In this paper, we give a new construction of a Khovanov homotopy type. We show that this construction gives a space stably homotopy equivalent to the Khovanov homotopy types constructed in [LS14a] and [HKK] and, as a corollary, that those two constru
ctions give equivalent spaces. We show that the construction behaves well with respect to disjoint unions, connected sums and mirrors, verifying several conjectures from [LS14a]. Finally, combining these results with computations from [LS14c] and the refined s-invariant from [LS14b] we obtain new results about the slice genera of certain knots.
For each link L in S^3 and every quantum grading j, we construct a stable homotopy type X^j_o(L) whose cohomology recovers Ozsvath-Rasmussen-Szabos odd Khovanov homology, H_i(X^j_o(L)) = Kh^{i,j}_o(L), following a construction of Lawson-Lipshitz-Sark
ar of the even Khovanov stable homotopy type. Furthermore, the odd Khovanov homotopy type carries a Z/2 action whose fixed point set is a desuspension of the even Khovanov homotopy type. We also construct a Z/2 action on an even Khovanov homotopy type, with fixed point set a desuspension of X^j_o(L).
We discuss links in thickened surfaces. We define the Khovanov-Lipshitz-Sarkar stable homotopy type and the Steenrod square for the homotopical Khovanov homology of links in thickened surfaces with genus$>1$. A surface means a closed oriented surfa
ce unless otherwise stated. Of course, a surface may or may not be the sphere. A thickened surface means a product manifold of a surface and the interval. A link in a thickened surface (respectively, a 3-manifold) means a submanifold of a thickened surface (respectively, a 3-manifold) which is diffeomorphic to a disjoint collection of circles. Our Khovanov-Lipshitz-Sarkar stable homotopy type and our Steenrod square of links in thickened surfaces with genus$>1$ are stronger than the homotopical Khovanov homology of links in thickened surfaces with genus$>1$. It is the first meaningful Khovanov-Lipshitz-Sarkar stable homotopy type of links in 3-manifolds other than the 3-sphere. We point out that our theory has a different feature in the torus case.