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Optical response of an interacting polaron gas in strongly polar crystals

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 نشر من قبل Serghei Klimin N
 تاريخ النشر 2019
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف S. N. Klimin

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Optical conductivity of an interacting polaron gas is calculated within an extended random phase approximation which takes into account mixing of collective excitations of the electron gas with LO phonons. This mixing is important for the optical response of strongly polar crystals where the static dielectric constant is rather high: strontium titanate is the case. The present calculation sheds light on unexplained features of experimentally observed optical conductivity spectra in $n$-doped SrTiO$_{3}$. These features appear to be due to dynamic screening of the electron-electron interaction by polar optical phonons and hence do not require additional mechanisms for the explanation.

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اقرأ أيضاً

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We present an experimental investigation of the dynamic spin response of a strongly interacting Fermi gas using Bragg spectroscopy. By varying the detuning of the Bragg lasers, we show that it is possible to measure the response in the spin and densi ty channels separately. At low Bragg energies, the spin response is suppressed due to pairing, whereas the density response is enhanced. These experiments provide the first independent measurements of the spin-parallel and spin-antiparallel dynamic and static structure factors and open the way to a complete study of the structure factors at any momentum. At high momentum the spin-antiparallel dynamic structure factor displays a universal high frequency tail, proportional to $omega^{-5/2}$, where $hbar omega$ is the probe energy.
606 - M. L. Wall , L. D. Carr 2012
We analyze a system of two-component fermions which interact via a Feshbach resonance in the presence of a three-dimensional lattice potential. By expressing a two-channel model of the resonance in the basis of Bloch states appropriate for the lattic e, we derive an eigenvalue equation for the two-particle bound states which is nonlinear in the energy eigenvalue. Compact expressions for the interchannel matrix elements, numerical methods for the solution of the nonlinear eigenvalue problem, and a renormalization procedure to remove ultraviolet divergences are presented. From the structure of the two-body solutions we identify the relevant degrees of freedom which describe the resonance behavior in the lowest Bloch band. These degrees of freedom, which we call dressed molecules, form an effective closed channel in a many-body model of the resonance, the Fermi resonance Hamiltonian (FRH). It is shown how the properties of the FRH can be determined numerically by solving a projected lattice two-channel model at the two-particle level. As opposed to single-channel lattice models such as the Hubbard model, the FRH is valid for general s-wave scattering length and resonance width. Hence, the FRH provides an accurate description of the BEC-BCS crossover for ultracold fermions on an optical lattice.
104 - Bryce Gadway , Bo Yan 2016
This paper reviews recent advances in the study of strongly interacting systems of dipolar molecules. Heteronuclear molecules feature large and tunable electric dipole moments, which give rise to long-range and anisotropic dipole-dipole interactions. Ultracold samples of dipolar molecules with long-range interactions offer a unique platform for quantum simulations and the study of correlated many-body physics. We provide an introduction to the physics of dipolar quantum gases, both electric and magnetic, and summarize the multipronged efforts to bring dipolar molecules into the quantum regime. We discuss in detail the recent experimental progress in realizing and studying strongly interacting systems of polar molecules trapped in optical lattices, with particular emphasis on the study of interacting spin systems and non-equilibrium quantum magnetism. Finally, we conclude with a brief discussion of the future prospects for studies of strongly interacting dipolar molecules.
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