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Storage Rings and Gravitational Waves: Summary and Outlook

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 نشر من قبل John Ellis
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We report some highlights from the ARIES APEC workshop on ``Storage Rings and Gravitational Waves (SRGW2021), held in virtual space from 2 February to 18 March 2021, and sketch a tentative landscape for using accelerators and associated technologies for the detection or generation of gravitational waves.

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289 - I. F. Mirabel 2009
Microquasars are compact objects (stellar-mass black holes and neutron stars) that mimic, on a smaller scale, many of the phenomena seen in quasars. Their discovery provided new insights into the physics of relativistic jets observed elsewhere in the universe, and in particular, the accretion-jet coupling in black holes. Microquasars are opening new horizons for the understanding of ultraluminous X-ray sources observed in external galaxies, gamma-ray bursts of long duration, and the origin of stellar black holes and neutron stars. Microquasars are one of the best laboratories to probe General Relativity in the limit of the strongest gravitational fields, and as such, have become an area of topical interest for both high energy physics and astrophysics. At present, back hole astrophysics exhibits historical and epistemological similarities with the origins of stellar astrophysics in the last century.
We highlight some of the recent results in chiral dynamics for systems with one nucleon/baryon presented at Chiral Dynamics 2000. We outline the most urgent experimental and theoretical challenges to be tackled in the coming years.
We discuss how one can reconstruct the thermal history of the Universe by combining cosmic microwave background (CMB) measurements and gravitational wave (GW) direct detection experiments. Assuming various expansion eras to take place after the infla tionary reheating and before Big-Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN), we show how measurements of the GW spectrum can be used to break the degeneracies associated with CMB data, the latter being sensitive to the total amount of cosmic expansion only. In this context, we argue that the expected constraints from future CMB and GW experiments can probe a scenario in which there exists late-time entropy production in addition to the standard reheating. We show that, for some cases, combining data from future CMB and GW direct detection experiments allows the determination of the reheating temperature, the amount of entropy produced and the temperature at which the standard radiation era started.
In this paper we introduce a new approach to the study of the effects that an impulsive wave, containing a mixture of material sources and gravitational waves, has on a geodesic congruence that traverses it. We find that the effect of the wave on the congruence is a discontinuity in the B-tensor of the congruence. Our results thus provide a detector independent and covariant characterization of gravitational memory.
129 - Monika Blanke 2017
We review the recent highlights of theoretical flavour physics, based on the theory summary talk given at FPCP2017. Over the past years, a number of intriguing anomalies have emerged in flavour violating $K$ and $B$ meson decays, constituting some of the most promising hints for the presence of physics beyond the Standard Model. We discuss the theory status of these anomalies and outline possible future directions to test the underlying New Physics.
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