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Contextuality, Witness of Quantum Weirdness

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 نشر من قبل Hippolyte Dourdent
 تاريخ النشر 2018
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The notion of contextuality, which emerges from a theorem established by Simon Kochen and Ernst Specker (1960-1967) and by John Bell (1964-1966), is certainly one of the most fundamental aspects of quantum weirdness. If it is a questioning on scholastic philosophy and a study of contrafactual logic that led Specker to his demonstration with Kochen, it was a criticism of von Neumanns proof that led John Bell to the result. A misinterpretation of this famous proof will lead them to diametrically opposite conclusions. Over the last decades, remarkable theoretical progresses have been made on the subject in the context of the study of quantum foundations and quantum information. Thus, the graphic generalizations of Cabello-Severini-Winter and Acin-Fritz-Leverrier-Sainz raise the question of the connection between non-locality and contextuality. It is also the case of the sheaf-theoretic approach of Samson Abramsky et al., which also invites us to compare contextuality with the logical structure of certain classical logical paradoxes. Another approach, initiated by Robert Spekkens, generalizes the concept to any type of experimental procedure. This new form of universal contextuality has been raised as a criterion of non-classicality, i.e. of weirdness. It notably led to identify the nature of curious quantum paradoxes involving post-selections and weak measurements. In the light of the fiftieth anniversary of the publication of the Kochen-Specker theorem, this report aims to introduce these results little known to the French scientific public, in the context of an investigation on the nature of the weirdness of quantum physics.

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We develop an operator-based description of two types of multimode-entangled single-neutron quantum optical devices: Wollaston prisms and radio-frequency spin flippers in inclined magnetic field gradients. This treatment is similar to the approach us ed in quantum optics, and is convenient for the analysis of quantum contextuality measurements in certain types of neutron interferometers. We describe operationally the way multimode-entangled single-neutron states evolve in these devices, and provide expressions for the associated operators describing the dynamics, in the limit in which the neutron state space is approximated by a finite tensor product of distinguishable subsystems. We design entangled-neutron interferometers to measure entanglement witnesses for the Clauser, Horne, Shimony and Holt, and Mermin inequalities, and compare the theoretical predictions with recent experimental results. We present the generalization of these expressions to $n$ entangled distinguishable subsystems, which could become relevant in the future if it becomes possible to add neutron orbital angular momentum to the experimentally-accessible list of entangled modes. We view this work as a necessary first step towards a theoretical description of entangled neutron scattering from strongly entangled matter, and we explain why it should be possible to formulate a useful generalization of the usual Van Hove linear response theory for this case. We also briefly describe some other scientific extensions and applications which can benefit from interferometric measurements using the types of single-neutron multimode entanglement described by this analysis.
A central result in the foundations of quantum mechanics is the Kochen-Specker theorem. In short, it states that quantum mechanics is in conflict with classical models in which the result of a measurement does not depend on which other compatible mea surements are jointly performed. Here, compatible measurements are those that can be performed simultaneously or in any order without disturbance. This conflict is generically called quantum contextuality. In this article, we present an introduction to this subject and its current status. We review several proofs of the Kochen-Specker theorem and different notions of contextuality. We explain how to experimentally test some of these notions and discuss connections between contextuality and nonlocality or graph theory. Finally, we review some applications of contextuality in quantum information processing.
118 - H.Dong , X.F. Liu , C.P. Sun 2009
The thermodynamic influence of quantum probing on an object is studied. Here, quantum probing is understood as a pre-measurement based on a non-demolition interaction, which records some information of the probed object, but does not change its energ y state when both the probing apparatus and the probed object are isolated from the environment. It is argued that when the probing apparatus and the probed object are immersed in a same equilibrium environment, the probing can affect the effective temperature of the object or induce a quantum isothermal process for the object to transfer its energy. This thermodynamic feature can be regarded as a witness of the existence of quantum probing even if the quantum probing would not disturb the object if the environment were not present.
In quantum physics the term `contextual can be used in more than one way. One usage, here called `Bell contextual since the idea goes back to Bell, is that if $A$, $B$ and $C$ are three quantum observables, with $A$ compatible (i.e., commuting) with $B$ and also with $C$, whereas $B$ and $C$ are incompatible, a measurement of $A$ might yield a different result (indicating that quantum mechanics is contextual) depending upon whether $A$ is measured along with $B$ (the ${A,B}$ context) or with $C$ (the ${A,C}$ context). An analysis of what projective quantum measurements measure shows that quantum theory is Bell noncontextual: the outcome of a particular $A$ measurement when $A$ is measured along with $B$ would have been exactly the same if $A$ had, instead, been measured along with $C$. A different definition, here called `globally (non)contextual refers to whether or not there is (noncontextual) or is not (contextual) a single joint probability distribution that simultaneously assigns probabilities in a consistent manner to the outcomes of measurements of a certain collection of observables, not all of which are compatible. A simple example shows that such a joint probability distribution can exist even in a situation where the measurement probabilities cannot refer to properties of a quantum system, and hence lack physical significance, even though mathematically well-defined. It is noted that the quantum sample space, a projective decomposition of the identity, required for interpreting measurements of incompatible properties in different runs of an experiment using different types of apparatus has a tensor product structure, a fact sometimes overlooked.
Contextuality is a fundamental property of quantum theory and a critical resource for quantum computation. Here, we experimentally observe the arguably cleanest form of contextuality in quantum theory [A. Cabello emph{et al.}, Phys. Rev. Lett. textbf {111}, 180404 (2013)] by implementing a novel method for performing two sequential measurements on heralded photons. This method opens the door to a variety of fundamental experiments and applications.
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