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Comments on gauge anomalies at dimension-six in the Standard Model Effective Field Theory

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 نشر من قبل Quentin Bonnefoy
 تاريخ النشر 2020
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We study whether higher-dimensional operators in effective field theories, in particular in the Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT), can source gauge anomalies via the modification of the interactions involved in triangle diagrams. We find no evidence of such gauge anomalies at the level of dimension-6 operators that can therefore be chosen independently to each others without spoiling the consistency of SMEFT, at variance with recent claims. The underlying reason is that gauge-invariant combinations of Goldstone bosons and massive gauge fields are allowed to couple to matter currents which are not conserved. We show this in a toy model by computing the relevant triangle diagrams, as well as by working out Wess--Zumino terms in the bosonic EFT below all fermion masses. The same approach applies directly to the Standard Model both at the renormalisable level, providing a convenient and unusual way to check that the SM is anomaly free, as well as at the non-renormalisable level in SMEFT.

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If the Standard Model is understood as the first term of an effective field theory, the anomaly-cancellation conditions have to be worked out and fulfilled order by order in the effective field-theory expansion. We bring attention to this issue and s tudy in detail a subset of the anomalies of the effective field theories at the electroweak scale. The end result is a set of sum rules for the operator coefficients. These conditions, which are necessary for the internal consistency of the theory, lead to a number of phenomenological consequences when implemented in analyses of experimental data. In particular, they not only decrease the number of free parameters in different physical processes but have the potential to relate processes with different flavor content. Conversely, a violation of these conditions would necessarily imply the existence of undetected non-decoupling new physics associated with the electroweak energy scale.
We develop the geometric formulation of the Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT). Using this approach we derive all-orders results in the $sqrt{2 langle H^dagger H rangle}/Lambda$ expansion relevant for studies of electroweak precision and Higgs data.
We revisit the effective field theory of the standard model that is extended with sterile neutrinos, $N$. We examine the basis of complete and independent effective operators involving $N$ up to mass dimension seven (dim-7). By employing equations of motion, integration by parts, and Fierz and group identities, we construct relations among operators that were considered independent in the previous literature, and find seven redundant operators at dim-6, sixteen redundant operators and two new operators at dim-7. The correct numbers of operators involving $N$ are, without counting Hermitian conjugates, $16~(Lcap B)+1~(slashed{L}cap B)+2~(slashed{L}capslashed{B})$ at dim-6, and $47~(slashed{L}cap B)+5~(slashed{L}capslashed{B})$ at dim-7. Here $L/B~(slashed L/slashed B)$ stands for lepton/baryon number conservation (violation). We verify our counting by the Hilbert series approach for $n_f$ generations of the standard model fermions and sterile neutrinos. When operators involving different flavors of fermions are counted separately and their Hermitian conjugates are included, we find there are $29~(1614)$ and $80~(4206)$ operators involving sterile neutrinos at dim-6 and dim-7 respectively for $n_f=1~(3)$.
We compute the one-loop renormalisation group running of the bosonic Standard Model effective operators to order $v^4/Lambda^4$, with $vsim 246$ GeV being the electroweak scale and $Lambda$ the unknown new physics threshold. We concentrate on the eff ects triggered by pairs of the leading dimension-six interactions, namely those that can arise at tree level in weakly-coupled ultraviolet completions of the Standard Model. We highlight some interesting consequences, including the interplay between positivity bounds and the form of the anomalous dimensions; the non renormalisation of the $S$ and $U$ parameters; or the importance of radiative corrections to the Higgs potential for the electroweak phase transition. As a byproduct of this work, we provide a complete Green basis of operators involving only the Higgs and derivatives at dimension-eight, comprising 13 redundant interactions.
193 - Brian Henning , Xiaochuan Lu , 2014
We present a practical three-step procedure of using the Standard Model effective field theory (SM EFT) to connect ultraviolet (UV) models of new physics with weak scale precision observables. With this procedure, one can interpret precision measurem ents as constraints on a given UV model. We give a detailed explanation for calculating the effective action up to one-loop order in a manifestly gauge covariant fashion. This covariant derivative expansion method dramatically simplifies the process of matching a UV model with the SM EFT, and also makes available a universal formalism that is easy to use for a variety of UV models. A few general aspects of RG running effects and choosing operator bases are discussed. Finally, we provide mapping results between the bosonic sector of the SM EFT and a complete set of precision electroweak and Higgs observables to which present and near future experiments are sensitive. Many results and tools which should prove useful to those wishing to use the SM EFT are detailed in several appendices.
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