Tang , 2015
In spite of the extensive previous efforts on traffic dynamics and epidemic spreading in complex networks, the problem of traffic-driven epidemic spreading on {em correlated} networks has not been addressed. Interestingly, we find that the epidemic t hreshold, a fundamental quantity underlying the spreading dynamics, exhibits a non-monotonic behavior in that it can be minimized for some critical value of the assortativity coefficient, a parameter characterizing the network correlation. To understand this phenomenon, we use the degree-based mean-field theory to calculate the traffic-driven epidemic threshold for correlated networks. The theory predicts that the threshold is inversely proportional to the packet-generation rate and the largest eigenvalue of the betweenness matrix. We obtain consistency between theory and numerics. Our results may provide insights into the important problem of controlling/harnessing real-world epidemic spreading dynamics driven by traffic flows.
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We develop a generalized group-based epidemic model (GgroupEM) framework for any compartmental epidemic model (for example; susceptible-infected-susceptible, susceptible-infected-recovered, susceptible-exposed-infected-recovered). Here, a group consi sts of a collection of individual nodes. This model can be used to understand the important dynamic characteristics of a stochastic epidemic spreading over very large complex networks, being informative about the state of groups. Aggregating nodes by groups, the state space becomes smaller than the individual-based approach at the cost of aggregation error, which is strongly bounded by the isoperimetric inequality. We also develop a mean-field approximation of this framework to further reduce the state-space size. Finally, we extend the GgroupEM to multilayer networks. Since the group-based framework is computationally less expensive and faster than an individual-based framework, then this framework is useful when the simulation time is important.
Albeit epidemic models have evolved into powerful predictive tools for the spread of diseases and opinions, most assume memoryless agents and independent transmission channels. We develop an infection mechanism that is endowed with memory of past exp osures and simultaneously incorporates the joint effect of multiple infectious sources. Analytic equations and simulations of the susceptible-infected-susceptible model in unstructured substrates reveal the emergence of an additional phase that separates the usual healthy and endemic ones. This intermediate phase shows fundamentally distinct characteristics, and the system exhibits either excitability or an exotic variant of bistability. Moreover, the transition to endemicity presents hybrid aspects. These features are the product of an intricate balance between two memory modes and indicate that non-Markovian effects significantly alter the properties of spreading processes.
In this work, we address a multicoupled dynamics on complex networks with tunable structural segregation. Specifically, we work on a networked epidemic spreading under a vaccination campaign with agents in favor and against the vaccine. Our results s how that such coupled dynamics exhibits a myriad of phenomena such as nonequilibrium transitions accompanied by bistability. Besides we observe the emergence of an intermediate optimal segregation level where the community structure enhances negative opinions over vaccination but counterintuitively hinders - rather than favoring - the global disease spreading. Thus, our results hint vaccination campaigns should avoid policies that end up segregating excessively anti-vaccine groups so that they effectively work as echo chambers in which individuals look to confirmation without jeopardising the safety of the whole population.
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