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Nematic Antiferromagnetism and Deconfined Criticality from the Interplay between Electron-Phonon and Electron-Electron Interactions

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 نشر من قبل Chao Wang
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Systems with strong electron-phonon couplings typically exhibit various forms of charge order, while strong electron-electron interactions lead to magnetism. We use determinant quantum Monte Carlo (DQMC) calculations to solve a model on a square lattice with a caricature of these interactions. In the limit where electron-electron interactions dominate it has antiferromagnetic (AF) order, while where electron-phonon coupling dominates there is columnar valence-bond solid (VBS) order. We find a novel intervening phase that hosts coexisting nematic and antiferromagnetic orders. We have also found evidence of a Landau-forbidden continuous quantum phase transition with an emergent $O(4)$ symmetry between the VBS and the nematic antiferromagnetic phases.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We present a theoretical approach to determine the electronic properties of nanoscale systems exhibiting strong electron-electron and electron-phonon interactions and coupled to metallic electrodes. This approach is based on an interpolative ansatz f or the electronic self-energy which becomes exact both in the limit of weak and strong coupling to the electrodes. The method provides a generalization of previous interpolative schemes which have been applied to the purely electronic case extensively. As a test case we consider the single level Anderson-Holstein model. The results obtained with the interpolative ansatz are in good agreement with existing data from Numerical Renormalization Group calculations. We also check our results by considering the case of the electrodes represented by a few discrete levels which can be diagonalized exactly. The approximation describes properly the transition from the Kondo regime where electron-electron interactions dominate to the polaronic case characterized by a strong electron-phonon interaction.
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Antiferromagnetism (AF) such as Neel ordering is often closely related to Coulomb interactions such as Hubbard repulsion in two-dimensional (2D) systems. Whether Neel AF ordering in 2D can be dominantly induced by electron-phonon couplings (EPC) has not been completely understood. Here, by employing numerically-exact sign-problem-free quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) simulations, we show that optical Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) phonons with frequency $omega$ and EPC constant $lambda$ can induce AF ordering for a wide range of phonon frequency $omega>omega_c$. For $omega<omega_c$, a valence-bond-solid (VBS) order appears and there is a direct quantum phase transition between VBS and AF phases at $omega_c$. The phonon mechanism of the AF ordering is related to the fact that SSH phonons directly couple to electron hopping whose second-order process can induce an effective AF spin exchange. Our results shall shed new lights to understanding AF ordering in correlated quantum materials.
We separate localization and interaction effects in epitaxial graphene devices grown on the C-face of a 4H-SiC substrate by analyzing the low temperature conductivities. Weak localization and antilocalization are extracted at low magnetic fields, aft er elimination of a geometric magnetoresistance and subtraction of the magnetic field dependent Drude conductivity. The electron electron interaction correction is extracted at higher magnetic fields, where localization effects disappear. Both phenomena are weak but sizable and of the same order of magnitude. If compared to graphene on silicon dioxide, electron electron interaction on epitaxial graphene are not significantly reduced by the larger dielectric constant of the SiC substrate.
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We uncover that the competition between electron-electron correlations and electron-phonon interactions gives rise to unexpectedly huge enhancement of the superconducting transition temperature, several hundreds percent larger ($geq$ 200 K) than that of the case when only one of the two is taken into account ($sim$ 30 K). Our renormalization group analysis claims that this mechanism for the enhancement of the critical temperature is not limited on superconductivity but applied to various Fermi surface instabilities, proposing an underlying universal structure, which turns out to be essentially identical to that of a recent study [Phys. Rev. Lett. {bf 108}, 046601 (2012)] on the enhancement of the Kondo temperature in the presence of Rashba spin-orbit interactions. We also discuss the stability of superconductivity against nonmagnetic randomness.
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