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Quantum witness and invasiveness of cosmic neutrino measurements

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 نشر من قبل Levan Chotorlishvili L
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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Measurements of cosmic neutrinos have a reach potential for providing an insight into fundamental neutrino properties. For this a precise knowledge about an astrophysical environment of cosmic neutrinos propagation is needed. However this is not always possible, and the lack of information can bring about theoretical uncertainties in our physical interpretation of the results of experiments on cosmic neutrino fluxes. We formulate an approach that allows one to quantify the uncertainties using the apparatus of quantum measurement theory. We consider high-energy Dirac neutrinos emitted by some distant source and propagating towards the earth in the interstellar space. It is supposed that neutrinos can meet on their way to the detector at the earth a dense cosmic object serving as a filter that stops active, left-handed neutrinos and letting only sterile, right-handed neutrinos to propagate further. Such a filter mimics the strongest effect on the neutrino flux that can be induced by the cosmic object and that can be missed in the theoretical interpretation of the lab measurements due to the insufficient information about the astrophysical environment of the neutrino propagation. Treating the neutrino interaction with the cosmic object as the first, neutrino-spin measurement, whose result is not recorded, we study its invasive effect on the second, neutrino-flavor measurement in the lab.

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We propose a resource theory of the quantum invasiveness of general quantum operations, i.e., those defined by quantum channels in Leggett-Garg scenarios. We are then able to compare the resource-theoretic framework of quantum invasiveness to the res ource theory of coherence. We also show that the Fisher information is a quantifier of quantum invasiveness. This result allows us to establish a direct connection between the concept of quantum invasiveness and quantum metrology, by exploring the utility of the definition of quantum invasiveness in the context of metrological protocols.
139 - H.Dong , X.F. Liu , C.P. Sun 2009
The thermodynamic influence of quantum probing on an object is studied. Here, quantum probing is understood as a pre-measurement based on a non-demolition interaction, which records some information of the probed object, but does not change its energ y state when both the probing apparatus and the probed object are isolated from the environment. It is argued that when the probing apparatus and the probed object are immersed in a same equilibrium environment, the probing can affect the effective temperature of the object or induce a quantum isothermal process for the object to transfer its energy. This thermodynamic feature can be regarded as a witness of the existence of quantum probing even if the quantum probing would not disturb the object if the environment were not present.
77 - Hippolyte Dourdent 2018
The notion of contextuality, which emerges from a theorem established by Simon Kochen and Ernst Specker (1960-1967) and by John Bell (1964-1966), is certainly one of the most fundamental aspects of quantum weirdness. If it is a questioning on scholas tic philosophy and a study of contrafactual logic that led Specker to his demonstration with Kochen, it was a criticism of von Neumanns proof that led John Bell to the result. A misinterpretation of this famous proof will lead them to diametrically opposite conclusions. Over the last decades, remarkable theoretical progresses have been made on the subject in the context of the study of quantum foundations and quantum information. Thus, the graphic generalizations of Cabello-Severini-Winter and Acin-Fritz-Leverrier-Sainz raise the question of the connection between non-locality and contextuality. It is also the case of the sheaf-theoretic approach of Samson Abramsky et al., which also invites us to compare contextuality with the logical structure of certain classical logical paradoxes. Another approach, initiated by Robert Spekkens, generalizes the concept to any type of experimental procedure. This new form of universal contextuality has been raised as a criterion of non-classicality, i.e. of weirdness. It notably led to identify the nature of curious quantum paradoxes involving post-selections and weak measurements. In the light of the fiftieth anniversary of the publication of the Kochen-Specker theorem, this report aims to introduce these results little known to the French scientific public, in the context of an investigation on the nature of the weirdness of quantum physics.
423 - E. Moreva , G. Brida , M. Gramegna 2015
We show how a property of dualism, which can exist in the entanglement of identical particles, can be tested in the usual photonic Bell measurement apparatus with minor modifications. Two different sets of coincidence measurements on the same experim ental setup consisting of a Hong-Ou-Mandel interferometer demonstrate how the same two-photon state can emerge entanglement in the polarization or the momentum degree of freedom depending on the dynamical variables used for labeling the particles. Our experiment demonstrates how the same source can be used as both a polarization entangled state, as well as a dichotomic momentum entangled state shared between distant users Alice and Bob in accordance to which sets of detectors they access. When the particles become distinguishable by letting the information about one of the variables to be imprinted in yet another (possibly inaccessible) system or degree of freedom, the feature of dualism is expected to vanish. We verify this feature by polarization decoherence (polarization information in environment) or arrival time difference, which both respectively destroy one of the dual forms of entanglement.
We forecast constraints on neutrino decay via capture of the Cosmic Neutrino Background on tritium, with emphasis on the PTOLEMY-type experiment. In particular, in the case of invisible neutrino decay into lighter neutrinos in the Standard Model and invisible particles, we can constrain not only the neutrino lifetime but also the masses of the invisible particles. For this purpose, we also formulate the energy spectra of the lighter neutrinos produced by 2-body and 3-body decays, and those of the electrons emitted in the process of the detection of the lighter neutrinos.
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