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Spin noise spectroscopy of a noise-squeezed atomic state

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 نشر من قبل Vera Guarrera
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Spin noise spectroscopy is emerging as a powerful technique for studying the dynamics of various spin systems also beyond their thermal equilibrium and linear response. Here, we study spin fluctuations of room-temperature neutral atoms in a Bell-Bloom type magnetometer. Driven by indirect pumping and undergoing a parametric excitation, this system is known to produce noise-squeezing. Our measurements not only reveal a strong asymmetry in the noise distribution of the atomic signal quadratures at the magnetic resonance, but also provide insight into the mechanism behind its generation and evolution. In particular, a structure in the spectrum is identified which allows to investigate the main dependencies and the characteristic timescales of the noise process. The results obtained are compatible with parametrically induced noise squeezing. Notably, the noise spectrum provides information on the spin dynamics even in regimes where the macroscopic atomic coherence is lost, effectively enhancing the sensitivity of the measurements. Our work promotes spin noise spectroscopy as a versatile technique for the study of noise squeezing in a wide range of spin based magnetic sensors.

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اقرأ أيضاً

Noise spectroscopy elucidates the fundamental noise sources in spin systems, which is essential to develop spin qubits with long coherence times for quantum information processing, communication, and sensing. But noise spectroscopy typically relies o n microwave spin control to extract the noise spectrum, which becomes infeasible when high-frequency noise components are stronger than the available microwave power. Here, we demonstrate an alternative all-optical approach to perform noise spectroscopy. Our approach utilises coherent control using Raman rotations with controlled timings and phases to implement Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) pulse sequences. Analysing the spin dynamics under these sequences extracts the noise spectrum of a dense ensemble of nuclear spins interacting with a quantum dot, which has thus far only been modelled theoretically. While providing large spectral bandwidths of over 100 MHz, our Raman-based approach could serve as an important tool to study spin dynamics and decoherence mechanisms in a broad range of solid-state spin qubits.
We report on the use of parametric excitation to coherently manipulate the collective spin state of an atomic vapour at room temperature. Signatures of the parametric excitation are detected in the ground-state spin evolution. These include the excit ation spectrum of the atomic coherences, which contains resonances at frequencies characteristic of the parametric process. The amplitudes of the signal quadratures show amplification and attenuation, and their noise distribution is characterized by a strong asymmetry, similarly to those observed in mechanical oscillators. The parametric excitation is produced by periodic modulation of the pumping beam, exploiting a Bell-Bloom-like technique widely used in atomic magnetometry. Notably, we find that the noise-squeezing obtained by this technique enhances the signal-to-noise ratio of the measurements up to a factor of 10, and improves the performance of a Bell-Bloom magnetometer by a factor of 3.
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We report on the spectral analysis and the local measurement of intensity correlations of microwave fields using ultra cold quantum gases. The fluctuations of the electromagnetic field induce spin flips in a magnetically trapped quantum gas and gener ate a multi-mode atomlaser. The output of the atomlaser is measured with high temporal resolution on the single atom level, from which the spectrum and intensity correlations of the generating microwave field are reconstructed. We give a theoretical description of the atomlaser output and its correlations in response to resonant microwave fields and verify the model with measurements on an atom chip. The measurement technique is applicable for the local analysis of classical and quantum noise of electromagnetic fields, for example on chips, in the vicinity of quantum electronic circuits.
147 - P. Glasenapp , Luyi Yang , D. Roy 2014
Per the fluctuation-dissipation theorem, the information obtained from spin fluctuation studies in thermal equilibrium is necessarily constrained by the systems linear response functions. However, by including weak radiofrequency magnetic fields, we demonstrate that intrinsic and random spin fluctuations even in strictly unpolarized ensembles emph{can} reveal underlying patterns of correlation and coupling beyond linear response, and can be used to study non-equilibrium and even multiphoton coherent spin phenomena. We demonstrate this capability in a classical vapor of $^{41}$K alkali atoms, where spin fluctuations alone directly reveal Rabi splittings, the formation of Mollow triplets and Autler-Townes doublets, ac Zeeman shifts, and even nonlinear multiphoton coherences.
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