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Statistically Profiling Biases in Natural Language Reasoning Datasets and Models

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 نشر من قبل Shanshan Huang
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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Recent work has indicated that many natural language understanding and reasoning datasets contain statistical cues that may be taken advantaged of by NLP models whose capability may thus be grossly overestimated. To discover the potential weakness in the models, some human-designed stress tests have been proposed but they are expensive to create and do not generalize to arbitrary models. We propose a light-weight and general statistical profiling framework, ICQ (I-See-Cue), which automatically identifies possible biases in any multiple-choice NLU datasets without the need to create any additional test cases, and further evaluates through blackbox testing the extent to which models may exploit these biases.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

As machine learning methods are deployed in real-world settings such as healthcare, legal systems, and social science, it is crucial to recognize how they shape social biases and stereotypes in these sensitive decision-making processes. Among such re al-world deployments are large-scale pretrained language models (LMs) that can be potentially dangerous in manifesting undesirable representational biases - harmful biases resulting from stereotyping that propagate negative generalizations involving gender, race, religion, and other social constructs. As a step towards improving the fairness of LMs, we carefully define several sources of representational biases before proposing new benchmarks and metrics to measure them. With these tools, we propose steps towards mitigating social biases during text generation. Our empirical results and human evaluation demonstrate effectiveness in mitigating bias while retaining crucial contextual information for high-fidelity text generation, thereby pushing forward the performance-fairness Pareto frontier.
201 - Daniel Khashabi 2019
Natural language understanding (NLU) of text is a fundamental challenge in AI, and it has received significant attention throughout the history of NLP research. This primary goal has been studied under different tasks, such as Question Answering (QA) and Textual Entailment (TE). In this thesis, we investigate the NLU problem through the QA task and focus on the aspects that make it a challenge for the current state-of-the-art technology. This thesis is organized into three main parts: In the first part, we explore multiple formalisms to improve existing machine comprehension systems. We propose a formulation for abductive reasoning in natural language and show its effectiveness, especially in domains with limited training data. Additionally, to help reasoning systems cope with irrelevant or redundant information, we create a supervised approach to learn and detect the essential terms in questions. In the second part, we propose two new challenge datasets. In particular, we create two datasets of natural language questions where (i) the first one requires reasoning over multiple sentences; (ii) the second one requires temporal common sense reasoning. We hope that the two proposed datasets will motivate the field to address more complex problems. In the final part, we present the first formal framework for multi-step reasoning algorithms, in the presence of a few important properties of language use, such as incompleteness, ambiguity, etc. We apply this framework to prove fundamental limitations for reasoning algorithms. These theoretical results provide extra intuition into the existing empirical evidence in the field.
Existing datasets for natural language inference (NLI) have propelled research on language understanding. We propose a new method for automatically deriving NLI datasets from the growing abundance of large-scale question answering datasets. Our appro ach hinges on learning a sentence transformation model which converts question-answer pairs into their declarative forms. Despite being primarily trained on a single QA dataset, we show that it can be successfully applied to a variety of other QA resources. Using this system, we automatically derive a new freely available dataset of over 500k NLI examples (QA-NLI), and show that it exhibits a wide range of inference phenomena rarely seen in previous NLI datasets.
Is it possible to use natural language to intervene in a models behavior and alter its prediction in a desired way? We investigate the effectiveness of natural language interventions for reading-comprehension systems, studying this in the context of social stereotypes. Specifically, we propose a new language understanding task, Linguistic Ethical Interventions (LEI), where the goal is to amend a question-answering (QA) models unethical behavior by communicating context-specific principles of ethics and equity to it. To this end, we build upon recent methods for quantifying a systems social stereotypes, augmenting them with different kinds of ethical interventions and the desired model behavior under such interventions. Our zero-shot evaluation finds that even todays powerful neural language models are extremely poor ethical-advice takers, that is, they respond surprisingly little to ethical interventions even though these interventions are stated as simple sentences. Few-shot learning improves model behavior but remains far from the desired outcome, especially when evaluated for various types of generalization. Our new task thus poses a novel language understanding challenge for the community.
207 - Wilson Wong 2007
This research hypothesized that a practical approach in the form of a solution framework known as Natural Language Understanding and Reasoning for Intelligence (NaLURI), which combines full-discourse natural language understanding, powerful represent ation formalism capable of exploiting ontological information and reasoning approach with advanced features, will solve the following problems without compromising practicality factors: 1) restriction on the nature of question and response, and 2) limitation to scale across domains and to real-life natural language text.

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