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Massive Celestial Fermions

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 نشر من قبل Sruthi Narayanan
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث
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In an effort to further the study of amplitudes in the celestial CFT (CCFT), we construct conformal primary wavefunctions for massive fermions. Upon explicitly calculating the wavefunctions for Dirac fermions, we deduce the corresponding transformation of momentum space amplitudes to celestial amplitudes. The shadow wavefunctions are shown to have opposite spin and conformal dimension $2-Delta$. The Dirac conformal primary wavefunctions are delta function normalizable with respect to the Dirac inner product provided they lie on the principal series with conformal dimension $Delta = 1+ilambda$ for $lambdainmathbb{R}$. It is shown that there are two choices of a complete basis: single spin $J=frac{1}{2}$ or $J=-frac{1}{2}$ and $lambdainmathbb{R}$ or multiple spin $J=pmfrac{1}{2}$ and $lambdainmathbb{R}_{+cup 0}$. The massless limit of the Dirac conformal primary wavefunctions is shown to agree with previous literature. The momentum generators on the celestial sphere are derived and, along with the Lorentz generators, form a representation of the Poincare algebra. Finally, we show that the massive spin-$1$ conformal primary wavefunctions can be constructed from the Dirac conformal primary wavefunctions using the standard Clebsch-Gordan coefficients. We use this procedure to write the massive spin-$frac{3}{2}$, Rarita-Schwinger, conformal primary wavefunctions. This provides a prescription for constructing all massive fermionic and bosonic conformal primary wavefunctions starting from spin-$frac{1}{2}$.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We establish a duality between massive fermions coupled to topologically massive gravity (TGM) in $d=3$ space-time dimensions and a purely gravity theory which also will turn out to be a TGM theory but with different parameters: the original graviton mass in the TGM theory coupled to fermions picks-up a contribution from fermion bosonization. We obtain explicit bosonization rules for the fermionic currents and for the energy-momentum-tensor showing that the identifications do not depend explicitly on the parameters of the theory. These results are the gravitational analog of the results for $2+1$ Abelian and non-Abelian bosonization in flat space-time.
132 - Ana-Maria Raclariu 2021
These notes consist of 3 lectures on celestial holography given at the Pre-Strings school 2021. We start by reviewing how semiclassically, the subleading soft graviton theorem implies an enhancement of the Lorentz symmetry of scattering in four-dimen sional asymptotically flat gravity to Virasoro. This leads to the construction of celestial amplitudes as $mathcal{S}$-matrices computed in a basis of boost eigenstates. Both massless and massive asymptotic states are recast as insertions on the celestial sphere transforming as global conformal primaries under the Lorentz SL$(2, mathbb{C})$. We conclude with an overview of celestial symmetries and the constraints they impose on celestial scattering.
The basic ingredient of CCFT holography is to regard four-dimensional amplitudes describing conformal wave packets as two-dimensional conformal correlation functions of the operators associated to external particles. By construction, these operators transform as quasi-primary fields under SL(2,C) conformal symmetry group of the celestial sphere. We derive the OPE of the CCFT energy-momentum tensor with the operators representing gauge bosons and show that they transform as Virasoro primaries under diffeomorphisms of the celestial sphere.
We study the effect of loop corrections to conformal correlators on the celestial sphere at null infinity. We first analyze finite one-loop celestial amplitudes in pure Yang-Mills theory and Einstein gravity. We then turn to our main focus: infrared divergent loop amplitudes in planar $mathcal{N}=4$ super Yang-Mills theory. We compute the celestial one-loop amplitude in dimensional regularization and show that it can be recast as an operator acting on the celestial tree-level amplitude. This extends to any loop order and the re-summation of all planar loops enables us to write down an expression for the all-loop celestial amplitude. Finally, we show that the exponentiated all-loop expression given by the BDS formula gets promoted on the celestial sphere to an operator acting on the tree-level conformal correlation function, thus yielding, the celestial BDS formula.
237 - L. Lepori , G. Mussardo , 2010
We propose the experimental realization of (3+1) relativistic Dirac fermions using ultracold atoms in a rotating optical lattice or, alternatively, in a synthetic magnetic field. This approach has the advantage to give mass to the Dirac fermions by c oupling the ultracold atoms to a Bragg pulse. A dimensional crossover from (3+1) to (2+1) Dirac fermions can be obtained by varying the anisotropy of the lattice. We also discuss under which conditions the interatomic potentials give rise to relativistically invariant interactions among the Dirac fermions.
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