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Revealing the site selective local electronic structure of Co$_{3}$O$_{4}$ using $2p3d$ resonant inelastic X-ray scattering

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 نشر من قبل Ru-Pan Wang
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We investigate mixed-valence oxide Co$_3$O$_4$ using Co $2p3d$ resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS). By setting resonant edges at Co$^{2+}$ and Co$^{3+}$ ions, the $dd$ excitations on the two Co sites are probed selectively, providing detailed information on the local electronic structure of Co$_3$O$_4$. The $2p3d$ RIXS result reveals the $^4$T$_{2}$ excited state of tetrahedral Co$^{2+}$ site at 0.5 eV beyond the discriminative power of optical absorption spectroscopies. Additionally, the $^3$T$_{2g}$ excited stated at 1.3 eV is uniquely identified for the octahedral Co$^{3+}$ site. Guided by cluster multiplet simulations, the ground-state character of the Co$^{2+}$ and Co$^{3+}$ site is determined to be high-spin $^4$A$_{2}$(T$_d$) and low-spin $^1$A$_{1g}$(O$_h$), respectively. This indicates that only the Co$^{2+}$ site is magnetically active site at low-temperatures in Co$_3$O$_4$. The ligand-to-metal charge transfer analysis suggests a formation of a strong covalent bonding between Co and O ions at the Co$^{3+}$ site, while Co$^{2+}$ is rather ionic.

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123 - Y. Lu , D. Betto , K. Fursich 2018
We have used high-resolution resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) to study a thin film of NdNiO$_3$, a compound whose unusual spin- and bond-ordered electronic ground state has been of long-standing interest. Below the magnetic ordering tempera ture, we observe well-defined collective magnon excitations along different high-symmetry directions in momentum space. The magnetic spectra depend strongly on the incident photon energy, which we attribute to RIXS coupling to different local electronic configurations of the expanded and compressed NiO$_6$ octahedra in the bond-ordered state. Both the noncollinear magnetic ground state and the observed site-dependent magnon excitations are well described by a model that assumes strong competition between the antiferromagnetic superexchange and ferromagnetic double-exchange interactions. Our study provides direct insight into the magnetic dynamics and exchange interactions of the rare-earth nickelates, and demonstrates that RIXS can serve as a site-selective probe of magnetism in these and other materials.
155 - Yves Joly 2007
Resonant X-ray scattering (RXS) is a spectroscopy where both the power of site selective diffraction and the power of local absorption spectroscopy regarding atomic species are combined. By virtue of the dependence on the core level state energy and the three dimensional electronic structure of the intermediate state, this technique is specially suited to study charge, orbital or spin orderings and associated crystal distortions. In the case of charge ordering, we exploit the fact that atoms with closely related site symmetries but with small charge differences exhibit resonances at slightly different energies. The sensitivity of this effect allows for quantitative estimations of the charge disproportion. Opposite to fluorescence or absorption measurements, the power of diffraction relies on the capability of detecting differences that are smaller than the inverse lifetime of the core hole level. To account for the uncertainty of the crystallographic structure and the fact that the charge ordering must be disentangled from the associated atomic displacements, a complete methodology is proposed and applied to the low temperature phase of magnetite. Relative sensitivity on spin, toroidal and orbital ordering is also shown and compared in different transition metal oxide compounds, like V2O3 and GaFeO3.
We report a comprehensive Cu $K$-edge RIXS investigation of $rm La_{2-x}Sr_xCuO_4$ (LSCO) for 0$leq$x$leq$0.35, stripe-ordered $rm La_{1.875}Ba_{0.125}CuO_4$ (LBCO), and $rm La_{2}Cu_{0.96}Ni_{0.04}O_4$ (LCNO) crystals. The RIXS spectra measured at t hree high-symmetry momentum transfer (textbf{q}) positions are compared as a function of doping and for the different dopants. The spectra in the energy range 1-6 eV can be described with three broad peaks, which evolve systematically with increased doping. The most systematic trend was observed for textbf{q}=($pi$, 0) corresponding to the zone boundary. As hole doping increased, the spectral weight transfer from high energies to low energies is nearly linear with emph{x} at this textbf{q}. We interpret the peaks as interband transitions in the context of existing band models for this system, assigning them to Zhang-Rice band$rightarrow$upper Hubbard band, lower-lying band$rightarrow$upper Hubbard band, and lower-lying band$rightarrow$Zhang-Rice band transitions. The spectrum of stripe-ordered LBCO was also measured, and found to be identical to the correspondingly doped LSCO, except for a relative enhancement of the near-infrared peak intensity around 1.5-1.7 eV. The temperature dependence of this near-infrared peak in LBCO was more pronounced than for other parts of the spectrum, continuously decreasing in intensity as the temperature was raised from 25 K to 300 K. Finally, we find that 4% Ni substitution in the Cu site has a similar effect on the spectra as does Sr substitution in the La site.
Results of resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) measurements at Fe L-edges and electronic structure calculations of LiFeAs and NaFeAs are presented. Both experiment and theory show that in the vicinity of the Fermi energy, the density of states is dominated by contributions from Fe 3d-states. The comparison of Fe L2,3 non-resonant and resonant (excited at L2-threshold) X-ray emission spectra with spectra of LaOFeAs and CaFe2As2 show a great similarity in energy and I(L2)/I(L3) intensity ratio. The I(L2)/I(L3) intensity ratio of all FeAs-based superconductors is found to be more similar to metallic Fe than to correlated FeO. Basing on these measurements we conclude that iron-based superconductors are weakly or moderately correlated systems.
The development of high-brightness free-electron lasers (FEL) has revolutionised our ability to create and study matter in the high-energy-density (HED) regime. Current diagnostic techniques have been very successful in yielding information on fundam ental thermodynamic plasma properties, but provide only limited or indirect information on the detailed quantum structure of these systems, and on how it is affected by ionization dynamics. Here we show how the electronic structure of solid-density nickel, heated to temperatures of 10s of eV on femtosecond timescales, can be studied by resonant (Raman) inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) using the Linac Coherent Light Source FEL. We present single-shot measurements of the valence density of states in the x-ray-heated transient system, and extract simultaneously electron temperatures, ionization, and ionization potential energies. The RIXS spectrum provides a wealth of information on the valence structure of the HED system that goes beyond what can be extracted from x-ray absorption or emission spectroscopy alone.
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