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Homotopy Theory of Non-singular Simplicial Sets

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 نشر من قبل Vegard Fjellbo PhD
 تاريخ النشر 2020
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A simplicial set is said to be non-singular if its non-degenerate simplices are embedded. Let $sSet$ denote the category of simplicial sets. We prove that the full subcategory $nsSet$ whose objects are the non-singular simplicial sets admits a model structure such that $nsSet$ becomes is Quillen equivalent to $sSet$ equipped with the standard model structure due to Quillen. The model structure on $nsSet$ is right-induced from $sSet$ and it makes $nsSet$ a proper cofibrantly generated model category. Together with Thomasons model structure on small categories (1980) and Raptis model structure on posets (2010) these form a square-shaped diagram of Quillen equivalent model categories in which the subsquare of right adjoints commutes.

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97 - Vegard Fjellbo 2020
The Barratt nerve, denoted $B$, is the endofunctor that takes a simplicial set to the nerve of the poset of its non-degenerate simplices. The ordered simplicial complex $BSd, X$, namely the Barratt nerve of the Kan subdivision $Sd, X$, is a triangula tion of the original simplicial set $X$ in the sense that there is a natural map $BSd, Xto X$ whose geometric realization is homotopic to some homeomorphism. This is a refinement to the result that any simplicial set can be triangulated. A simplicial set is said to be regular if each of its non-degenerate simplices is embedded along its $n$-th face. That $BSd, Xto X$ is a triangulation of $X$ is a consequence of the fact that the Kan subdivision makes simplicial sets regular and that $BX$ is a triangulation of $X$ whenever $X$ is regular. In this paper, we argue that $B$, interpreted as a functor from regular to non-singular simplicial sets, is not just any triangulation, but in fact the best. We mean this in the sense that $B$ is the left Kan extension of barycentric subdivision along the Yoneda embedding.
409 - Greg Friedman 2021
This is an expository introduction to simplicial sets and simplicial homotopy theory with particular focus on relating the combinatorial aspects of the theory to their geometric/topological origins. It is intended to be accessible to students familia r with just the fundamentals of algebraic topology.
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The purpose of this foundational paper is to introduce various notions and constructions in order to develop the homotopy theory for differential graded operads over any ring. The main new idea is to consider the action of the symmetric groups as par t of the defining structure of an operad and not as the underlying category. We introduce a new dual category of higher cooperads, a new higher bar-cobar adjunction with the category of operads, and a new higher notion of homotopy operads, for which we establish the relevant homotopy properties. For instance, the higher bar-cobar construction provides us with a cofibrant replacement functor for operads over any ring. All these constructions are produced conceptually by applying the curved Koszul duality for colored operads. This paper is a first step toward a new Koszul duality theory for operads, where the action of the symmetric groups is properly taken into account.
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