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Speckle Interferometry of Nearby Multiple Stars: 2007-2019 Positional Measurements and Orbits of Eight Objects

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 نشر من قبل Arina Mitrofanova
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The orbits of 8 systems with low-mass components (HIP 14524, HIP 16025, HIP 28671, HIP 46199, HIP 47791, HIP 60444, HIP 61100 and HIP 73085) are presented. Speckle interferometric data were obtained at the 6 m Big Alt-azimuth Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences (BTA SAO RAS) from 2007 to 2019. New data, together with measures already in the literature, made it possible to improve upon previous orbital solutions in six cases and to construct orbits for the first time in the two remaining cases (HIP 14524 and HIP 60444). Mass sums are obtained using both Hipparcos and Gaia parallaxes, and a comparison with previously published values is made. Using the Worley & Heintz criteria, the classiffcation of the orbits constructed is carried out.

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133 - I.I. Balega 2007
The results of speckle interferometric observations of 104 binary and 6 triple stars performed at the BTA 6 m telescope in 2004 October are presented. Nearby low-mass stars are mostly observed for the program, among which 59 there are new binaries re cently discovered by the Hipparcos astrometric satellite. Concurrently with the diffraction-limited position measurements we obtained 154 brightness ratio measurements of binary and multiple star components in different bands of the visible spectrum. New, first-resolved binaries are the symbiotic star CH Cyg with a weak companion at 0.043 separation and the pair of red dwarfs, GJ 913 = HIP 118212. In addition, we derived the orbital parameters for two interferometric systems: the CN-giant pair HD 210211 = HIP 109281 (P=10.7 yr) and the G2V-K2V binary GJ 9830 = HIP 116259 (P=15.7 yr).
We present results from Speckle inteferometric observations of fifteen visual binaries and one double-line spectroscopic binary, carried out with the HRCam Speckle camera of the SOAR 4.1 m telescope. These systems were observed as a part of an on-goi ng survey to characterize the binary population in the solar vicinity, out to a distance of 250 parsec. We obtained orbital elements and mass sums for our sample of visual binaries. The orbits were computed using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm that delivers maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters, as well as posterior probability density functions that allow us to evaluate their uncertainty. Their periods cover a range from 5 yr to more than 500 yr; and their spectral types go from early A to mid M - implying total system masses from slightly more than 4 MSun down to 0.2 MSun. They are located at distances between approximately 12 and 200 pc, mostly at low Galactic latitude. For the double-line spectroscopic binary YSC8 we present the first combined astrometric/radial velocity orbit resulting from a self-consistent fit, leading to individual component masses of 0.897 +/- 0.027 MSun and 0.857 +/- 0.026 MSun; and an orbital parallax of 26.61 +/- 0.29 mas, which compares very well with the Gaia DR2 trigonometric parallax (26.55 +/- 0.27 mas). In combination with published photometry and trigonometric parallaxes, we place our objects on an H-R diagram and discuss their evolutionary status. We also present a thorough analysis of the precision and consistency of the photometry available for them.
Microlensing events can be used to directly measure the masses of single field stars to a precision of $sim$1-10%. The majority of direct mass measurements for stellar and sub-stellar objects typically only come from observations of binary systems. H ence microlensing provides an important channel for direct mass measurements of single stars. The Gaia satellite has observed $sim$1.7 billion objects, and analysis of the second data release has recently yielded numerous event predictions for the next few decades. However, the Gaia catalog is incomplete for nearby very-low-mass objects such as brown dwarfs for which mass measurements are most crucial. We employ a catalog of very-low-mass objects from Pan-STARRS data release 1 (PDR1) as potential lens stars, and we use the objects from Gaia data release 2 (GDR2) as potential source stars. We then search for future microlensing events up to the year 2070. The Pan-STARRS1 objects are first cross-matched with GDR2 to remove any that are present in both catalogs. This leaves a sample of 1,718 possible lenses. We fit MIST isochrones to the Pan-STARRS1, AllWISE and 2MASS photometry to estimate their masses. We then compute their paths on the sky, along with the paths of the GDR2 source objects, until the year 2070, and search for potential microlensing events. Source-lens pairs that will produce a microlensing signal with an astrometric amplitude of greater than 0.131 mas, or a photometric amplitude of greater than 0.4 mmag, are retained.
Joint analysis of radial velocities and position measurements of five hierarchical stellar systems is undertaken to determine elements of their inner and outer orbits and, whenever possible, their mutual inclinations. The inner and outer periods are 12.9 and 345 yr for HD 12376 (ADS 1613), 1.14 and ~1500 yr for HD 19971 (ADS 2390), 8.3 and 475 yr for HD 89795 (ADS 7338), 1.11 and 40 yr for HD 152027, 0.69 and 7.4 yr for HD 190412. The latter system with its co-planar and quasi-circular orbits belongs to the family of compact planetary-like hierarchies, while the orbits in HD 12376 have mutual inclination of 131 degrees.
179 - N.-E. N`emec 2020
Comparing solar and stellar brightness variations is hampered by the difference in spectral passbands used in observations as well as by the possible difference in the inclination of their rotation axes from the line of sight. We calculate the rotati onal variability of the Sun as it would be measured in passbands used for stellar observations. In particular, we consider the filter systems used by the CoRoT, $Kepler$, TESS, and $Gaia$ space missions. We also quantify the effect of the inclination of the rotation axis on the solar rotational variability. We employ the Spectral And Total Irradiance REconstructions (SATIRE) model to calculate solar brightness variations in different filter systems as observed from the ecliptic plane. We then combine the simulations of the surface distribution of the magnetic features at different inclinations using a surface flux transport model (SFTM) with the SATIRE calculations to compute the dependence of the variability on the inclination. For an ecliptic-bound observer, the amplitude of the solar rotational variability, as observed in the total solar irradiance (TSI) is 0.68 mmag (averaged over solar cycles 21-24). We obtained corresponding amplitudes in the $Kepler$ (0.74 mmag), CoRoT (0.73 mmag), TESS (0.62 mmag), $Gaia~ $ (0.74 mmag), $Gaia~ G_{RP}$ (0.62 mmag), and ), $Gaia~ G_{BP}$ (0.86 mmag) passbands. Decreasing the inclination of the rotation axis decreases the rotational variability. For a sample of randomly inclined stars, the variability is on average 15% lower in all filter systems considered in this work. This almost compensates for the difference in the amplitudes of the variability in TSI and $Kepler$ passbands, making the amplitudes derived from the TSI records an ideal representation of the solar rotational variability for comparison to $Kepler$ stars with unknown inclinations.
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