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Generalized Lorenz Systems Family

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 نشر من قبل Guanrong Chen Professor
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Guanrong Chen

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This article briefly introduces the generalized Lorenz systems family, which includes the classical Lorenz system and the relatively new Chen system as special cases, with infinitely many related but not topologically equivalent chaotic systems in between.

قيم البحث

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A three-component dynamic system with influence of pumping and nonlinear dissipation describing a quantum cavity electrodynamic device is studied. Different dynamical regimes are investigated in terms of divergent trajectories approaches and fractal statistics. It has been shown, that in such a system stable and unstable dissipative structures type of limit cycles can be formed with variation of pumping and nonlinear dissipation rate. Transitions to chaotic regime and the corresponding chaotic attractor are studied in details.
This paper provides a unified method for analyzing chaos synchronization of the generalized Lorenz systems. The considered synchronization scheme consists of identical master and slave generalized Lorenz systems coupled by linear state error variable s. A sufficient synchronization criterion for a general linear state error feedback controller is rigorously proven by means of linearization and Lyapunovs direct methods. When a simple linear controller is used in the scheme, some easily implemented algebraic synchronization conditions are derived based on the upper and lower bounds of the master chaotic system. These criteria are further optimized to improve their sharpness. The optimized criteria are then applied to four typical generalized Lorenz systems, i.e. the classical Lorenz system, the Chen system, the Lv system and a unified chaotic system, obtaining precise corresponding synchronization conditions. The advantages of the new criteria are revealed by analytically and numerically comparing their sharpness with that of the known criteria existing in the literature.
A generalization of the Lorenz equations is proposed where the variables take values in a Lie algebra. The finite dimensionality of the representation encodes the quantum fluctuations, while the non-linear nature of the equations can describe chaotic fluctuations. We identify a criterion, for the appearance of such non-linear terms. This depends on whether an invariant, symmetric tensor of the algebra can vanish or not. This proposal is studied in detail for the fundamental representation of $mathfrak{u}(2)$. We find a knotted structure for the attractor, a bimodal distribution for the largest Lyapunov exponent and that the dynamics takes place within the Cartan subalgebra, that does not contain only the identity matrix, thereby can describe the quantum fluctuations.
Multi-wing chaotic attractors are highly complex nonlinear dynamical systems with higher number of index-2 equilibrium points. Due to the presence of several equilibrium points, randomness and hence the complexity of the state time series for these m ulti-wing chaotic systems is much higher than that of the conventional double-wing chaotic attractors. A real-coded Genetic Algorithm (GA) based global optimization framework has been adopted in this paper as a common template for designing optimum Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controllers in order to control the state trajectories of four different multi-wing chaotic systems among the Lorenz family viz. Lu system, Chen system, Rucklidge (or Shimizu Morioka) system and Sprott-1 system. Robustness of the control scheme for different initial conditions of the multi-wing chaotic systems has also been shown.
This work presents the continuation of the recent article The Lorenz system: hidden boundary of practical stability and the Lyapunov dimension, published in the Nonlinear Dynamics journal. In this work, in comparison with the results for classical re al-valued Lorenz system (henceforward -- Lorenz system), the problem of analytical and numerical identification of the boundary of global stability for the complex-valued Lorenz system (henceforward -- complex Lorenz system) is studied. As in the case of the Lorenz system, to estimate the inner boundary of global stability the possibility of using the mathematical apparatus of Lyapunov functions (namely, the Barbashin-Krasovskii and LaSalle theorems) is demonstrated. For additional analysis of homoclinic bifurcations in complex Lorenz system a special analytical approach by Vladimirov is utilized. To outline the outer boundary of global stability and identify the so-called hidden boundary of global stability, possible birth of hidden attractors and transient chaotic sets is analyzed.
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